
Foraging Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"I wasn't even going to come back and fish right now I'm just going to hike the fields and start gathering wild edibles."
"Help is growing all around us. After you learn this skill, walking in nature is like shopping in an all-free supermarket."
"It's the perfect end to a foraging day: pick something in the wild, we eat it."
"I'd rather get 30 pounds of meat than two and a half or three pounds of meat, so prefer turkeys and they're excellent foragers, phenomenal."
"Hopefully after watching this video hopefully after positively identifying species yourself you'll be adding at least a few of these plants to your wild food meal plan this year."
"I would dance too if I found maitake because it is amazing."
"Foraging: it stops being a mystery and just becomes something you can do."
"Foraging skill allows you to find more materials and resources in the woods."
"All grasses are edible. It might not be the tastiest meal you ever had, but it will sustain you and nourish you."
"Wild mustard is insanely nutritious. In fact, my friend and fellow forager John Kahless believes that wild mustard is the number-one most nutritious plant out there."
"This farm layout is all about foraging, and that means your farm naturally produces things you can forage and harvest."
"Harvesting wild leeks: Nature's flavor bombs 💣"
"We've got the best day for foraging ever."
"Stinging nettle seeds are edible and when they're as tall as this they can be harvested."
"Wild berries and nuts are abundant resources for foraging."
"Summertime is the best time to find mushrooms here in the Appalachian Mountains."
"That evening, her husband Bill and his brother Rupert had returned from a day of foraging for mushrooms."
"That's future groceries right there I'm telling you."
"The knowledge of foraging for edible plants will transform your world."
"We found some chanterelles; we love foraging for them, they're our favorite mushroom."
"So there we go, that was cauliflower fungus cheesy pasta foraged in Dorset and cooked here in the temporary Atomic shrimp HQ."
"I just found my first morel. Look at this, there's two. This is a perfect one."
"If you're interested in the best foraging books in the world, you need to check out the work of Samuel Thayer."
"This fall, I hope you take the chance to forage, process, and truly enjoy this amazing free ingredient."
"If you see wood violets are blooming, the morels are out."
"Witchcraft doesn't have to be expensive; it can be something that we undertake on a relatively low budget with just things that we are capable of foraging."
"We had all intentions on foraging for uh some Cleavers uh which is a really beautiful lymphatic herb."
"...this is essentially wild okra, believe it or not this is a wild edible relative of the domesticated plant called okra..."
"Successful forage. Let's go in and rinse these off."
"If you're foraging, check the policies before you go."
"I think it's just the coolest thing ever to find food in the wild that you can take home and eat."
"It was the year I found the most Morels I've ever found... mainly because I was unemployed for the entire month."
"Wild plants are much like any other domesticated plant, they taste best and are most useful when the right plant is used in the right way."
"Foraging is an endeavor you can begin in a weekend and then can continue refining for the rest of your entire life."
"The truth is, there's abundant wild food out there that's nutritious, free, and absolutely delicious."
"I'm gonna pick a little bit more of this and leave some of it to grow because the more chicken of the woods around the better as far as I'm concerned."
"These are possibly one of the best wild edibles that you can find."
"Wild foods also expand our food options...the more different types of food we eat, the more we ensure that we're getting all the different nutrients and microelements."
"I've discovered that wild edibles are rich in everything and good for everything."
"The meadow wax cap is one that I think everyone should go foraging for."
"Hope we gave you a little bit of an introduction to mushrooms and foraging mushrooms here in the spring."
"So many lovely um festive and cotswoldian elements so lots of things that we could forage from the hedgerows here in the Cotswolds."
"Just spending time under the leaves, the fact that I actually managed to come home with a small handful of berries to make myself this little cream tea, that's just a bonus. Pretty happy with that."
"I picked a handful of rose hips to take home and after washing them, I'm now ready to make a tea out of them."
"I think this is really good because relative to what the alcohol that we used earlier, Becky, we foraged for some slows last year and have them sitting in brandy ever since."
"Nettle is very abundant; you can dry the young green tender leaves and add them to soups."
"These are my friends. I've been gathering Elderberry from this area for many years and I have my same patches."
"Once you develop a search image for morels... all of a sudden they start popping out from the landscape."
"The beech tree has the widest variety of edible fungus growing with it in Britain."
"Grassland is where we go foraging for mushrooms in spring and summer."
"We're going to be cooking over some fire, catching lots of fish and uh, cooking what we can find, foraging and uh, having a blast."
"I can't emphasize enough to you how amazing it is to make your own stuff that you foraged yourself. Doesn't get much more pure and delicious."
"lean into nature if you can forage something if you can go out and like collect pine cones you don't have to buy the back of it"
"Quality forage should be their largest caloric intake."
"If you pick from clean environments, you're likely to get nice fresh healthy produce."
"It's not every day you get a feast like this, pineapple weed, we got burdock root, we got cow parsnip bulbs, we've got the stalks from the cow parsnip which we'll make into a stew, we even got cattail heads and the fish."
"Happy foraging, but be careful and look into things."
"...what a freaking perfect day now we just need chanterelles..."
"...a real forager's basic, don't overlook them."
"Sturgeon predominantly forage on either lake fly larva called redworm or on gizzard shad, a small fish in the herring family."
"Everybody has that chance to harvest something that's truly wild."
"All we want to do here really is prove why the chanterelle, or really any foraged mushroom, but especially the chanterelle, is so unique."
"Cloudberries are the perfect fruit to forage."
"There's always something to eat anywhere you are in the world. There's always going to be some kind of a food source. You just need to know the area and what food's edible."
"I hope you guys enjoy just seeing a little glimpse into what our foraging trips look like, we always look forward to them and love just getting out of town and going somewhere beautiful, serene."
"It's a kind of a little foraging basket, so you could gather your mushrooms or Autumn berries or spring greens."
"I forage, I learn about edible plants, edible mushrooms."
"Autumn takes hold in the glen, so I go foraging to look for immune-boosting ingredients ahead of the cold winter months to come."
"The spring offers so much stuff, there's so much foraging, so much fun camping, hunting, fishing."
"Carper brilliantly adapted to home in on what is the most easily available food source for the least amount of effort."
"Thank you, Forest, for these wild strawberries."
"Reading a lot of foraging books and building a personal library of various foraging books are some of the best ways to learn a craft."
"Learn each plant one at a time; that's how you learn foraging."
"We're only eating wild foods: bear, beaver, duck, grouse, and more."
"Foraging for food or for medicine is one of the best ways for us as human beings to reconnect."
"Ants exhibit remarkable collective intelligence when foraging for food."
"Another fantastic night's foraging and a wonderful family cook up."
"Chickens love to go foraging, to go hunting for stuff, it gives them something to do."
"Foraging in late summer is about collecting the last of the greens and also harvesting seeds."
"What we're after this time of year though are the seed pods called Mallow Cheeses."
"Delaware chickens make for excellent foragers."
"This is the end of the Chaga season and the beginning of the Morel season. This is a fantastic time to get outdoors and start looking for mushrooms."
"It's just a harmless bush, and it's covered in lovely blackberries."
"If you understand where the Morel mushrooms grow, if you understand their tree associations, you're going to have a much, much, much easier time finding your beloved Morel mushrooms."
"Another tree I find a lot of Morel mushrooms under would be the Tulip tree or Tulip Poplar tree, Liriodendron tulipifera."
"These are Lactarius rubidus, or the candy caps, quite a few keepers here."
"How do allocate its foragers most efficiently and effectively among the various sources of nectar that are available?"
"How well really does a colony match its foraging efforts to the foraging opportunities?"
"It's good to carry a basket or a net bag to carry your morels in; a lot of people believe it can drop spores and help the spores to catch the wind."
"Go out there and get your morels, and much love everyone, peace out."
"Porcini are some of my favorite to pick; big, bigger mushrooms are great with this."
"The blackberries are actually going into ripening right now."
"I'm excited to do some foraging, make some blackberry pie."
"I'm very happy that I was able to collect this big bucket of mushrooms."
"I love it, that's my favorite part of mushroom picking, it's just the unknown."
"One of the best things we could do during the colder months of the year with wild plants and mushrooms that we forage is create a rich, warm, hardy vegetable broth."
"I encourage you to explore your land for edible plants, medicinal plants, and mushrooms... see if you can make some vegetable broth out of it."
"What a lovely day. When you're looking for things like cockle beds, always search the beach and look for the shells."
"There's something about foraging at nighttime, so relaxing."
"This is the spot of an abalone forager's dreams, just non-stop monster 'uns."
"Look at the size of these beauties, like forager, these are great, nice big prawns."
"These top leaves, if you want to eat them raw, all you need to do is roll them up in your fingers like I say tough skin there, I'm not getting stung, pop them in and they taste a little bit like cabbage."
"All rose hips are edible and all rose petals are edible as well."
"Their bodies are designed to forage in the wild... they're picking on the grasses that suit them."
"Understanding why morels do this will help you become a morel grower, not just a hunter."
"That is one of the coolest things I've ever foraged."
"Who would have thought mushroom foraging can bring a man so much happiness?"
"It's only been about 10-15 minutes and I already have about 10 different species in here."
"Hyperphagia... causes them to forage more vigorously to help them pack on needed fat for hibernation."
"Dandelions are probably one of the best things that you can forage for to give your rabbits, full of nutrition."
"These bunches hold hundreds of teeny tiny little baby bananas that are packed tightly together."
"I'm in my prime right now for learning that skill so that by the time I am in my old age, I want to be an expert forager."
"I'm here to frolic in the woodlands and collect responsible amounts of treasured forageables."
"Chickweed is not only very common but it's also edible and extremely delicious."
"I have found a lot of great mushroom foraging spots because people don't cover their tracks."
"Foraging toys provide your rats with a great source of enrichment."
"I just really want to do blue crab catch and cook; blue crabs are delicious, and knowing that I can forage them myself and catch them is incredible."
"This is woods nettle which I eat every morning, my favorite of the probably 20 or 30 edible spring greens in this garden."
"That's the perfect time of year to come down and start foraging on the shore."
"It's autumn but there are still edible treasures to be found in the forest."
"What a wonderful way to use the wild produce growing all around us."
"We always have a garden, we are farming before we moved to Washington, so we do a lot of foraging."
"Salmonberry season, all across the countryside bushes are teeming with juicy little berries, and they're free for the taking."
"I love this sort of foraging, just absolutely dead quiet, sound of the waves."
"They are so fresh, I need to do more forages like this."
"How much would you be paying for that in a shop if you were getting spring onions or garlic? Probably quite a lot, so getting free food there and helping the environment."
"The flower buds of the rowan tree can be picked in April, they have a delicious almond or marzipan flavour."
"All species have horns that are used primarily for self-defense but are also used for foraging."
"The nice thing about looking for birch polypores is if you found them on a tree last year, they're probably going to be on that tree again this year."
"There are so many ways to forge and hunt and fish for your own food here if you're willing to put the time in to do it."
"Foraging is just such an important behavior for birds because that's what they spend most of their time doing in the wild."
"In Sweden we call them smultron and I used to forage these in the woods behind my grandparents' house."
"It always amazes me, and perhaps the better word would be fascinates me, how much food one can gather from the forest and from the earth."
"Now with elderberries, you're looking for the majority of this fruit head to be turning this deep purple black."
"These berries on the ground, they're called mulberries, they are edible."
"Capuchin monkeys are natural foragers for fruit, vegetables, and protein."
"The purpose of this netting is to allow the turkeys to go out and forage."
"Foraging and nesting are natural behaviors for a hamster."
"I went foraging in the forest and guess what I found? Copper mushrooms."
"When you're foraging mushrooms, it's important to not only know which ones you can eat but also which ones you can't."
"You can't eat berries and mushrooms if you don't know what they are; they may be poisonous."
"Yes, this is shepherd's purse, one of the edible wild vegetables."
"Their front hands have an efficient grip and two thumbs on either hand, perfect for foraging the eucalyptus leaves."
"Their love for foraging for both wild plants and mushrooms has led them to create their very popular website."
"Happy hunting, I hope you find lots of morels this year."
"Enjoying working with things that we've foraged, so happy crafting."
"It was a good day for black scallops, I got quite a few."
"Mushrooms have a good flavor, and different kinds have the ones you gather in the woods are so good."
"Foraging can be a blast, sort of like an Easter egg hunt for adults."
"Huckleberries are absolutely delicious, but you have to wait until the berries turn black then you can eat them."
"Spring in the Cotswolds is just gorgeous; you could come and do some wild garlic picking if you come in those months."
"If animals are left to forage on hundreds of varieties of plants, they're literally eating the medicines in all of those plants."
"Truffles are not farmed; they grow in the forest, and we use dogs to hunt for them."
"It's amazing how much they eat in a foraging session like this."
"Dandelions are good to eat; pretty much every part of the dandelion is edible."
"Beauty Berry is an awesome, awesome native edible to get into."
"Muscadine grapes check your backyard, you may have some there already."
"Masai giraffes... getting all those yummy leaves and seeds from those trees."
"A red-billed hornbill sifting through piles of dirt to pick out termites and ants."
"Good morning, oh beautiful little family group, busy doing a little early morning foraging before they go down for the rest throughout the day."
"Elephants are pretty active pretty much all the time, they spend about 18 hours a day collecting food."
"What elephants are doing is preying upon plants; it's the same thing, ecologically speaking."
"A really important thing when you're foraging is to not take too much."
"It's time to get out, do a little birding, find some Warblers, and go look for a mushroom or two."
"They're looking for new growth of small little trees that they can feed off."
"We are collecting forest treasures specifically nuts, berries, and mushrooms."
"You could almost forage in your own garden and find something to eat all year round."
"Woodpeckers peck at wood to search for their favorite food, insects."
"I've been collecting mushrooms now for about four or five weeks, so I've been finding them nearly every time I go for a walk."
"It's a great way to get outside, get some exercise, and forage for your own food."
"Fresh berries from the homestead are phenomenal, but there is nothing like going out into the wilderness and just harvesting berries that you didn't plant, you didn't tend, you just have to go pick them."
"If you're hunting and foraging, you want to get to this section here, this is the produce section."