
Voodoo Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Voodoo enriches the world not in spite of its sometimes baffling mysteries but because of them."
"Voodoo provided a sense of strength even in those extraordinarily difficult contexts."
"Voodoo was the primary tool that freed the people from slavery."
"There are stories that a large portion of the activity at this Plantation has to do with the countless Voodoo curses that were placed on the original owners."
"The grave that gets the most attention is that of former voodoo priestess Marie Laveau."
"No matter what you may believe about voodoo, there is no doubt that the mind can be one of medicine's most powerful tools."
"Voodoo culture, the whole history of Creole culture, the large share of New Orleans population at key junctures through its history that was at least part African by ancestry."
"Put a pin in a doll here and someone on some friend of yours on the other side of the city feels a pain."
"What would you think? You'd think all right, I'm going to go and stick some pins in people."
"The Voodoo Murders: A grisly mystery plaguing New Orleans."
"If you made it this far into the video, I got cursed with a voodoo doll."
"Voodoo is love. Voodoo is the best thing."
"'The voodoo dolls look... you know think about this Witchcraft and occult people are cursing objects with the intention of getting them into your home and then the thing is causing havoc in homes so yeah it can happen.'"
"Voodoo is quite misunderstood, it is a very big part of life in West Africa."
"It's crazy 'cause Amber, she looks just so pretty and sweet and innocent, and she do Voodoo."
"...the voodoo was so popular that Microsoft actually included driver support out of the box in 98 SE..."
"Voodoo is a beautiful religion of song, dance, animal sacrifice, and healing."
"In West Africa, Voodoo is a widely practiced religion, and the small country of Benin is considered as the birthplace of Voodoo."
"The biggest misconception about voodoo is that it is evil."
"Here, voodoo has been more than a source of mystical spiritual renewal; it has proven itself a potent political force as well."
"Voodoo was always seen as something that could threaten because it was demonstrating the possibility of freedom, spiritual freedom, and indeed political freedom."
"Healing is the center of voodoo. It's really not an exaggeration to say that every bit of voodoo ritualizing is directed toward healing."
"Voodoo: a religion emerging at last from the shadows, throbbing with the rhythms, the mystery, and the magic of life itself."
"Marie was a central figure in New Orleans, famous for Voodoo, had a lot of power and prestige."
"Voodoo is a mantle, a legacy title passed down through the centuries."
"The loa are the spirits who connect the living with the supreme god named Bondye."
"Voodoo arrived with slaves from Africa and the Caribbean."
"Voodoo enabled the people to meet together, form political and cultural ideals, and served as the starting arena for pro-independent speakers to get their messaging across."
"Voodoo is not negative; it's a religion, it's a natural religion."
"To the worshipers of Voodoo, Voodoo is life, Voodoo is a belief."
"The presence of Voodoo in the Caribbean is the testament of the transatlantic slave trade."
"Voodoo in New Orleans, ain't that something?"
"Jericho Drum is the master practitioner of Voodoo white magic according to the Book of Ashanti."
"Voodoo is a real religion and not evil by design."
"Marie Laveau was the real life voodoo queen."
"For the Beninese, spirituality is very important, especially Voodoo because Voodoo embraces rich and it embraces young and old."
"It's Halloween night, the voodoo is afoot."
"I'm excited that we're exploring more of the voodoo angle."
"On the 14th of August 1791, slaves held a voodoo ceremony in Boi Kamen in northern Haiti; a week later, the slaves rose up against their masters."
"I don't think that there's anything particularly evil about voodoo; it's just another religion."
"The Serpent and the Rainbow, Wes Craven's take on zombies with proper voodoo and stuff."
"The definition of Voodoo is I am an expression of an aspect of the Divine Essence having the human experience."
"Dr Voodoo is well known for his voodoo magic."
"When you are worshipping voodoo, you do not have the allowance to do bad to your neighbor or to your brothers."