
Marksmanship Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"It just feels right now. You aim at the target and you pull the trigger and what happens next is what should happen next, and it just feels right."
"When you're ready to give yourself the final bit of focus you bring your finger up... and then you become the marksman."
"Marksmanship hunters are masters of their weapons, relying on powerful shots to take down their foes."
"You know so I think it's all combination but when you get somebody who does know combat marksmanship and how to line up the sights that does know how to zero the gun that has decent ammo they shoot dramatically better."
"Learn to zero your weapon and lead your shots, and you'll be incredibly effective."
"Every one of his kills using a rifle that didn't have a scope."
"To me that is excellent accuracy from iron sights."
"Small pistols are very unforgiving of bad marksmanship fundamentals."
"Make sure your gun is a good working order make sure it's clean make sure it's zeroed make sure you're confident your marksmanship skills because at the moment of truth you're going to want all those things to be a no-brainer."
"What a marksman! Believe it, that long-range guy's amazing."
"I have a video on it, reaching out and tapping 500 on steel, easy."
"Every shot made by the young trainees was expected to be as close to the bullseye as possible."
"Deadshot is hands down one of the best marksmen and assassins in the DC Universe."
"First shot I took with his 1911, ping bull's eye dead center and I was hooked from there."
"In this exercise, the challenge for Sergeant Anthony Palkki and Staff Sergeant Rodney Medley is to hit three separate bullseyes from a range of over 400 yards."
"I shot the 270 for so many years, I thought I'd just branch out a little bit."
"300 yards is a long shot, and it's not so much that they don't have the tools to shoot far, it's they don't have the place to practice that far."
"Shot placement really matters, and if you have a platform that you can do good shot placement with, you still have pretty adequate performance. That's a win-win."
"It's easier to shoot a heavier rifle more accurately."
"I'd rather have someone shooting a lighter recoiling rifle precisely and putting that bullet in the right place than the opposite."
"If you can hit your target, pretty much any gun will do the trick. What's the point?"
"You've got to aim for the center of mass. You know, you hear stories, 'I shot all the time,' but for snipers, it's not necessarily the case. It's always aim for the center of mass. Well, because there's more room for error."
"If you spend time with your rifle and you know the capabilities and you know your own capabilities, you can have other variables out there, but we have made a projectile that's a variable here that you will have known results essentially."
"I would rather see you take three good shots than 10 bad shots. Because if you're just racking off rounds and you're not seeing where your shots are going, if you miss and you don't see where you went, it's a complete waste."
"Positioning, natural point of aim, getting behind the gun, how the gun fits you - all help you make that shot."
"Knowing what your shot is doing when you pull the trigger and proper practicing."
"You have to know where you're hitting. A rifle and a shotgun are not the same thing."
"He's been shot, so he's hurt. So I do wonder how stable his shot would be if he was at a greater distance."
"Record-breaking shots from more than a mile and a half away, Harrison saved the lives of his fellow soldiers and rewrites the books for the longest kill shot in history."
"You can hit a very good group at 100, you can hit a good group at a thousand, it's just a matter of dialing your scopes and calculations."
"Always better to be able to hit a Target with a controlled shot than to miss him with the biggest caliber in the world."
"So I've increased my maximum point-blank range."
"The ability to hit something at really long range, that's the only way you can true that long range profile without screwing up your main profile for shorter range stuff."
"What a beautiful, beautiful animal and 150 yards with a .458. This gun's not supposed to shoot that far, but you made it happen today. Congratulations, my man, your first African animal."
"...just hold dead center and you know you're going to land that bullet in the vitals within your range."
"He could shoot a bird in Flight with his 22."
"I'm a very good pistol shot by the way."
"Everybody could have the opportunity to shoot a 300 PRC at a piece of steel a long ways away."
"Ultimately, in the end, shot placement is key."
"My rifle shoots better than I do."
"She really is a good shot. She will kill in self-defense."
"Dry fire training will help develop muscle memory, sharpen target reaction speed, sight alignment, trigger function, and so much more."
"You can have the best grip and your trigger pull sucks, you're not gonna hit the target. Trigger pull is important."
"The trigger control and response rate is the best you can get."
"If guys were shooting the same 3/4 MOA to 1.5 MOA group that they're shooting in the range, if they were shooting that in the field, 100% of them would hit that 8-inch vital section on animals in the field."
"People generally are going to laugh at a 2 MOA group, however, in the field conditions, in the hunting conditions, that's all you need to be a very, very proficient hunter."
"Exceptional accuracy with the first shot consistently hitting a 25cm target at 3km."
"I spend a lot less time focusing on controlling the movement of the rifle and more time focusing on my reticle and its placement."
"This is the extension of zeroing your rifle for long range."
"All it tells you is that with enough elevation and windage, you can hit that piece of steel. That verifies nothing."
"...the king of two miles marksmanship competition..."
"Accuracy at distance matters, keep it level."
"I got 8 out of 10 hits on steel at 500, and that was the first time I shot that rifle at 500 yards."
"You do have to consider how accurately you can shoot in addition to having an accurate rifle."
"Legitimately go long-range hunting or even long-range shooting."
"I think it's great training to become a good and effective rifleman. Teaches you a lot about ballistics and physics."
"My goal when I got into this was to be able to make reloads that will shoot to a thousand yards and beyond."
"...at a thousand yards, they're trying to shoot 20 shots on a five-inch circle."
"But if you're going to tell me that I'm unethical for shooting elk at 580 yards, it's like maybe you're unethical because you don't know how to shoot."
"There's just something magical about that in a 7 PRC, it just a wind never heard of her, shoot hold left Edge it's fine at any range you can just shoot that bullet at any range."
"You just experienced what when I shoot and you watch me shoot that is now the bar of you judging yourself on whether you've shot a 10 or whether you've maybe scored a 10 but got by with not proper technique."
"Well for starters, I can shoot a dead at 200 yards."
"You used to be quite a shot with an air rifle. Remember the time you shot the hole at old Scoogie Silk Hair?"
"I set a record when I went through basic training at Fort Jackson. I tied the record, the all-time record that they had at train fire. 111 out of 112 shots perfect."
"If our head isn't perfectly behind the rifle scope we may have an error... and then that could cause us to miss or not hit where we wanted to hit."
"As long as that gun touches there, the gun should shoot where you're looking."
"His skill with a pulse rifle in close range is like insane and never seen before."
"Recoil control means that we're shooting a lot of shots or at least more than one or two."
"You're one of five guys in the world who can like shoot a politician from like a mile away."
"There's nothing wrong with shooting fast and accurately."
"You know, guys, shooting with iron sights is a perishable skill. You have to get out there and do it. It's not easy."
"...basically I think that if I could land shots you know start hitting at 25 yards you know even if something was kind of coming at me..."
"I pull the rear trigger, that sets the front trigger. I should be able to take a nice steady aim."
"Rapid fire, of course, recoil comes into play when you're shooting a 9mm or .45, but if you can keep your shots on target with the .22, that's something that's going to build muscle memory that you'll be able to use down the line."
"The fundamentals of pistol marksmanship are grip, stance, sight picture, and trigger control."
"...focus on your front sight and not on the target."
"It's going to raise your Marksmanship ability significantly in my opinion"
"The fundamentals of marksmanship must be continually studied and practiced in order to place well-aimed shots on target."
"It's easier to teach the man the feather gold on the metal what happens for example when a man who is proven often that he can hit catch of cigarettes of 25 years four times out of five confronts an armed enemy from here to there and misses him with six shots."
"I do that kind of thing I don't do the six six clock hole where you aim down here and you hit up there I don't shoot like that anyway."
"The trigger squeeze is the heart and soul, the beginning and the end of all good shooting."
"The Brewers' true strength was not at long ranges but rather in sharp shooting at under 300 yards."
"The purpose of a firing position is to support the two basic fundamentals of Marksmanship which are sight alignment and trigger control."
"As long as you can bear on the target, you can keep up an accurate fire as you go down."
"I remember one shot I took and the minute I shot I was like oh that's going to be a nine and I immediately loaded another one corrected and when the target came up a nine where I had called it I knew I was behind."
"Quit getting stuck in the tuning stage for the life of the barrel. At some point, you're just gonna go shoot and you're gonna realize that it's better than you than you imagined."
"This is probably the most accurate rifle I've ever shot in terms of its consistent precision."
"Practical accuracy after 250 yards was spot on the money and just great stuff."
"John's so good at shooting, he doesn't even shoot vertical video."
"It was amazing, incredibly. I never even had to touch the sights, I mean it was right on, right on the mark."
"What interests me is how me as a shooter can employ the accuracy that I'm getting from this rifle."
"...it always puts the bullet exactly where I need it to go."
"...he'd always been a good shot but the XL made him a marksman without equal."
"I was congratulated on my aim no less than 12 times that night."
"The force is strong with these shooters."
"The vindicare temple provides its agents with extensive training in the skill of Marksmanship to a nearly Flawless degree."
"That rifle was the most fantastic rifle; everybody could shoot it."
"In one legendary incident during Moore's retreat at Cacabelos, Rifleman Tom Plunkett picked out and shot dead a French general at 400 yards, some say further."
"I just think it's kind of cool to take a handgun, shoot something out of 200 yards, and actually hit it. It's pretty awesome."
"The first skill badge a soldier earns are his marksmanship badges."
"No matter how much that dot moves, if it stays inside that desired point of impact, I know that my aim is consistently solid."
"Being able to strike a target with that one single shot when it's called for, that's called marksmanship."
"My goal for this series is to teach each and every one of you what I know about marksmanship so that you can become a better marksman."
"They're not doing anything crazy, they're just holding their ground and hitting really good shots."
"This rifle can hit the eye of a squirrel at 150 yards."
"This truly does augment your ability as a designated marksman and to hit targets to reasonable distances that you couldn't otherwise."
"It's infinitely adjustable and for somebody who was actually using it as a shooting sling, it was a tremendous asset."
"Marksmanship is always marksmanship; a person who is a tactician can always fall back on marksmanship."
"Don't just relegate it to being a simple carry strap; it's far more vital and far more important to you as a marksman and for good shooting."
"Marksmanship was absolutely the key element of British infantry training up to 1914."
"I'll take it, a rifle that can kill a gopher at 300 yards five times in a row, I mean that's pretty dang awesome."
"That was some shot, son. Just shy of 400 yards in a howling gale and pissing rain."
"The sport is entering a golden age with displays of marksmanship to match."
"I've hit the bullseye at 100 yards with a sub 12 rifle."
"You teach patience and marksmanship because it takes a while to kick out the cartridge, put a new one in, close it, get reseated back onto your target again."
"Smashed it, 390 meters. That's officially my furthest shot with the 22-250."
"You should be able to hit a target at 15 yards, getting no misses is not the hard part."
"She became an excellent shot, developing a reputation as a markswoman that would later fuel her reputation as the bandit queen."
"This gun is the most performance you could possibly get from an iron sight gun, no question."
"The best thing you can do really is just be a good marksman."
"If you put the sight there and pull the trigger straight, the bullet's gonna go where the sight is."
"The main reason why I compete is to become a better marksman."
"That's a head shot every time at a squirrel at 50 yards using this bulk pack ammo."
"That is really impressive when you got bullet holes touching each other like that at 50 yards."
"He stood out from his peers as an excellent marksman."
"Combat operations is the foundation for every single Marine, regardless of what your occupation is. What it is to sit behind a rifle, look down that barrel, and be able to put lead on target."
"Stay safe, shoot straight, have a great day."
"These rifles do lend themselves well to pretty incredible feats of accuracy."
"There's a lot of skill set involved as opposed to just shooting prone off of a mat at a stationary target."
"It's the one thing, and apparently, yeah, no, it's also just the fact that she's so skilled with using her Quirk to change the bullets that with just regular skill she can shoot targets from three kilometers away."
"Accuracy is final. I don't care how good your setup is if you can't put a round on a target."
"It's one thing to shoot an animal at 150 yards, but then to be able to consistently call wind and hit your target at four or five and beyond, that's a little bit of another skill set."
"Musketry of the early 20th century, and this technique in particular, was light years in advance and indeed would not be out of place even today."
"From colonial days, Marksmanship has been an American tradition."
"At 50 yards, all the shots in the blue there is really decent; if that was a pigeon's head, the pigeon would be dead five times out of five."
"Finding a natural point of aim... is going to help us keep from drifting off target."
"She has mad detective skills and is an expert marksman but is most notably known for her powerful bionic arm."
"The accuracy was fantastic, we absolutely couldn't miss."
"I'm Breckinridge Elkins from Bear Creek up in the Humboldt, and I shoot better in my sleep than most men does wide awake."