
Saturation Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"It's so hard for something to truly be saturated because you can always market it in a new way."
"We are oversaturated if you want to see that put into play."
"People are tired of being forced under throats constantly."
"The cool factor of anything wears off when everything does it."
"Knowing how the internet works and how many more people are trying to become rappers once people find out about a new way that artists are getting attention it gets flooded and oversaturated so quickly that nobody else can benefit from it."
"Y'all have oversaturated the market with this chosen one's talking point and it has lost power."
"The target audience is unclear... the market is already occupied."
"I think it's become oversaturated and inspired other people and I don't wanna be affiliated with them."
"Vibrance is definitely better... it leaves the already saturated colors alone."
"Do I think the superhero thing is ending? I think it is peak, it has peaked."
"Saturation diving simply means... all 16 of those theoretical tissue compartments have as much gas compressed into them that they can hold."
"If you want to be an influencer, it's so hard now, so hard. It's so oversaturated."
"When the internet likes something they have this habit of absolutely feeding it into the ground until everyone is sick of it."
"There's nobody left for Hollow, he's battled everyone."
"I love the world of those movies but there's only so much I can take."
"The truth is out there, it's just that now you can't determine what's the truth and what's [] because they've oversaturated the market with so much []."
"At some point, it's like, how much politics can I take in?"
"But I got bored with it. After 1900 hours and all of those videos, I really didn't want to touch this game ever again."
"I've watched so much wrestling the last week, it's coming out of my ears."
"The internet is saturated with stores, it's very competitive."
"That's saucy, it's not gonna be similar, I don't want to go for too saturated."
"The more light we have in it, the more white it has in it, and therefore the less saturation it can show."
"Influencer culture became too potent; everybody's an influencer these days."
"We've reached this critical mass when it comes to oversaturation of information, oversaturation of social media."
"It's just too many blockbusters out there. There's a glut of blockbusters and we have no breathing room at all."
"The very zenith of this trend came in the inaugural Brickyard 400 in August, where 86 drivers entered the race—enough to fill the 43-car field twice."
"When people can type something into an AI and get all the fan service they want, they're going to get overexposed to it and that'll stop them from caring."
"Erosion is for adding grit and kind of like the extra dirt to something without saturating it."
"As I mentioned earlier d-log M has less contrast and less saturation and you use this to help preserve your highlights and create a better look out of your footage."
"We're all inundated with it you know Gary Vaynerchuk has a great phrase he said marketers ruin everything right so of course everyone's getting hammered and spammed in one-on-one LinkedIn messages."
"It's getting out of hand, wild time for every superhero content creator."
"I don't think I'll ever crave Chipotle again after this. I think I'm all Chipotle out."
"...if a niche is super saturated that means that there is opportunity in that niche."
"There's certain characteristics that distortion and saturation and all those electronics add to music."
"It's saturated with the Bible. It's saturated with the Word of God."
"What if you just created more designs in that same Niche what if you saturated it if you fattened it out if you had 100 designs in this very same Niche you would be 10% so it is a lot more likely for your designs to be found when someone searches for these specific designs."
"The power of real stories versus endless superhero content."
"I've made this entire video, this annoyingly long video, but chances are it'll be just another drop in the pond."
"It's an incredible opportunity. Similar to how it was on Instagram when it first started when the platform wasn't as saturated as it is today."
"It's like superhero fatigue, right?"
"I mean if you look at every other sport the way people consume content YouTube is so heavy and disc golf even though it's more saturated now than like when we started it's still not saturated by any means."
"...anytime you want to add a little bit of color but it is affecting the skin tones when you are working with your saturation go to the vibrance..."
"...the genre had clearly gotten saturated and was about to collapse under its own weight..."
"I felt that we were milking that story to a point that it was really overkill."
"I realize that if I go too dark, then you lose the saturation of the colors."
"I think if anybody else does the same thing, like you wouldn't want to see that all night. But eventually, it's gonna get played out."
"...nothing can be oversaturated because there's an audience for everybody."
"Beauty is something that we are bombarded with."
"If you put it in from bottom watering or you water from the top, at the end if you lift two fully saturated samples of soil, given that the same volume, they're going to be the same saturation volume."
"Working for somebody else ain't going to cut it. It ain't, 'cause it's so saturated there. I mean, the job and the business opportunities are saturated."
"The whole world is tired of superheroes."
"I didn't listen to any music, I could not, I was saturated."
"There will come a point where you can no longer stuff more ads down someone's throat."
"Imagine how many ads you've seen in the last 24 hours."
"I could not believe the vibrancy of this, you guys, like it looks so saturated and pigmented, it came out beautiful."
"The saturation of the yellow pigment used is very pure and vibrant."
"Smartphone sales have peaked in 2018; now they're going down."
"I'm over pumpkin, no more pumpkin"
"What I mean by that is similar to that concept to Headroom in the case of when you hit a string, how loud can it jump before it just labels out, saturates?"
"Numb to the RGB, you know it's cool and all guys but I don't know, it's getting old."
"We are exposed to over 10,000 ads per day - that's a lot of different people and corporations trying to sell us something."
"I tend to prefer adding contrast using the curves... tends to boost saturation as well at the same time."
"I mean I think one of the things that they do really well is their use of color right and saturation."
"I know I'm not the only person who's been scrolling on Instagram and seeing just the same item of clothing over and over again."
"More saturation doesn't mean better footage and less doesn't mean more artsy."
"As soon as you set up an account, you were monetized. Now it's very saturated with people and yarn and crochet knitting community."
"Have we reached pink saturation yet?"
"If we are looking at saturation, some people will do a stepwise increase of creatine to get to a certain saturation, and they'll find that that helps eliminate that extra body water bloat."
"If you are the niche, saturation ceases to exist; everyone will have a unique product that serves people at their level of mind and helps raise the collective consciousness."
"People are getting bored of superhero media."
"This movie is so much that I almost got numb at a certain point."
"I think it's obviously much more difficult as time has gone on as more people come into the space."
"When you just churn them out like that, it muddies the otherwise great superhero movies that did come out. So it's kind of having the repeat from The Westerns again."
"The saturation on the preamp side of things being able to dial in different types of saturation right on your track just add to that color."
"There's a certain point where you've had your fill of accolades."
"Short notes or passages that only stay in a register for a brief amount of time will tend not to oversaturate a register."
"Once something becomes too popular, it gets dull and boring."
"Saturation makes it glue things together in a way it blends things together in a very subtle way."
"Alkenes are described as being unsaturated hydrocarbons as compared to alkanes, which are saturated hydrocarbons."
"I'm looking at my monitor here I wish you guys could see how desaturated it is."
"Saturation is different from preamp to preamp. Some people may love the sound of the Manley VoxBox because it has a specific type of saturation that adds a color and a sound."
"Anime content creation is saturated but anime is only getting bigger every year."
"...consistency will always be rewarded in this industry... people will all like at the end of the day consistency will always be rewarded in this industry especially now again because the industry is becoming more saturated."
"Gouache stands out because it is supersaturated."
"Saturation is there and I don't even think about saturation, I'm getting the result."
"I want to create harmonics where and why what I'm trying to do I'm trying to replace an EQ with saturation."
"I try to get perceived loudness with saturation."
"So, to the question of is it getting oversaturated? More than likely not."
"That is amazing! I can't take any more!"
"Saturation occurs when water can no longer hold any more solid, and additional solid won't dissolve."
"...because I think that so much of the humor here is really great, this is easily uh Aster's most funny film by far, but towards the end it feels like we're ringing the dishrag dry a little bit."
"You can get so saturated with the anointing that it cannot be contained."
"...I love this formula I do I would totally get more shades if I didn't have so many lip products..."
"...how much of the same product you want to get until you know you just want to put it down absolutely..."
"Marvel movies have completely burnt me out."
"Everything else is so oversaturated, better than Twitch."
"Hope they realized they're oversaturating the market."
"His Word just completely saturates me with everything that God is. Are you with me?"
"I think there isn't overabundance, and there's too many people just emulating what other people are doing."
"If an offer method saturates, it's actually a good thing because it makes new offers and methods 10 times better."
"The clipping stage is responsible for introducing distortion into the signal, which creates a saturated guitar sound."
"I really hope we are approaching critical mass of this industry and we're heading for another crash."
"Love what you love, read that smut, read that spice, read that naughtiness, but I just feel like it's pushed on us so much, it's just been that one thing that's been like picked up and spewed in our faces all day every day, and I'm tired of it."
"The reality is there's so many games, there's a very, very, very few new ideas."
"Parallel saturation can be one of the greatest tricks in your bag."
"This lens makes pretty saturated colors, which is just the way I like it."
"Colors are extraordinary, they're slightly cool, very saturated, very striking, really pumped up."
"Vibrance is an intelligent saturation... it will also protect against skin tones."
"Once you've seen a thousand car chases, you've seen them all."
"The element of unreality, or perhaps of a reality so saturated with its own presence that it had made a leap into the unreal."
"Everything in our life must be saturated by the Word of God."
"You want to have your brush saturated but not overly saturated."
"The Box Trucking game is extremely, extremely saturated right now."
"There comes a point in one's journey, particularly if that hobby is fueled by purchases, where it just doesn't really bring much joy anymore."
"The world is saturated with meaning; it's dripping with it."
"If relative humidity is 100%, it means that the air is saturated with water vapor and cannot hold any more."
"Hue refers to the color we perceive; saturation refers to the intensity of the hue."
"We've got really good saturation, lighter tones, mid tones, deep tones, and some great crossover between these colors."
"I gotta have something different. Teslas are absolutely everywhere."
"If the air surrounding the bulb is already saturated with water, there will not be any evaporation from the surface of the bulb."
"Some may say the market is becoming oversaturated with these kinds of stories, while others can't seem to get enough of these unique and independent series."
"The nanotech idea is so oversaturated, it isn't a novelty anymore."
"Vibrance is to do with the intensity of the color, the purity of it, where saturation is all to do with the power of that color and the amount of color found in the photo."
"I'm just going to help bring out the saturation and details by using my colored pencils."
"It's cool the first few times, but when half the seasonless can blow up the universe, it starts to feel less impressive."
"Vibrance controls the colors or the saturation of just the midtone colors where saturation affects colors globally across your photo."
"Crime is at an all-time high, advertisements are in the water, and on top of that, everybody is a cyborg."
"How do we find new ways to reinvent all of the stuff that we're so overexposed to all the time?"
"I'm over the song, but that's because I've been listening to it."
"In the future, there will be 500 TV channels, but nothing to watch."
"Every new additional streaming service makes the world slightly worse."
"Markets get saturated because there's a lot of demand. That's a good problem."
"A saturated solution or a rag saturated with liquid, I think of full; it's holding the most that it can of a certain thing."
"It's a very common look when you want that ultra stylized high saturation look."
"It's very important to have both saturation contrast and color contrast in a drawing."
"The goal is to saturate the wood to the point where it's not going to take any more through multiple coats."
"Demon Slayer is milking it too far to the point where people are starting to lose interest."
"I'm sick of all the negative stuff that we consume and there's not enough people doing just positive stuff."
"The quality of color and the levels of saturation produced are also excellent."
"The idea of over saturating yourself with your own creativity or your own parameters or desire to reinvent the wheel."
"The colors blended beautifully, they are so rich, so saturated, so pigmented."
"There's a drive parameter to add some saturation to the filter."
"It's just shooting so much that that bullet fire just became white noise to me."
"Saturation is the intense versus the dull colors."
"If you're tired of stories about something, it doesn't shove a bunch more in your face."
"Once your life only consists of 10 out of 10 activities, experiences, meals, and travel, it becomes very challenging to experience that same joy again once it becomes normalized."
"Most of the low hanging fruits in computer science have already been reaped and dissected in detail."
"K-pop has become so popular... because Western pop music feels a little bit full."
"The knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth like waters on the Seas, saturating everything everywhere."
"How many cow puns are they going to milk?"
"I've seen enough to know I've seen too much."
"I'm saying if the electronic music market was saturated with this kind of sound, I wouldn't even be mad."
"Society is oversaturated by individuals that want to be, and are heroes."
"Could I interest you in everything all of the time? A little bit of everything all of the time?"
"All frameworks grow in complexity to the point where nobody can use them anymore."
"We've moved from low saturation being the indication for immediate intubation to never intubating until we've already achieved the highest saturation we possibly can."
"It's getting overcrowded and there's nothing special about superheroes anymore."
"The TM30 color render results were 91% average color accuracy with 104% average color saturation."
"The colors are really bright and vibrant and saturated."
"I'm over COVID; I'm over people getting it."
"I'm using the view transform of filmic and the look at very high contrast just to pop out the colors and make everything look more contrasty and saturated."
"Revival is a community saturated with God."
"Try a colorless blender marker... it really saturates the colors and just fuses them all together to give a really nice smooth piece."
"It's very buttery and so bright and saturated."
"As you come closer to the foreground, things get a little higher contrast, a little more saturated, a little bit warmer."
"This function saturates; it reaches a maximum value which we'll call beta."
"The saturation vapor pressure is the maximum amount you can have."
"How long before you've read every new book that will ever be written, watched every new show that will ever premiere, heard every song that will ever be performed, played every new video game that will ever be developed?"
"Definitely going to be one of those trips where you get sort of 'viewed out' where you just see these spectacular things like this mountain ahead, river on the side, and you just get used to it because you're seeing it all the time."
"It's critical during testing that the soil be 100% saturated."
"We're probably going to saturate what we can do with these ungrounded giant systems in the next few years."
"I'm going to add a bit of the saturation back into it just to make sure it's popping really nicely."
"I was burnt out on Survivor after 13 seasons of it being so close to it."
"There's a low gain region, a warmer more saturated zone, and a high gain zone with much more saturation."
"Pop art cool, detached, commercial in an image-saturated world of comics, advertisements, and movies now in Technicolor, all competing for attention."
"Relative humidity tells us how close the air is to being saturated, not how much vapor there is in the air."
"If it were too lightly saturated, it would be less valuable because this one is very deeply saturated, it has a lot more value."
"The color, the low end, and the low midrange, this type of saturation is just so musical."
"Life, I've made a whole lot of lemonade, nobody wants to buy anymore, am I limited man?"
"The watchword in this part is saturation; we want to try and get as much of the air out of the system as possible."
"The saturation tool helps bring out some of the intensity of our colors in our image."
"They kind of saturate your image without making it look unrealistic."
"The colors are vivid, nicely saturated."
"If you're trying to change one color and it's not working out for you, boost the saturation to 100% to see exactly what's being affected."
"The natural areas, the grasses, the flowers, and waters are all saturated with color and very deep and vibrant but are also very simple."
"Fully and completely saturate your mind with the imaginal act."
"Hue, saturation, and lightness make a cylindrical system."
"There comes a point in your life where you've experienced all there is to experience in a certain field."
"What if I was to tell you that you, yes, speaking to you, may be oversaturating your mixes and not even realizing it?"
"At the laser threshold, the population inversion will go into saturation and with this effect, the creation of photons by stimulated emission will start."
"It looks at the areas that don't have too much saturation and it adds more saturation into them."
"When you're adding in shadows, you want to go darker and more saturated in color."
"The water content is fully saturated meaning all of the voids are full of water at the water table and below."
"Music industry is oversaturated, every song is a hit song, everybody is a star."
"The saturation magnetization is based on the applied field, how much of these magnetic moments are aligned."
"If an experience is always available at all time and it's always going on, it's not an experience anymore."
"The colors are relatively vivid and saturated, the gradients are pleasingly smooth."
"Vibrance is really interesting; it's attempting to increase the saturation of your entire image without over saturating things."
"I don't go to Disneyland because I live too close to Disneyland; it's essentially ruined."
"They don't really see anything else but what they feel because they've already seen it all."