
Allowance Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Cost of living allowance was a massive issue."
"You're allowed to be confused right now. That's what people, you know, people have been, you're not supposed to, you're allowed to not know what the future holds."
"We're human, people are human, so people are allowed to make mistakes and errors."
"They were giving them a monthly allowance of $8,500."
"Allow it, it will happen as big as you can allow it."
"Let it happen and don't force it."
"The emotions that you're going to feel and you need to allow yourself to feel those emotions."
"Set yourself free and allow it, allow it, allow it."
"Take it easy, allow something or someone to show up before moving forward."
"Sometimes you just gotta have the moment, let brother have a moment, you know what I mean?"
"I'm just going to take my time with him let him do his thing"
"Life is truly a divine order always. Allow yourself to ride the current and float forward. Allow."
"There's no condemnation here. You're allowed, but not to offend."
"Your job is to not get in the way and just let it happen."
"I'm a dog person and a cat person. Is that allowed to say? Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"I do okay for myself, and... but you said that you have an allowance."
"His father gives him a low allowance."
"Recognizing and allowing is the ground of mindfulness."
"At least let the dudes get one off."
"Allow it. If you're fascinated, be fascinated. Allow it. Give it space."
"Love is allowing, and so you allow. It doesn't mean you have to get into a relationship with her or choose to only be with her. It's bottom line, she reached out. You always should be, 'Hey, great to hear from you.'"
"But that's okay because if there is a dessert that I really like I am gonna allow it to myself."
"He's being allowed to do what he's doing."
"Give yourself a margin for error."
"You're allowed to be a gangster and have certain morals."
"You've got to have some leeway, right?"
"And nothing happens that you haven't allowed for a reason."
"You have a lot of margin for error."
"Things are just allowed to happen, just allowed."
"If I gotta call you Daddy, do I gotta get an allowance? Hell no!"
"You are allowed as long as you have a plan in place."
"He allowed her to do these sort of spontaneous things."
"God allowed it, but God didn't commit it."
"Love is allowing. There's no force in it."
"God allows them because they serve his greater purpose."
"Schooling allowance should be worldwide."
"No matter what, and you get to just allow, finally allow it all to come in."
"Allow them to be in the world and have this experience."
"You're allowed in every space you go to take up space."
"The transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives is enormous, yet His power only operates to the degree that we allow Him to change us."
"Noticing what's happening and saying yes, allowing life to be just as it is."
"You have to allow it to happen. The more you allow it without placing any of your attention, the less it has its energy."
"You are allowed a certain amount of bad bars if you give me a certain amount of good ones."
"You don't create something; you allow it to happen."
"Allowance, this period is just so important as well."
"I'm allowed to fail. I give myself that allowance, as I think all people should."
"The personal savings allowance is an amount of interest that you can earn every single year tax-free in a normal savings account."
"Well-being is supposed to come to me, and my work is to relax and allow it to come."
"When is the best time to ask mom for more allowance? When I get older."
"The Kabaka was to be paid from the local revenue of the Uganda protectorate a minimum yearly allowance of 1500 pounds."
"You get to allow yourself to move into a higher level of receipt."
"You can bring on two bottles of wine or champagne per stateroom on embarkation day."
"Starting today, I will increase each of your daily living allowances to 500 Yuan."
"God allows the devil to do only that which ultimately fulfills the plan of God in the end."
"Do you think you have the control to stop it when you want to? If that's the case, I think it would be okay to allow it to happen."
"People are also allowed to grow and change."
"What you essentially are already allows that so fully without the slightest resistance to it."
"Dogs are allowed on the beach, yay!"
"The personal allowance will rise for the seventh year in a row to £11,500, and the higher rate threshold to £45,000; 29 million people will be better off."
"The more you come into a place of just total allowing, and you just allow anything to arise."
"Allowance... is recognizing that there's a Consciousness, an awareness, a presence that's already within us that fully allows what comes and fully allows what goes."
"When you're a little kid, you have like pocket money that your parents give you."
"You are allowed sometimes to just need to talk, you are allowed sometimes to just feel."
"Now would be a good time to raise my allowance."
"The space of this room is simply the pure allowance of whatever you put in here; it has no concept of good or bad, heavy or light, what should be and what should not be."
"You're allowed to have people that love you."
"What you allow will always continue."
"We are allowed to have a little bit of hope."
"That the way to heal whatever was coming was about allowing it to let it get as big as it wanted to be."
"You as a UK tax resident individual can earn up to £12,570 per annum tax-free."
"The standard individual personal allowance has increased to £12,570 per annum in the '21 to '22 year."
"If you're earning over a thousand pounds additional to your day job, that is seen as your trading allowance where you don't have to pay tax up to a thousand pounds a year."
"We allow ourselves to suffer, but we don't allow ourselves to be happy."
"You can have $5 if you do some chores around the house."
"Nature is a little bit more allowing, and will allow us to discover things a little bit more profound than we sometimes give it credit for."
"They can't allow very many exceptions, but they chose to allow an exception for us."
"You've allowed me to grow into my nature."
"You're allowed to keep grieving, you're allowed to be sad, you're allowed to be angry, furious if you need to."
"You're going to be allowed to bring with you three equation sheets, front and back sides, 8-1/2 by 11."
"Release the resistance and therefore allow."
"You are allowed to actually receive help, you're allowed to receive support."
"It allows you to be your true authentic self, it really can, if you allow it."
"Manifesting is not an action; it's an allowance to receive what you've asked for."
"Can you allow the birthing of a new consciousness to take place?"
"I saved up my pocket money which was one GBP a week."
"The Emperor’s bride got a title of Her Imperial Highness and a year allowance of 34 thousand rubles."
"Deku still being able to have an allowance, pays for his own lessons."
"If you really allow something else to be successful, you'll be very successful."
"By you allowing it, the prosperity really begins here."
"You are allowed to experience the heavy feelings and even happiness."
"You're still a human being, you still are allowed to make mistakes."
"Everything this month can be smooth sailing for you if you will allow it to be."