
Craziness Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Ignorance can be educated, crazy can be medicated, but there's just no cure for stupid."
"The whole world's crazy honestly, yeah, there's so much craziness happening."
"Music, acting, and porn - you gotta be some kind of crazy." - Vanessa Fraction
"But hoie is crazy and it's this metha to his Madness."
"If you love your people, you gotta be crazy."
"He's deemed crazy at the beginning of the film and then works to prove himself."
"That's so crazy, it just might work."
"This was easily one of the craziest challenge videos we've ever done."
"Nothing fishy is going on here, dude, this thing's crazy."
"Crazy always beats everything else."
"Guys, it seems like these feeding videos where I feed dead animals to my fire ants get more and more crazy over time."
"This year has been nothing short of crazy. It's like insane."
"Life is just really, really crazy, and it's awesome when it's with you guys."
"It's so dope, it's so crazy, everything is insane bro."
"What's worse, looking jealous or crazy? Jealous or crazy? Or like being walked all over lately?"
"Sometimes it's just crazy, baking is a true science, it really is."
"This is such a crazy setup, so much fun."
"The more you go into war zones the more you realize mad crazy stuff happens for reasons which you can almost not fathom."
"Genius is real and it can be crazy to me. This isn't a genius, this is just a blowhard."
"But what I really want to talk about today is kind of sort of crazy of crazy."
"What you see is what you get. I'm not here trying to put on the act like I'm crazy."
"She beautiful. She a little crazy but she beautiful."
"Crazy is undefeated. Crazy is one thousand and oh. You will not beat crazy. There's no way you think you won and crazy will pull a victory out of that situation."
"Let's get crazy with it right yeah well maybe you got to save that for the sixth movie."
"Camping in our backyard... so freaking crazy."
"What's crazier to me are the people that do evil things in this world and they still don't see that they're doing evil things. That is the sign of evil. Craziness."
"Yo, you ever say, like, you ever think to yourself, your life is crazy? Like, it's just, I don't know why God does the things that he does, but it's just crazy how [ __ ] just happens."
"This film easily top five, it's crazy."
"In a blink of an eye, which might seem crazy."
"How crazy it is, honestly. I mean, look at this."
"You're crazy. Yes, I'm crazy. Crazy in love."
"...me and Trav had fun; we're literally just being crazy."
"I'm excited. They are crazy. Yes, they are."
"The craziest car event you could pretty much ever imagine."
"The crazier we start, the more fun we have."
"One of the craziest matches I've ever seen."
"It's crazy. I hope this isn't your sober brain."
"When it comes to skincare, people give some of the craziest advice."
"It's just crazy to have people dancing in the streets, bro."
"Life is a war zone. Everywhere you go, there's crazy waiting for you."
"This is the craziest video we've ever made."
"Tomorrow, every day, hey, and the vlog has not seen my dog yet, this one's acting crazy right now."
"It is just getting more and more crazy by the day, not by the year any longer."
"This next story is what happens when the players bring a little bit of their real-life crazy to the table."
"Your life is so crazy, my life... Yes, your life is crazy. Mine's crazy, but yours is crazy on a totally different parallel."
"It's hard to imagine, but life be crazy."
"Get wild on you baby, crazy like the color blue."
"Guys, if we do one more of that, just be cray, but hey, that's what we're all about here at Adventure fun, we do crazy things."
"Trust me guys, it's even crazier at night."
"...one of those is funnier, and I'm waiting to see who gets it. But he won, one of them, but Marty, I mean, 3-5-0, three-one at one point, three wins would have been craziness, insane."
"A lot of excitement and craziness still to be taken place."
"Surprising someone with a wedding would be unbelievably crazy to me."
"This performance is crazy, bro. This thing is off the chain. You really gotta like go deep somewhere in there to pull that out."
"What up? So your family's crazy, so you're crazy. That's the way I want you. That's why I love you. I'm crazy too. But kiss me."
"The day is coming when the world will go crazy. And then when the people meet a sane person, they will point to him and say, 'He is crazy because he's not like us.'" - St. Anthony of the Desert
"It's just so easy to talk about because it's the craziest thing we've ever done."
"The worlds of Gravity Falls and Rick and Morty are also crazy enough for this to be an actual part of the lore."
"With everything that's been done in this game, they've somehow made it even crazier by modding it."
"The internet's crazy oh oh believe me believe me I know all about it."
"It's a crazy world that we live in."
"You know, the world's a crazy place."
"...perhaps in a way the craziest part about the car is actually those Rego plates..."
"Insane, this thing is absolutely insane. It's crazy."
"You have to be a little [ __ ] off, that's a definition of crazy."
"If it doesn't sound crazy, it's not faith."
"We were sitting on the deck because both of us know that when one of us says something crazy, the other one's going to go, 'Hey dude, that's nuts. Have you lost your freaking mind?'"
"That's just crazy, dog, Unison too saying that, that's crazy."
"it's so crazy I don't even know how to explain to you how excited I am"
"I love its personality though it's so crazy it reminds me of like the Joker."
"He's easily the craziest. We all bought it. He was pretty much like he's 'bombs'... He can hight 'em up and he can have a laugh."
"The changes to the June archive have been even crazier."
"Isn't it crazy? I literally love it. I love it too."
"That's a bit insane, really. That's a bit crazy, man."
"Everything's getting nuttier by the week."
"Making movies is a crazy thing to do, like really really really crazy."
"Surely it's quite clear that this entitled mum was just crazy the entire time."
"Life is full of all sorts of crazy."
"It's the craziest show we've ever seen."
"It's buttered with Corey Feldman's butter sauce, right? Let's slide into it, there's enough crazy to go around."
"There's enough crazy to go around."
"Something crazy, something absolutely insane"
"So crazy, the whole story reads like a movie kind of."
"The craziness can work in its favor, supplying some memorable action scenes."
"We love each other, but we're literally crazy."
"The crazy is the fun, the fun is the crazy."
"Crazy females are more loving. Like, we know when a female's bullsh*tting."
"Can I fight? Yeah, it's crazier though, fighting. They're literally fighting, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"27 years I've been alive, and I've never done something quite as crazy as this."
"It's like you put in the room these writers and cast members, and they're all nuts, and you know that you're crazy, and everyone's nuts, and you say, 'You're crazy. I know you are too.'"
"She's crazy bro, she's such a good artist."
"...let me catch my breath real quick. Okay, Leslie, I love you. This is crazy."
"That's crazy. This is epic, guys."
"You guys are [__] crazy, I love it."
"This spot is absolutely crazy, this place is absolutely loaded."
"This has to be the craziest thing we'll see all week."
"Everything about this drugs trade, the numbers are crackers."
"It's pretty crazy. It's pretty freaking absurd."
"This movie was holding back, trying to be a real movie, which it couldn't be. It needed to go over the top, be crazy, and you would have had a better movie."
"Don't you ever do something just crazy, just absolutely crazy?"
"Crazy is going to drive the 2024 election."
"The video is me at home like all right here we go what I've got two beers a sauce on the internet it's crazy."
"She's crazy, bro. Like, how you feeling about it, mama 870?"
"This event entirely is insane, like these fans are the best."
"It was abnormal, paranormal, it was crazy."
"This one is crazy, but it's really soft."
"Even in the coveted craziness, we've had our fill for a while."
"Peter's crazy, and for you to make it in this day, you gotta have a little crazy in you."
"...it was one of the top craziest things that ever happened to me in my life..."
"Remember, it's important to be crazy to be good."
"It's a batshit crazy concept, but it's original, memorable, and well-made."
"Falling in love means losing your mind and being completely crazy for a while."
"This is the craziest prison break story I've ever heard."
"It's incredibly crazy and I love it."
"We want to get something absolutely crazy."
"You think Tennessee is crazy, holy crap New Orleans, Louisiana, that's just the epitome of crazy."
"I'm trying to reduce the amount of crazy in my life."
"It's the sheer pinnacle of how crazy One Piece is."
"Hey, a little bit of crazy is good, right?"
"The Wild West, what a crazy history, huh?"
"Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart, and that damn stupid."
"The world was always crazy, we just have more exposure to it now."
"I think everyone's a little crazy."
"This whole thing's [__] crazy, right? World's weird."
"I appreciate the craziness because sometimes I need a little bit of entertainment."
"It's like we living in the craziest times in the world right now."
"That's the craziest fun in the world!"
"Everything you've told me is completely crazy, but it feels like I'm doing the right thing."
"It's a little bit crazy, but yeah, we're excited."
"We're all crazy in our own unique way, but it's how we handle our craziness that makes us different."
"But we're never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy."
"You guys are crazy but you're crazy with an awesome kitchen magnet that you are going to love."
"It's completely crazy but it is also very beautiful."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy craziness."
"I need someone who is both as crazy as me but also smart enough to know when not to be crazy."
"What's a little crazy between friends, right?"
"When crazy becomes normal, what the hell does crazy look like?"
"How crazy can this craziness get?"
"It's just always bonkers crazy fun."
"We're all a bit crazy these days," she paused.