
Robbery Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The robbers had just stolen a staggering 26 and a half million pounds in cash."
"The show ends with the Gecko brothers assisted by Kate robbing a bank. 'Everybody be cool.'"
"Flash mob crime: shoppers on edge after a string of stunning robberies, the latest at a luxury department store in California."
"This brings us to the perspective of the robbers of antiquity."
"Claude is backing out of a bank with two cohorts, all wearing ski masks, all armed, all carrying bags full of cash."
"We were always worried about getting robbed but if we got robbed it's like that's just a business expense at the end of the day."
"They went to one service station then the next then the next and they just like give us all your money."
"Fiction became reality on September 28th, when two men armed with explosives walked into a Bank Tennessee and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash."
"There was a robbery at Watford Church in Northamptonshire."
"A Maryland man was arrested following a failed robbery at a PNC Bank."
"He grabs the cash fast then disappears without a trace."
"Nothing was known to have been taken from the house which ruled out robbery as the motive."
"At that moment in time, bear in mind her dad has been very seriously injured, so their assumption was, you know, this was a girl who was the sole survivor possibly of a robbery gone really horribly wrong."
"Detectives originally insisted it was a robbery... it just didn't make sense."
"The loss estimated at a staggering 18.9 million dollars."
"In the time it took others at the party to drink a couple more beers, the gang had committed the largest armed robbery in U.S history."
"Robbery takes place everywhere: in the cryptocurrency market, the fiat market, real estate, stocks, precious metals, at your job, on the street—be aware."
"We're here for the banks' money, not your money. Your money is insured by the federal government. You're not gonna lose a dime."
"Surprisingly, this robbery actually went pretty well—probably their best work."
"How can a robbery possibly be a comfort? Because it would dispossess my mind of the fear of something else, murder Hastings, murder."
"He drops into the storeroom, and while Jim has no choice but to follow him, Brian sneaks into the back of the main lobby to get in a good position to shoot down the robbers."
"A man who was robbing a Citizen's Bank was shot by a patron."
"I truly wonder if whoever was robbing us was hiding in that room while I was there."
"Everyone be cool. This is a robbery. No, no, and I'll execute every last one of you."
"The Brinks Matt bullion heist is still the biggest, most notorious armed robbery to ever take place in the UK."
"A robbery requires brute force, while burglary is pure calculation."
"Will a man rob God? Yes, he will."
"Branch committed highway robbery without a gun."
"News broke of the biggest cash robbery in British history."
"They're planning to rob somebody with a light-colored vehicle."
"Some credit card rates are 30%. It's robbery."
"'It appeared to me that they were doing surveillance of the banks prior to some of the robberies because, on most occasions, they robbed the bank within ten minutes of the delivery of a cash shipment by an armored car company.'"
"In 2007 in New Hampshire, a man tried to rob a bank disguised as a tree. He walked in with leaves and twigs duct-taped to his head and body and demanded money but it was swiftly dealt with by the branch manager."
"It was apparent that these robbers would have the means to flee if they wanted to."
"Some robber comes in he's like okay that's clearly what I'm looking at I like the goal who doesn't like gold oh that's better than the book who doesn't like something beautiful and shiny that's better than this oh yeah it is way better doesn't even look gold on camera."
"Freeze put your hands up this is a robbery"
"The robbery was done with military precision, which basically means they all had a watch."
"Everybody be cool. This is a robbery. And I'll execute every [__] last one of you."
"The attackers take both of their wallets, watches, and wedding rings. Now the men are angry because there wasn't much cash."
"Damn bro, it'd be a shame if I just robbed this whole place, huh? Someone tell them the story if someone tries to rob the Stu."
"On February 4th, 2024, a Chipotle witnessed an armed robbery."
"That's like if I'm trying to rob you by sticking my hand in my coat pocket I'm like just take it up give me all your money you're like that's not a goodness you're Hanuman all right we got ten bucks I can borrow like no you just try to trick me."
"So, that's hard to pass up, and he just kept on robbin'." - Narrator
"You always got to know who you're robbing 'cause you gotta expect retaliation."
"DC robbed a bunch of 7-elevens out there with a pellet gun."
"Honestly, one of the most distinct robberies in U.S history."
"It's a goddamn travesty that they robbed us."
"Jumping ahead to 1984, we move over to a shopping mall where a group of men are robbing a jewelry store."
"Why did a robbery cost three young men their lives?"
"Most perpetrators do what they do because they hate, they want, they do things to other people because it's easier to rob them than it is to work."
"Man, bro I'm finna kill everybody like [__] tried me like I ain't never been robbed before."
"There's no upside to robbing this [__]. What about these athletes? They get robbed. Right, they don't usually die. And once you go got shot, they usually play for the Knicks. How often in comparison to rappers?"
"Men who were the best of the best, you know, Premier League robbers."
"This has been a robbery, I tell you."
"Everything is so expensive now that every time I go out and I spend money I literally feel like I'm being robbed."
"This person may be getting in trouble with some kind of robbery."
"Rose and Carolyn robbed at least 10 men of more than a quarter of a million dollars."
"When you get robbed, it's not just about your stuff or the crime. It's especially bad when you don't feel safe anymore. That's the real crime."
"Robbery was thought to be a possibility however it was disregarded when the women's valuables were discovered with the bodies."
"The former owner was an old woman who was bound and gagged, and then her whole house was robbed."
"Justice for Marty. He got robbed."
"We didn't pull up in balaclavas and stuff and do robberies that way like, you know, we'd have beards, would have, you know, yeah I mean."
"I do not think Dorit or PK made up this robbery. I think there's things that don't make sense but also being robbed at this time of your goods in your home has been happening unfortunately."
"We could knock off this bank, wouldn't we? You know, all we'd have to do is drive up and leave the motor running."
"The robbers seemed familiar with the layout of each restaurant, and went about their business with a cold efficiency."
"This robbery had quite clearly been subject to detailed planning. They'd clearly researched the topic, they clearly prepared the ground, and they executed it almost perfectly."
"I have a [__] rob me, okay? All right, coming from, he put some um, he put some, he this is at the beginning of the internet thing right so they have had his little modeling thing going on to make a long story short, [__] set me up and robbed me, right?"
"The unforeseen which is going to be robbed by some criminal."
"...I got freaking held at gunpoint and robbed recently."
"I'm convinced that that was involved in the robbery the keys fitted the barrier to the promenade where the white van was driven from and I feel that that vehicle has probably been abandoned somewhere perhaps with false plates and we'd very much like to find them."
"I got this, we're robbing Senor buns."
"I totally forgot listen I just got robbed that just came home notice the life is fun do you know these bum ass [__] just lost my crib and took the Clorox my phone the tablet and the Amazon stick like literally what you gonna do with that?"
"He ended up beating him, robbing Mitch likely just minutes before I showed up."
"A prolific gang of armed robbers."
"You can tell your friends you were just robbed by Frank and Jesse James."
"Robbing drunk or wicked robbing is said to haunt this whole vicinity."
"...I'm here to get cash, I will rob you with this [__] mask."
"Disguised as a man, Hart executed the robbery with precision."
"A humongous Formula 1 robbery just went down in Japan."
"He held up two miners who were coming into Geelong, took 33 quid off them, and then gave them a tenner back so they could enjoy Christmas."
"What does a robber say? Stick 'em up!"
"The largest robbery at the time took place at the Brinks Mat Storage Depot near Heathrow."
"Okay, don't anybody get excited. Keep your hands down, act naturally, and no one will get hurt."
"If any force is used beyond that which is necessary to simply pick up the property and take it, then it's a robbery."
"Robbery has to be immediate; the mental state of the person committing the robbery, they have to have a specific intent to take the property and to deprive the owner of it."
"Heavily armed robbers conducted a military-style operation."
"The black-clad robbers tear towards the motorcade with 67.3 million euros in gold and other precious metals."
"The evidence clearly indicated robbery, but investigators wondered if there was more."
"Throw down the box," I heard a voice say, and looked out to see this bandit standing in the road with his gun aimed at the driver.
"This man was absolutely fearless and refused to hand over his phone."
"I ain't risking my life for Subway. Here, take the cash register."
"I found a newspaper article... that detailed an armed robbery when two men had tied up the managers in the office and robbed the safe."
"Dressed like priests, robbers were able to enter the bank."
"As travellers passed through the wood on horseback or in carriage, he would leap out at them from the cover of the trees and demand their valuables at gunpoint."
"Save your breath, Judd Sparks, we're taking you down to your bank to open the safe, and if you value your life, you'll come along quietly."
"The gang that Franz was in made their money by robbing banks and smuggling in cigarettes from Poland."