
Rehearsal Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"They were so well rehearsed at playing live."
"Alyssa, what do you need from me? I'm in rehearsal."
"Reminder guys, I'm treating this almost as a dress rehearsal for DM2 because that likely will be in the next leg."
"One mistake during rehearsal and you owe us a cup of bubble tea. Boss, you're relentless."
"We rehearsed every scene we did that movie like a play with three weeks of rehearsal."
"What are you most excited for? I'm most excited for rehearsing the show and then performing and everyone having a good 'ah.'"
"Because you go, 'If it goes terribly wrong we go, 'Well, at least we didn't rehearse it that much.'"
"I won't break, I've practiced this in my sleep."
"Every time we do rehearsals with Casey, we imagine that we're on a stage, you visualize your life of course."
"He'll actually, you know, sometimes during rehearsal, he'll actually tell you who that character you're playing would have been if he made that movie in the 50s."
"I prefer television because in movies, you're expected to show up and then they're gonna shoot. Television, you have rehearsals."
"He was integral in because we would do a lot of rehearsals, coming up with, 'You know, we need a bridge here, you know, we need this here.'"
"I've seen him come to rehearsal and do a scene and I said, 'That's it, he's got it! That's terrific.'"
"Well, it's two hours until the next session, so, I guess I'll go run lines at a coffee shop or something."
"That feeling of practicing before the actual performance."
"You're either rehearsing with the equipment that you're gonna use or you're not rehearsing. It doesn't make any sense to rehearse with anything other than what they used that night."
"For sure like the insane rehearsal schedule and like understanding like exactly like kind of like what my body is going to be put through."
"To put it lightly, R Lee Ermey had a very unique way of rehearsing."
"The second purpose of the Feast of the Lord was to provide a prophetic picture of what the Messiah would do. In fact, Leviticus 23:2 tells us that the Feast of the Lord were meant to be rehearsals."
"It's almost like a practice run, you know?"
"She had to rehearse quite a bit and time out her movements so that he could be replaced with a CG character I think the coolest move that I've done I'm on top of this like 6'8 man's shoulder just punching down and then flipping so it's all pretty cool."
"I loved a short rehearsal, sure, and I think that's one thing that's a little wrong with a lot of the TV shows now."
"First, take your time. Have several IEM rehearsal sessions so that musicians can get used to them, adjust their settings, and benefit from your support."
"I knew that it was funny. I knew that it was funny from the moment we started rehearsing. I knew there was something strange because the teamsters were attracted to the girls in the band."
"You want to practice in full speed exactly what it's going to be like."
"This practice of taking a note initially into your pocket notebook, then a second time into the index of your pocket notebook, and then a third time digitally into obsidian, this is what's called maintenance rehearsal."
"I want my slide so I can do it same thing so I can get comfortable tonight."
"Gracie, will you give us a dry run of the pitch when you're ready?"
"The band would rehearse at the Connor brothers parents video rental store, but even from the start things were difficult for the band."
"I want everyone to answer this but I'll say that this is maybe the best rehearsed movie in the history of movies because you're seeing a movie where everyone has performed in these scenes literally hundreds of times."
"This is not a dress rehearsal, do you understand?"
"...I like to practice how I'm going to play."
"Byelections are dry runs, they're dress rehearsals."
"He once spent four consecutive days in my office going over every one of his scenes with me, insisting that I write it so that he was strong and real."
"Cut ah we're gonna take this from the top and you're gonna do it longer foreplay."
"You deserve a stress-free rehearsal day and wedding day."
"Rehearsal is about putting prepared ingredients together. You show up prepared, knowing the music, the notes, the lyrics, and how it needs to be performed, then you mix your ingredient with others' to form the final product—the rehearsed show."
"It's like a dress rehearsal. The main thing's not to worry."
"We just rehearse it, wrestling is rehearsed."
"Play the what-if game. Start rehearsing in your head, planning."
"Elaborative rehearsal involves thinking of the meaning of new information and its relation to knowledge already stored in memory."
"We'd be about 45 minutes of rehearsal done and three hours of talking, but it was so fun."
"Life is really not a dress rehearsal."
"Let's make some history turn the lights on your phone I want to do a practice run here let's make some history turn the lights on your phone let's see him up in the sky light this place up real quick"
"I always sang at GNR rehearsal, most of the rehearsals. It was usually just the band, Axl wasn't usually at all the rehearsals, so I'd always been guide vocs for Welcome to the Jungle and Paradise City and all that stuff, and it was always something I'd been doing."
"...part one was a kind of major rehearsal to do part two it was really like we learned so much."
"Tom, you're so talented because that we just saw this rehearsal and we were blown away by your vocal abilities."
"There's no shortcut to greatness. Just one path: hard work and rehearsal."
"This is just a horse dancing for 3 hours. See what happens when you gloss over rehearsals?"
"It is so important to practice before you get to the actual night. It's just going to give you all the more confidence because you've done this a few times already."
"Treatment repeated rehearsal of scripts via structural treatment with a clinician and practice at home improves speech production in some cases for as long as nine months to a year."
"So we rehearse a whole week like 10 hours a day every day."
"The best rehearsals start way before you actually get to the rehearsal room."
"I think one of the biggest changes for us was when we were rehearsing every day at your after school at your house."
"We had every rehearsal was like 'we're gonna nail this, we're gonna nail this' and that was contagious."
"Okay, good. Musicians are so pathetic that they do that, you know? I mean, like, what a smelly guitar that must be, yeah, man."
"That's not the one I want then. Hold on, sorry, sorry. Right one, take five. Everybody take five."
"I worship spontaneity. I don't like anything that seems rehearsed."
"Can I rehearse my number again? Can I? Well, oh, all right, fellas, let's take it once again, thank you."
"Rehearsals are the opportunity to make something better, even though you've got it 99% down."
"Beyonce is one of those performers that you don't really need she don't really need that much a rehearsal."
"One thing is for sure, we have been in rehearsal mode for the past 60 years of the Antichrist."
"We don't do any rehearsal other than homework."
"Everything had to be done rehearsed very well and very closely because we wanted you to have the experience of watching a play that was happening in front of you being in the play that was happening in front of you rather than watching a movie. That was one of the mandates."
"Visualize and practice how you would respond to fear and greed scenarios repeatedly."
"...but it's incredibly well choreographed and we you know we rehearsed for over a month to get those sequences dialed."
"We can actually rehearse new emotional reactions."
"I'm still doing theater; we're in a theater right now, I'm starting my first day of rehearsal."
"Improvisation... most of what people think is improvisation in fact happens during rehearsal."
"It was a sheer joy to watch her; every movement was as graceful and precise as though done to music after being rehearsed a hundred times."
"The narrative is very important, and I think in our last kind of rehearsal, we started to think those feelings and it actually helped blend some of those trickier technical moments together."
"What a beautiful move, very obviously rehearsed and carried out to perfection."
"It's like planting a seed, walking in a rehearsal room and just reading through a scene one time."
"The best thing about him is that in the rehearsal period he's just a good person and he treats people well."
"The only way it goes to long-term memory is if you specifically try and remember if you rehearse and practice that information."
"Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice how to present."
"Getting to watch Reni rehearse... sounds like there's two drummers."
"I think the easiest writing is when you're in rehearsal with the play and you got the actors there and their voices are in your ears."
"The energy was fire even for a rehearsal."
"If you're persistent in your affirmations and your scripting, and you're mentally rehearsing this and you're detached from the outcome, then you will not fail."
"You have to mentally rehearse your future in your mind over and over and over again."
"It was just like a really creatively fulfilling project to work on and to have that rehearsal process which we so often lose."
"We used to rehearse in hallways a lot when the weather was bad; we took advantage of the hallway with the echo."
"It just makes practicing and rehearsing a little bit more fun."
"Great rehearsal everyone, you've outdone yourselves!"
"For theater, you're rehearsing to do the show eight times a week; you have to have it so ingrained that you can show up on a Wednesday afternoon at two when you've been up all night and you can still do the work."
"In rehearsals, work on place. Go moment to moment. Why do you come into the room? What do you see there? Where would you head?"
"Actors actually rehearse for their parts."
"I woke up to the morning sky, first baby blue, just like we rehearsed."
"It's funny to hear a song that we all know so well, and the band doesn't even know the chords yet."
"From the first rehearsal, I was very pleasantly surprised."
"Thank you so much for allowing us to see this awesome rehearsal."
"We are constantly simulating, we are constantly rehearsing in our mind."
"The second I walked in a rehearsal... that was the first song they played in rehearsal and I stood up and started sweating, walking around going, 'Oh my God, this is super intense and sounds amazing.'"
"Everything by the way is scripted and written ahead of time. We rehearse on Mondays."
"It's about preparation; it's a dress rehearsal."
"If you want a slideshow to run automatically, you go to 'Slideshow' and then you turn on the 'Rehearse Timing'."
"Rick Rescorla is really the master of scripting and practice."
"I think that comes from going to class and working on stage and working on something for weeks at a time."
"She described him as 'a bubble of joy,' and indeed, the two could often be found laughing in rehearsals while still putting in the work."
"It made you feel as if you were right there in rehearsal with him."
"If you rehearse something enough times, it gets passed into your long-term memory."
"The rehearsal time is magical for us as actors."
"She was on point every single rehearsal."
"When you put your attention on and mentally rehearse over and over again, that not only becomes what you are from a biological perspective, it also determines your future."
"It was lovely to meet up with Wendy... at the rehearsal, she and John asked me to join them for a drink."
"Sometimes when you're just playing it in your living room rehearsing you don't realize, but then you perform it on stage and the audience goes crazy during this portion."
"When you're rehearsing, you will stumble, you will make mistakes, you will fall, you will flounder. That's okay, just do what? Get back up and don't give in."
"Yesterday's rehearsal was dope with you guys, thank you very much."
"This must be pretty grueling; I wonder how long they actually do these rehearsals for."
"Okay, amazing, now we will run it again."
"The way you enter the stage says a lot about you. Practice that as well. What happens between you in the rehearsal room and you on the stage, the walk, the climbing up the stairs, the running into your choir singers and telling them something."
"That's the beauty of rehearsal, you can trim the fat."
"I have found in rehearsal a way to make this trick seamlessly link up with this trick."
"Aren't they incredible? Even in rehearsal."
"When you rehearse something and when you encode it in your procedural memory, what actually happens is because it's now something that your brain recognizes, you are lowering the limbic friction, the friction in your mind, the resistance that you feel."
"Life on Earth is like a dress rehearsal for eternity."