
DNS Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"DNS is one of those things that is a very simple concept but why we get paid the big bucks is taking that simple concept and turning it into a complex infrastructure that solves your security issues."
"DNS translates the domain name to an IP address so that the web browser knows where to connect to."
"The DNS system uses human readable names and translates it into a language that computers understand."
"DNS or Domain Name System is a global decentralized distributed database that lets you store IP addresses and other data and look them up by name."
"Route 53 is the service where you register your domain name you register your traffic policies."
"DNS servers can protect you from malicious websites."
"The DNS translates domain names such as google.com into individual host names into their matching IP addresses."
"The DNS does one very important job: it translates memorable website addresses into the horribly unmemorable IP addresses."
"Route 53 is a web service with highly available domain name system or the DNS that helps user to Route software by translating text into IP address."
"DNS is a globally distributed service that is foundational to the way people use the internet."
"DNS: Domain Name System used to translate easily remembered domain names like google.com into an IP address like"
"That's how you configure Active Directory, that's how you configure DNS DHCP and how to create a basic group policy object."
"This is the DNS part that a lot of people doing private have a harder time with because public, it makes sense that you need your public DNS not to point to your internal IPs of your servers."
"So thus, a very creative hack called the OPT resource record was created."
"It adds support for additional DNS extensions."
"DNS is a globally distributed identifier database."
"It prefers to cache, it prefers to keep it for longer because it can instantly give you the answer that's faster."
"A DNS enumeration doesn't tell you anything about an unsupported operating system version."
"Active directory integrated zones give you high availability because if a DNS server goes down, another domain controller with DNS installed can still make changes."
"Get those gains, yeah, for sure. It was nice responding to my DNS."
"DNS works by going up to the root of the internet and asking for directions."
"It's amazing how easy it is to troubleshoot DNS once you understand how it works."
"DNS is like a telephone book taking a name converting it to a telephone number."
"Quite a few people are unaware that you can use public DNS like this."
"Name server is responsible to convert www.google.com into"
"Awareness of the criticality of DNS for business will continue to grow because of high-profile attacks."
"By most historical accounts, '85 was the birth of the modern DNS system as we know it now."
"DNS servers are very important because machines only understand IP addresses that are converted into binaries."
"DNS translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses that computers can understand."
"DNS acts as the translator that helps us find the right IP address associated with that domain name, just like a phone book helps us find the right phone number for our friend."
"We were able to successfully figure out that...it was just a DNS resolution failure."
"The DNS record probably just didn't get updated here so that's not an issue."
"By the end of this module, you'll be able to describe why name resolution is important."
"Try to imagine a world where you'd have to remember every IP for every website you visit while also having to memorize new ones if something changed."
"DNS serves lots of purposes and might be one of the most important technologies to understand as an IT support specialist, so you can effectively troubleshoot networking issues."
"The importance of DNS for how the internet operates today can't be overstated."
"DNS is one of the most important technologies that an IT support specialist needs to in order to troubleshoot networking issues."
"Amazon Route 53 provides high availability and low latency by globally distributed DNS servers."
"The nice thing about Office 365 is that when you're first setting this up... you have the option to allow Office 365 to create DNS records for you."
"The most important thing is the public DNS name for us to actually connect to this endpoint."
"The role of the DNS is to provide translation between names and services and IP addresses."
"You can think about the DNS as a highly distributed, high scale, high performance distributed database."
"The DNS is an absolutely critical network function that has to work at amazing scales and also an amazing performance."
"DNS is basically a phonebook for the internet; it changes names into IP addresses so computers can talk to each other."
"DNS lookup happens in the background using the thread pool when calling fetch."
"If you want to play with the cool kids and set up your own recursive server that can do DOT, then you can do that."
"The domain name system, or the DNS, can be considered as the phone book of the internet."
"Selecting the right routing policy will definitely enable you to implement a high-performing DNS system for your solutions."
"The DNS makes it easier for humans like us to remember these addresses without having to memorize the IP addresses."
"So using Quad 9 as a middle man helps with speed, and also the privacy of your queries sent to the authoritative servers."
"Quad 9 really stands out in this regard because they’re one of the few DNS providers that actually supports encryption for the client."
"A recent study determined that approximately one third of cybersecurity breaches could be blocked by a DNS-based system such as Quad9."
"Let's see how to set up DNS for HDRC."
"You can add all the different records."
"DNS isn't just one server, it's not just one system; it's actually a very large distributed system with servers all across the internet."
"You can also do some advanced routing using DNS; for example, based on the end user's location, you can give them a different IP address."
"DNS or the Domain Name System... when you buy a domain... we need to connect the domain name to our server by setting up DNS records."
"There's a saying among network administrators that the problem is always somehow related to DNS."
"A direct name resolution is the one in which you ask your DNS server a domain name or a machine name, and the DNS server will respond to you with the corresponding IP address."
"Dynamic DNS allows clients to adjust their own DNS records as they change. This can be a real time saver."
"Services get durable IP addresses and also they get DNS names."
"DNS isn't just for websites though, and multiple types of domain or DNS records exist."
"CNAME record or Canonical Name, these records resolve to another domain name."
"I'd like to have my own name server for that, mainly because you could potentially get a little bit faster answer to queries."
"It's a very common DNS server that you'll find in Linux environments."
"You have a functioning DNS server."