
Spiritual Listening Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"In order to hear this still voice, you too must be still for a time."
"The church listens to its Lord through his word."
"Endless Joy comes to those who listen and have God's word in their hearts."
"Faith comes by hearing the word concerning Christ."
"Speak, Lord, for your children are listening."
"Listen to the call of your soul. It will never lead you astray."
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema of God."
"Let us hear what you're saying, Father. Give us ears to hear."
"This is the potential when you my friend choose to listen to the spirit the the inner calling the Intuition your instincts."
"Don't do anything against your spirit. Listen to yourself."
"Just by desiring to hear srimad-bhagavatam, that very moment Krishna enters the heart."
"The greatest gift I have received from God is my ability to listen, understand, and be compassionate."
"Positioning ourselves as hearers of God is huge."
"Take time each day to enjoy Creation. And most importantly, slow down and listen to what the Creator says to you."
"Positive shifts are coming, thank you for listening."
"God is talking to us but we either can't hear them or we're not listening."
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God. So whatever you hear the most, that's what you're gonna have faith in."
"Will you get up? That's God speaking to you."
"if I just get better at listening to God when I was supposed to"
"God is not silent. He has made his will known and he will continue to make it known. The question we have to answer is, are we listening?"
"Success in emotional and spiritual terms comes from listening to your sixth sense."
"God is speaking all the time; the question is, are we picking up the transmission?"
"What your soul has been wishing for is being heard and it is coming forward."
"Those who can hear, hear the word of the Lord."
"How can you hear from God if your inner dialogue is so busy talking?"
"Listen to your instincts, listen to your intuition, you will be guided."
"Continue to listen to The Whispers of your soul."
"But, I hope you do. And most importantly, no matter how busy you are, take time every day to slow down, and listen to what the Creator is saying to you."
"My friend, it's not the voice you hear, it's the voice you heed."
"I am His sheep. I hear His voice. He knows me, and I follow Him."
"Allah listens to the one that Praises him."
"...if you're willing to listen the father is willing to speak."
"God has his way of speaking to your heart if you wait long enough and ask him."
"Put yourself beneath the Bible and take the attitude of Samuel when he says Speak Lord your servant hears."
"Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches."
"The only way that our faith can increase is when we hear more and more about what Jesus has said and what Jesus has done."
"Faith cometh by hearing, and by the word of God."
"Yea, today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
"The Creator listens to their words, and He has contentment and delights with them."
"When you speak, give us the faith to obey."
"He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying."
"O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord."
"In the name of Jesus, you can say, 'Lord, soften my heart, open my ears so that I can listen to you even when times are good.'"
"Speak Lord, for your servant heareth."
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says."
"The day that you hear His voice, harden not your heart."
"Always listen to what God is saying in your heart and follow that."
"You have to listen to the whisper."
"By hearing about Rama, two things happen: a person becomes free from envy and being in this world one is free from all material bondage."
"He's not a God that ignores our prayers but communicates to those who listen."
"The day that you hear my voice, harden not your heart."
"God's word has to click at some point, and that's what I listen to."
"He who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
"Your life will never ever be the same, and you will be able to hear God's voice easily for the rest of your life."
"Intercession for me is a dialogue where I pray but I stop, I wait to listen to hear what does the Lord have to say concerning the situation."
"Two weeks ago I started to hire a new copilot, but the Spirit of God said no, there's a student coming and I want to have the job, and you're my man."
"Sometimes you got to be quiet and let God talk to you."
"It's a sense of listening to that still small voice that gives us the highest guidance."
"Listening to the voice of God is the best thing we can do for ourselves and those around us."
"I really truly truly believe that a lot of problems would go away if I just really listen to what spiritually is ailing me."
"We need that spiritual ability to hear your voice today."
"I hear God seeing some different stuff, Candy. I always heard God."
"Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand."
"He who has an ear, let them hear."
"Manifestation comes when we have eyesight, when we have the ability to hear what the Spirit is saying."
"The universe has a plan; it speaks to us, you just have to listen."
"Speak, Lord, for we are listening."
"And thine ears shall hear a voice behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it."
"Incline your ear, and come to me. Here, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you."
"Morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned."
"When we hear the words of Christ, we become His."
"All ears hear only the divine play of the Lord."
"Faith cometh by hearing, hearing with intelligence, and hearing by the word of God."
"You can't follow God unless you hear Him speak."
"Every miracle of God begins with hearing from Him."
"When the good Lord put something on my heart, I'm gonna listen."
"We must be in the quiet place to allow the Lord to speak to our hearts because he speaks in a whisper."
"Fasting helps you to hear heaven's music."
"May the Lord give us ears to hear."
"Open my ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church."
"He that had an ear, let him hear."
"Real change begins in the invisible world and it starts with listening to the guidance of our angels and to you."
"Let those who have an ear, let them hear."
"New ears, new ears, new ears; you shall hear God so clear."
"You be blessed, you be tuned in, you hear the father's voice and you be strong in all your being."
"Listen to your heart and your soul is yearning for something."
"Our ears are open, our spiritual ears are open to hear everything that you have to say."
"The energy around us is always talking to us, but you've got to be in the right frame of mind to hear it."
"Keep praying, your prayers are being heard."
"You're going to have to trust your gut intuition and instinct or your psychic ability or listening to your guides."
"Spirit has been listening to you."