
Life Surprises Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Expect the unexpected, even the switch moments."
"Drama can often be even more shocking when it happens out of nowhere."
"Your wish coming true in the form of something else or someone else."
"Your goals are coming into being a wonderful surprise awaits have patience your needs are always met."
"Expect good news, I hear. Anyways, what how the universe will surprise you?"
"Prepare to be surprised and prepare to surprise others with your success, with your magic, with the miracle that unfolds in your life."
"Imagine you find out you're so far but you had no idea."
"Proof that nothing can kind of happen for a bit and then out of nowhere something insane happens."
"Everything you think can't logically happen actually can, in ways that you don't expect."
"Sometimes life has an unexpected twist that can turn even the most impossible dreams into reality."
"Last few seconds, I remember looking out both sides."
"Goals you've forgotten about for 35 years sometimes they get ticked off the list too."
"You got love coming in just when you start to give up on love is when it actually happens for you."
"Right when something good coming on you ready next to you know you sleep."
"There are things in life that'll make you say huh, there are things in life that'll make you say yuck, oh my good grief, and scream naughty!"
"Beautiful things can happen when you least expect it."
"Releasing expectations, be open to surprise."
"It's nice that there's still some surprises waiting."
"Always remember, help will come to you in least expected places in least expected ways."
"You never know what's just around the corner."
"I always aimed at happiness. I wasn't looking for this."
"Just when you're feeling apathy, just when you're feeling fed up, along comes the universe to shake up the mix."
"My dream come true, I'm shocked at your existence."
"Spontaneous Awakening: You're not even expecting it, but opportunities are coming your way."
"Life always surprises us, and if confirmed, we'll be absolutely surprised by the ingenious biochemical solutions."
"Expect the unexpected, a lot of nice surprises heading your way."
"Honestly, I didn't know at first because you just don't know, but it worked out way better than I thought it was going to."
"How fun is it when something happens in your life which you never ever imagined would be possible?"
"I'm prepared and I figured life surprises me anyway."
"It's gonna come out of nowhere, fast, sudden, and unexpected."
"The best things in life happen unexpectedly."
"Love is gonna come through from places you're not expecting it."
"You never know because things come out of nowhere all the time."
"High Priestess: intuition, confrontation, unexpected surprises, Leo."
"That's life though, yeah that's life just like the guy that just wanted just a regular job and ended up exploding on the scene and going above and beyond everything that he wanted wanted and hoped for."
"Hey guys, I thought I'd never be back here again for a while, but uh, it's funny how life works out that way, huh?"
"It was way crazier than we could have ever imagined."
"Life is funny like that sometimes, they hand you a present out of the blue."
"This is going to surprise you, the way this manifests for you."
"Miracles can and do happen but you have to be open to them otherwise you dismiss them before they get a chance to really begin."
"Sometimes life will throw you something good, but it comes at you fast, it's dangerous, it's risky."
"It's going to come when you... least expect it."
"Build that relationship with yourself, and you might just be surprised at what enters your life."
"The tower is a surprise, shattering illusions."
"You didn't see it like you didn't know when or where, you just had faith and hope in your heart."
"It's right when you're not looking for it that's when it happens."
"You never see it coming or you do, and it's far too late."
"I actually couldn't believe I now have two Amazon best-selling books. What is life?"
"Sometimes your prayers get answered in a way that you would never expect."
"One of those things that you knew it was coming but you just did not expect it."
"Once you think you've seen it all, you're going to see something new, I swear."
"Maybe someday we'll see, you never know what life will throw at you, maybe you wanted a... I'll have my Oprah moment."
"You will have a beautiful unfolding surprise because the universe will give you what you really, really want."
"It's acknowledging that surprise and fantastical, sensational, wonderful happy things can still occur in your life."
"Destiny intervenes to bring you something really, really positive."
"Sometimes we get blessings in ways that we didn't know we needed, you know what I mean?"
"Expect the unexpected. They keep throwing curveballs."
"Is there any point where you're like how the [__] did I get here?"
"People are going to walk into your life that are going to mean the whole entire world are more to you and you don't even know that yet and you don't even know who they are."
"Sometimes the things are happening behind the scenes and we don't even, we wake up and boom, something's happened."
"The universe is about to send you a surprise; someone new is entering your life."
"There's gonna be an opportunity coming in that you will not recognize at first."
"Life can really take you by surprise sometimes."
"Sometimes when life throws you surprises, you just gotta roll with it."
"Life throws you surprises, you just gotta roll with it."
"I never expected something similar to happen to me. It seems like the worst things always tend to happen to those unsuspecting and cynical, doesn't it?"
"Tell you about the lucky day, they're my people. Why, wasn't it raining? No, but it just shows, though, don't you? Don't know what's around corner."
"Love sneaks in with a plan of its own, comes in unexpected places, life turns in unexpected ways."
"These things always happen when you least expect it."
"Anything that happens in your life that just catches you off-guard, something that you are not prepared for nor do you know how to handle, can make you feel scared or helpless."
"Things always pop up when we least expect it."
"There's a lot of things in life that take us by surprise, a lot of things that aren't really as they seem."
"It's synchronistic, where it's just, you know, like 'What are the odds?' or you just feel so alive in that moment."
"If you'd have told me what's about to happen today 5 years ago, I would have never believed it."
"I didn't even know I needed that in my life, but I did."
"Just when you thought you're out, they pull you back in."
"It's probably one of the best things I've ever did. I love it. It's funny how things work out."
"Sometimes life surprises you in the strangest ways."
"Expect the unexpected in big, big ways."
"Always expect the unexpected to the extent that it's actually expected."
"Love comes when you least expect it."
"You never know who or what is around the corner."
"We've seen a lot of crazy things happen."
"Life is full of surprises; I never thought I would be in this situation, but here I am."
"Sometimes in life, you get caught off guard, and that's okay."
"I've only been out here for a couple of hours, and a miracle has come."
"It's kinda crazy the kinds of things life throws at you."
"It's just this precious thing in my life that I've never thought would happen."
"Expect the unexpected, the surprise, the reward starts to come in."
"To get told that you can't have something and then you get it, just feel so grateful."
"It's certainly been an insane afternoon and one that we could never have scripted even if we had tried."
"I want to be surprised at everything."
"Whatever you are going to receive is going to be beyond what you expected."
"Things come to us in our lives that are unexpected, but if we can feel them inside us that it's something that is worthy of following, then we should trust those instincts."
"Your wish is going to be fulfilled in some kind of area in your life that maybe you least expect."