
Repeat Viewing Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Each aspect of this film is strong and confident about what it is it's got interesting and memorable themes and uh yeah I loved it I'll watch it again."
"If I rewatch it 10 times, it'll still be great. 10 out of 10. I love it so much and I loved it. I loved every second of it."
"You want to do another one? I'll go watch another one."
"I could watch this movie a billion times and never feel bored... I'm just enjoying myself the entire time."
"Gravity Falls is an amazing story that I've watched more than once."
"I've seen it like 15, 16 times. It's unbelievable."
"That is fucking phenomenal man that is definitely a movie I would fucking pay cash money to see multiple times."
"I watched it twice because honestly it's because it's so real."
"Avengers: Infinity War is an incredible movie. Like all of us have seen it, you know, we're gonna at least see it multiple times."
"I loved it. I loved it. I've watched all 10 hours three times. I loved it for no other reason than I thought it was very good Star Trek."
"I saw every incarnation, yes. I saw it at least four times, probably more than that."
"This final battle scene will always be fun to watch every time."
"It's the sort of movie that doesn't just benefit from a repeat viewing, it all but forces you to do so."
"After watching the end, you won't be able to watch it the same way again. It becomes a different movie, one much spookier but also more poignant."
"I still have yet to recover from this movie, I bought tickets to see it again."
"It's a great movie and I think it's totally worth it and I enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch it again."
"I just cannot say enough about the show absolutely blew me away and I would go see it again in a second."
"I think people are going to enjoy watching this. I don't think they'll come back to it because what brings you back are those moments where things culminate."
"I really love this movie a lot. I can't wait to see it again and again."
"Top Gun is one of those films you just want to go see again."
"I plan on seeing it two or three more times."
"I love this movie, I can't wait to see it again."
"I want to make something that people are gonna have to watch twice."
"Will I watch this movie again? Hell yeah, yes I will. It's a good time, man."
"That's one of those movies that I would watch over and over again."
"That ending is why I paid to see this movie in theaters three times."
"There are way more references... and I already want to go watch it again."
"It's so thematically rich, I know I'm gonna watch it again and again and get more out of it."
"I immediately hopped online and bought six tickets to go see this movie again."
"I could see myself just watching this over and over and over. It's so good."
"This movie is absolutely worth a second, a third, a tenth watch."
"I absolutely loved watching it. I'm definitely going to watch this again."
"I cannot wait to see it again, yeah, I've seen it twice already, I love it."
"Yeah I definitely will watch this one again for sure."
"Jurassic Park is another one that I find myself... I could watch it over and over and over again."
"John Wick is another one that I find myself... I could watch it over and over and over again."
"Legit, this is the first movie I ever planned to see five times over. I don't typically go to a movie more than twice, but this one is special."
"...I got a next one if you want to come okay I've never been someone to see a movie twice and I already have a ticket."
"I think there's going to be a lot of repeat viewing this coming weekend."
"I would rather watch 'When Harry Met Sally' for the 50th time than watch 'Mad Max' for the third time."
"I've seen it twice, and I want to go again. Love the story. I saw someone today who said they've seen it five times."
"I've seen that movie probably 50 times."
"I've actually watched that documentary probably like five times in my lifetime because it's just a very interesting documentary."
"This is one of those movies that you want to just see over and over in the theater."
"I actually want to go see it again."
"It's a cult classic now, this really is a movie that people love and are seeing over and over again."
"It's so good that I know I'm going to have to see it again."
"I'm going to watch this many times in theaters."
"I will definitely watch it again."
"It's a wonderful film, I could watch this again and again."
"I saw it again for the third time last night, cried for the third time."
"It proved to me that I could watch the movie multiple times and still be so enthralled and emotionally affected."
"It's a great film, I say see it, in fact, see it twice."
"I thought it was great, I would watch it again."
"It's a movie that I have probably watched six or seven times and each time I take away something new."
"I've seen it about three times now, and I loved it."
"We saw the FNAF movie twice... it is amazing."
"It's an experience that is unforgettable, and it's one that I want to keep getting back in the theater for as much as I can."
"I watched the Mario movie like 20 times; my kids love it."
"I really love the films; I've seen it like, I don't know, how many times."
"I'm going to see it again and again and again."
"I can watch that movie over and over and over."
"Powerful movie for sure, something I'm gonna want to watch again."
"It's very unlikely that you're going to want to watch this only one time."
"I love my DCEU films, specifically that Snyder Cut. I watched it a bunch of times."
"I love this movie, I have seen it, and I want to see it again."
"It was hugely popular with those who did watch it repeatedly."
"Ella Enchanted, which is a fabulous movie that I've watched so many times."
"I can watch Drive all the time, I love it."
"Damn, like I'm gonna watch this movie many times in the future."
"I think this trailer was gorgeous. I'm going to watch it a couple more times."
"Scream three fans fill theaters again and again."
"I'm in the mood to watch 'Inglorious Bastards' again, it's remarkable."
"Now one of my favorite slasher movies ever. Watch this, but ever since I've been introduced to this movie, I watch this movie so many [__] times. Just love it, has great atmosphere, great 80s vibe."
"It blew me out of the water. I watched it twice. I loved it so much."
"That movie gets better every single time you watch it."
"Every time you watch it, you're gonna pick up something different."
"I’ve seen Your Name a handful of times now and I can’t deny the movie has captured me."
"I've seen it twice in theaters, so yes, I loved it."
"I loved it, I want to go see it again already."
"I like the force awakens and I can watch it again and again."
"Our film was unique in that audiences went to watch it multiple times."
"It was such a good movie, I want to go see it again."
"It's the only movie this year that I saw like four times in a theater."