
Reflexes Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Luckily my reflexes are really fast and I am still sitting on the couch today."
"Subtle movements test the reflexes of your opponent."
"Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."
"Selak, with the reflexes expected of a man who'd deked death multiple times, leaped from the vehicle."
"MOBA players are in peak physical form with heightened reflexes and clicking and typing speeds."
"Wow, what a save... reacted like a professional."
"We have no idea how your brain can make your body do exactly what you want in only tenths of a second."
"Thanks to his otherworldly reflexes, he was able to dodge at all."
"My fight or flight reflex usually sees me fleeing to safety unless I have no choice but to fight."
"It's a big save! He's gone with the header, I'm not sure why, but it's a big save."
"Muscle memory will assist in finding the right timings to jump and cancel the height for a high plunge attack."
"Dodging when your spider sense tingles, reacting based on enemy animations and sound cues, it's great stuff."
"It's CS:GO: it's a twitch-shootery thing where speed and precision are paramount."
"It's just a metaphor, dude. Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast."
"Adam's reflexes kicked in, and he shouted, 'Stay away from my father!' to the storm."
"Incredible reflexes by AB de Villiers."
"I know know for a fact that anyone with lesser reflexes and driving a car less prepared to take this kind of damage would have ended up inevitably dead."
"Despite not having any training, Miles's Spider Sense and reflexes make him a capable melee fighter."
"Scratches left out of the way waking up from his nap in an instant, his cat reflexes saving him from being crushed to death."
"Caught my motorcycle with my foot."
"The capability of super intelligent AIS to possess ultra-fast reflexes hinges on their ability to process information and make decisions at an exponentially faster rate than humans."
"Misaka's varied electro powers, quick reflexes, and scientific brilliance let her cash in a win. But hey, at least she let Kilua keep the change he came killer with him."
"Nothing goes over my head, I would catch it, I have great reflexes."
"I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it's all in the reflexes."
"I was shooting at anything that moved."
"A nice brawl was an enjoyable way to keep her reflexes sharp."
"The reason repetition matters is it allows your responses to be reflexive under pressure."
"I almost hit him but the guy jerked over when I pull up beside the guy Suburban he was in it he had four Hands on the Wheel because his life flash boy's eyes I've seen the life flashing for my eyes."
"...reflexing the arrows to make sure I don't hurt them."
"After a long session, your reflexes get stuck in gaming mode."
"Think before you react on that clutch."
"Obi-Wan's had the faster reflexes, indeed."
"I can dodge things without having to think about it."
"His reflexes will even kick in if you're about to hurt him."
"Smoothest operator: 7-year-old Cam's superhero-like reflexes."
"In terms of reaction time, what can you dodge?"
"Good catch. That's that dad reflexes."
"In that split second, the individual was frequently able to actually completely avert the accident."
"The optokinetic reflex is a simple behavior where the fish follows whole-field motion with eye movement."
"Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly and makes you less alert."
"This is my escapism, this is fun, this is helping your reflexes."
"Wow, what a save! That was insane, that was a wreck! I mean, he left tire tracks at 175 miles an hour. They might not be done."
"Quick reactions: essential for erratic shooting."
"Nice save by Jameson, wow, and like a great goalie, you make a save, you get the ball out of your stick."
"How did Shilton get that one? Marvelous!"
"With only two seconds to react, he yelled out at the top of his lungs and dived out of the way."
"You cannot substitute for reflexes and hand speed."
"Balance strategies are quick and automatic responses that our body does when our center of mass is disrupted or thrown outside our base of support."
"What is the key ingredient to success on the drag strip? Probably the desire, it's got to have super reflexes to want to win."
"With great reflexes comes great responsibility."
"Suddenly, like programming, the man jumps into action."
"Good thing my reflexes are still sharp."
"I've always said, my best shot is one I have to react quick."
"Andre Ward has speed, reflexes, and an excellent feeling of distance."
"I'm so happy I'm a video gamer, man. I've got those reflexes that I need, even at 38, I've still got pretty good reflexes."
"Benavidez described it as going into autopilot."
"Ryan Adams with the reflexes of a ninja."
"In babies, we have two kinds of reflexes we talk about: the Deep tendon reflexes just like we look at in adults and the Primitive reflexes."
"That's the advantage of being young, good hand-eye coordination, good reflexes."
"That got cat-like reflexes, that was amazing with me."
"That throw was awesome, second of all his reflexes were awesome too."
"Ruby is faster sometimes than Cinder can think, and Cinder has to rely on reflexes."
"Reflexes is reaction-time and coordination. Dexterity has to deal with how well you move your physical body."
"Reflexes are a very important part of the spine exam for every patient who presents with scoliosis."
"We check deep tendon reflexes because they can give us insight into the possible presence of disease in any component of the reflex arc."
"You need fast hands and fast feet; that's the perfect antidote."
"Sharp reflexes and strength," Sasuke muses inwardly.
"Weaponize the startle flinch, and you're safer."
"Since man's earliest days, he has relied on swift reflex actions to stay alive when danger threatens."
"What an amazing display of reflexes."
"There are thousands of examples of reflexes like this that have evolved over thousands and thousands of years, and these allow us to walk whilst thinking about other things, whilst maintaining energy, which is one of the ways that we got ahead as a human species."
"Oh, what a catch, what a beauty from Alex Carey!"
"Bull riding is an unconscious reaction."
"You have the reflexes of a cheetah."
"Your moves need to roll out of your mind, through your body, through your hand, the knowledge needs to be there as fast as you can say your ABC's."
"The corneal reflex involves afferent fibers from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve."
"Not only did he play an amazing performance, but he also showed cat-like reflexes in an unexpected dire moment to save his guitar from absolute destruction."
"That's a great catch, what a great catch."
"He strips the ball away, what a reaction from Burton."
"The man sitting at the table stopped the punch with one hand."
"Joshua with eyes closed until this moment, opens them with lightning fast reflexes."
"A reflex is a fast, predictable, automatic response to an environment."
"We have built-in reflexes to help us fight gravity so we don't have to consciously think about it so much."
"The mesencephalon... is going to work in processing sight, sound, and associated reflexes."
"Reaction time isn't about having natural ability and naturally super fast reflexes; it's mainly just about having a good ready position."
"Isao Machii has superhuman reflexes, allowing him to react to external stimuli much quicker than any normal person."
"Good catch though, good catch, because it could have really messed up his face."
"I remember catching myself leaping forward and catching my cousin just before hitting the floor like he was a damn football."
"Sometimes you have to react to a situation faster than a normal person can. Good thing you're a superhero, huh?"
"The average reaction time of an F1 driver being approximately 0.2 seconds, drivers train their brains to keep up with the speed of the car and require lightning-fast reflexes."
"It's really just our body's ability to recruit signal wise from the brain to our muscles to contraction as quickly as possible."
"It's like I told my last wife, I says, 'Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it's all in the reflexes.'"
"Huge save, stick side, stopped by Erin."
"That's one of the glorious benefits of the object exercises, that we so build such reflexes in the reality of behavior that when we come to the part, we can now concentrate on the part."
"That was easy. It's all in the reflexes."
"A great diving save by Rob Douglas."
"It's the start of reflexes and the coordination this guy has; he's a real asset."
"He had drawn his saxe knife and struck at the terrible head, but the beast was too fast for him."
"What a save by Nick Sheridan in corner two, he was completely sideways in front of the field."
"Now that's what you call a quick reflex."
"Another glove save, oh my god, another glove save."
"If you're fast enough and your reflexes are so good that you can block blaster shots, then there is no way someone could ever possibly swing a lightsaber fast enough to where it could hit you."
"Holy cow! Sandberg made a diving touch of Howard's line drive."
"The purpose of homeostatic reflexes is to keep us alive, not to kill us."
"Quick as a flash, I just acted straight away and pulled the door shut."
"If you put your tongue at the roof of your mouth when you're about to sneeze, it stops the sneeze."
"To be good at Super Smash, you have to have like inhuman reflexes."
"Nothing like some of an aircraft to take the kinks out of your motor reflexes."
"You need to be gifted enough physically to have the reflexes, eye-hand coordination, quick thinking."
"What a fantastic catch by Willie Glasper, just sticking his hands out at the last minute."
"Babies are continually utilizing their basic reflexive behavior and building more and more complex structures up on the basis of that."
"We have conserved fast-acting reflexes at various levels of our nervous system."
"I managed to step back just enough to avoid a fatal blow."
"Your reaction time has to be so quick."
"He dodged the man's blow as fast as Lightning."
"That is what you call razor-sharp reflexes."
"The average reaction time of a human is about a quarter of a second."
"One of his most impressive abilities, in my opinion, is his speed and reflexes."
"The autonomic nervous system is the automatic unconscious, and that unconscious activity is all reflexive type activity."
"When he sees something, his body responds like spider senses."
"Once she said 'duck' and we all crouched as a huge axe swung over our heads."
"That was some godly reactions for me."
"Trout are pretty good at catching what they go after, and that splashy refusal is probably just a trout putting on the brakes at the last minute."
"He lets the tip pass by and he quickly closes his fist around the neck of the arrow, catching it right out of midair."
"Freddy Anderson with a beautiful pad save, it's going back the other end."
"You cut your reaction time by 400 milliseconds, which is probably a life-saving amount of time."
"When you're playing fast, you don't have time to think about where you're going; you're entirely reliant on what you've practiced, your muscle memory."
"Instinct took over, I didn't think, I just reacted."
"Super save! The goalkeeper reached out and beat the ball away."
"Marvelous, no problem with your corneal reflex either, brilliant."
"There are three types of reflexes: intragut reflexes, reflexes involving the sympathetic ganglion, and reflexes involving the central nervous system."
"You're a human being, right? Were you expecting that? You know why you flinched? Because you're a human being."
"His reflexes are so fast, to him it's like time has slowed down."
"It's fair to say that our reflexes help to protect us."
"When we're about to fall, we swing our arms and legs to try to keep our balance."
"He just reacts like lightning, unbelievable."
"The flash step was an incredible skill that allowed him to avoid a strike in an instant."
"Each moment is critical, reflexes must be perfect, your timing precise."
"Cats have other amazing skills, like a writing mechanism and a self-righting reflex."
"He has much better reflexes, much better defense."
"You're injured for one reason and only one: your brain didn't send a fast enough signal to your muscle to allow it to act as a shock absorber."
"Mick had grabbed the steering wheel at the last moment and wrenched it to one side, avoiding a crash by just a few inches."
"The spinal cord conducts signals to and from the brain, controls reflexes, and is basically the highway of neuronal signaling."
"The reflexes of some of these track riders are absolutely amazing."
"You can dodge a bird, you can dodge a ball."
"Great reaction and instincts, though."
"It's incredibly important to build in fast reflexes from day one in any system that's driving in a dense city."
"That's the thing I love about that, aside from the brilliance of Brittany's dig, is the no give up from April being ready for that ball to come back."
"Henry's keen perception and lightning-fast reflexes left no room for such treachery."
"What a save, what a paddle save, that's a hat pick."
"The reflexes of this insect are phenomenal; it is a ferocious aerial predator."
"Jeopardy does have a legitimate claim to sporting because of the reflexes of the buzzer."
"Playing out of his skin at this moment in time, Lavakovich has always had outstanding reflexes."