
Aquascaping Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Aquascaping your rock too high...think about where you're going, not where you are today."
"No debate, the mistake here is not doing rock first then sand."
"You can't really find true live rock that easily these days."
"Live plants are magical, as LR Bretz demonstrates. He has live plants that basically scrub his water clean for him."
"This aquascape demonstrates what can be achieved when you think outside the box and actively apply your technical knowledge to achieve your artistic vision."
"This layout has pushed the boundaries of traditional aquascaping and successfully challenged what was previously thought impossible."
"I will never say I'm the best aquascaper. I'll never say I was the first aquascaper, but I have been around a long time."
"Aquascaping: connecting with nature in your home."
"I hope you learned a little bit about the aquascaping Hobby."
"Aquascaping isn't necessarily just about the aquascape; it's about the whole experience."
"My goal with this channel is to inspire people to live the aquascape lifestyle."
"These events are really special because it's only when you have that genuine kind of human connection with aquascaping that you really understand what aquascaping's about."
"Thanks for coming. Welcome to this aquascaping event."
"Aquascaping will always be bigger than me and I am here to serve aquascaping."
"Aquascape is for everyone and if this is something that like you like the look of then do it have fun with it."
"Even Aquascape competitors train these schooling fish to pose for shots."
"Managing nature is something that we've been engaged with since the invention of the goldfish to the point of aquascaping."
"And they're also very good at providing hiding places for fry for little fish."
"If you're into aquascaping, you almost have to try a rimless tank."
"Usually I build tanks with lots of plants and a bit of hardscape, mainly plants though."
"Lots of rock work, really cool cyclic community tank."
"If you are a hobbyist, I always recommend anytime you go to an aquascaping store, check out the hardscape collection."
"I've never been happier with the tank. I've aquascaped more than the yellow lab tank. It turned out exactly how I had envisioned it."
"Create the most beautiful, stunning, and absolutely carefree discus tank."
"To increase the comfort level of your fish and to help keep the water clean, it can be very helpful to keep live plants."
"Root tabs are your best friend for making things easier on yourself."
"Everything is looking really tidy. The shrimp seem to be really, really active as well, which is just what you want. So, that's going to be one of my first signs if there's ever problems."
"The most important advice with feeding your shrimp is having these things in this picture right here: driftwood, moss, plants, algae on the glass, and even some rocks."
"This tank has come a long way, by the way, but number one comment by far is the aquascape."
"If you're good at growing corals, you don't see the rock. It's true, to some degree."
"Aquascaping has the ability to teach us about ourselves, connecting with something that's just quite magical."
"Aquascaping is deeply therapeutic and deeply connecting."
"Aquascaping has so many crossovers with wellness, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally."
"Aquascaping can help people feel well, connecting them with nature."
"Aquascaping is about creating an ecosystem and watching everything interact."
"Your reef is never done, no matter what you do, you're gonna have to change the aquascape at some point."
"You know, when you keep an aquarium with fish and plants and they're all living in harmony, that can really give you the most beautiful sense of satisfaction and connection."
"My job doesn't just teach people how to aquascape, but actually think about why. You know, why am I doing this and how is it helpful?"
"I definitely wanted to show you how we support and live the aquascape lifestyle."
"My goal is to inspire people to live the aquascape lifestyle."
"This tank looks so good shrimp will love that porous sort of texture on the rocks. Bonus points for that."
"It started off looking like this, but then it got to this point. Finally, look at that, that is now a beautifully aquascaped tank."
"I'm going for a full-on jungle aquascape with this one."
"Let's go for something really simple, like the iwagumi. Completely different style and actually really difficult to do well."
"I love waterbox tanks; even though this tank isn't escaped how you want it to be, it looks beautiful."
"This tank is sent in by Tobias Wolfesburger; really lush bed of valis, that's pretty impressive."
"Java fern and anubias are like the easiest plants that you can keep in this hobby."
"Take as long as you need to get that perfect aquascape right from day one."
"It's like the ultimate reward when people show me their planted tank and it's running on easy green."
"So I don't follow many conventional aquascaping rules guys, I just sort of put stuff in and go by what I think looks good."
"I enjoy doing aquascaping and taking care of fish."
"Definitely get a lid and save yourself some heartbreak."
"Height adds interest. The higher up we can create our focal points, the more your eyes are drawn around the tank."
"When you're creating an aquascape, you want to be picking lots of little points that draw the eyes in and keep them traveling over the whole aquascape."
"It's a beautiful playground for you to aquascape in."
"You can really start to play with the plants and not just the fish and not just the other amazing processes that go on in an aquarium."
"It's definitely my favorite aquascape I've ever created, and I'm so grateful that it has evolved like this."
"We're going to be just using the plants and hopefully build like a really cool looking scape for the betta fish."
"We're creating kind of biotope style aquascapes here, so to get this shimmer effect when you get the ripples, that just looks really natural and adds to this kind of authentic biotype habitat feel."
"It's going to be black water, and with the WEO lights, we get that lovely shimmer on the surface."
"They're perfect for your aquascape."
"You can grow rare stem plants, you can get brighter colors if you're willing to use CO2 and lights."
"It just worked out perfectly for me this time, and it does look like a little mountain range, doesn't it?"
"It's probably one of the best iwagumi's I've ever done."
"If it is to grow a beautiful, thick, lush, super dense, super compact, colorful aquascape, you're probably going to want an active substrate."
"I really just love this tank, from the LED backlight in the left corner to the fast flow that creates this nice ripple effect to the fish."
"We are getting very, very close to aquascaping."
"If you can actually shift the way that those corals grow and get them to grow angled towards the pane of glass, you're going to get a much better visual display in the tank."
"I want to build an aquascape that's quite naturalistic for them."
"Blue dreams, blue ram's horn snails with river pebbles and mini java ferns, yeah that'll work, that's cool."
"An aquascape is for our eyes, habitat is about caring for the pets, and you can have both."
"The Aquascape never stays the same for too long, as my wife can say."
"In the aquascaping hobby, we strive really hard to find the perfect balance between the lighting, the CO2, and the nutrient levels."
"It's all about showcasing how people live the Aquascape lifestyle."
"One of the reasons why I plant riparian plants in my tanks is to have this massive root system growing under the water where the fish can hide."
"Over time, these roots will actually get attached to the driftwood, they will kind of wrap this driftwood around, and they will fix themselves firmly to the piece of driftwood."
"I think it's really encouraging, hopefully for beginners that are watching, that you don't need super high levels of lighting, you don't need CO2 injection, you don't need like a high-tech setup, an expensive setup to have a beautiful aquascape."
"It's amazing, and such as low energy, low cost, low maintenance, for me that's like the perfect aquascape."
"Listen, the beautiful thing about aquascaping is you can do whatever you want."
"Do whatever makes you happy, and that's exactly what I did here."
"Use coral growth patterns to your advantage and make it cool."
"When I got them down packed and I did my first scape, I remember it took me about 6 hours and I just lost myself and I was like, hey this is pretty entertaining."
"We're creators; we're creating these beautiful aquariums with these beautiful aquarium plants and these beautiful aquascapes."
"Hi everyone, welcome to this new video where I'm going to Aquascape this amazing AAZ scaper line 90 for my new friend Lauren."
"I think it's brilliant, crossing a boundary in terms of creating a contest level aquascape."
"I'm super happy with how this aquascape turned out."
"You can see exactly what you can do with just some of the materials you can find within your backyard."
"I really hope that this video showed you that you don't need a lot of expensive materials to create a fantastic looking aquascape."
"I'm really excited to keep you guys updated in the future on how the setup goes."
"Congratulations on such a beautiful Aquascape."
"Brazilian Pennywort makes an absolutely amazing floating plant, as you can see it can do a lot of coverage."
"Aquascapes are kind of like having a portrait of living nature in your aquarium."
"Have you seen those mind-blowing aquascapes that look like beautiful underwater gardens?"
"Fish just seem really beautiful and elegant, and it's like you're creating a small slice of nature, like this underwater forest, in your house."
"With a lot of plants in the tank from the word go, you massively reduce the chance of algae and any other headaches."
"Water quality is top-notch from the word get; plants part is just amazing, they're just amazing, just get as many as you can, put them all in."
"I don't follow many conventional aquascaping rules, guys. I just sort of put stuff in and go by what I think looks good."
"I'm really excited to make this planted black water tank; I think it's going to be neat, and I think that my fry are really going to like it."
"Aquascaping is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, as well as rocks, stones, cave work, or driftwood, in an aesthetically pleasing manner within an aquarium—in effect, gardening under water."
"I spent a lot of time with the aquascaping and really thinking through every detail of this build, and now I can finally start to see it come to life again."
"Depth is so, so important with a tank and really cool aquascapes."
"It's a sea of gorgeous, gorgeous plants, every aquascaper's dream really."
"The rainbow tank is looking absolutely fantastic, the reds are really coming through, all the plants are going fantastic."
"It comes in all sorts of different shapes and makes your job of aquascaping a lot simpler."
"If you have a really thick carpet of plants... it actually acts as a sort of a little natural trap."
"It keeps the mulm contained around the roots of the plants, which is exactly where you want it."
"Hello and welcome back to the Aquascape guide where we cover all the systems needed to keep our planted tanks happy and healthy."
"Most professional aquascapers whose focus is on plants keep their GH and KH around 4 degrees."
"Base your water parameters off your livestock's needs and let your plants adjust to the livestock's environment."
"In aquascaping, it was pioneered by the late great Takashi Amano over 30 years ago."
"Welcome back guys, today I want to talk all about carpeting plants and how to get a really nice carpet in your tank."
"You can have a beautiful planted tank without CO2."
"These guys grow out and look incredible in planted tanks; they have amazing color."
"Java fern and moss, those are easy plants. Aquascapers use java fern, high-end tanks that do lots of hardscape use java fern."
"It's one of the finest aquascapes I've seen in a long time."
"Java fern is a great choice for soft water tanks, for low to medium light tanks, and I think it'd be a great choice for a black water tank."
"Isn't it amazing, just three pieces of anubias, it already looks fantastic."
"I like mixing shrimps; I think it's looking cool when you have lots of colors in the same tank."
"We've got the Anubias, we left a couple of caves empty so fish can get in there."
"If you are aquarist, one of the highest endeavor to happiest is to have a planted aquarium."
"This is the fully grown of the coral moss and this is for the foreground of your planted tank."
"Aquascaping with the aquaforest afrock is my favorite part of the build."
"This rock comes in dry, pest-free, already colored purple, so it's going to get a good start to the tank."
"I never Aquascape without a little music, got a little sauce to kind of get the mind and the motivation going."
"This is my first attempt at creating a floating Aquascape."
"It doesn't matter how great this build was outside of the tank, when it comes to what you put in the tank, that's going to be where the magic happens."
"I like to keep a little bit of nitrate in my planted tanks, the plants just grow better in my opinion."
"It's really not that much bigger, and that little bit bigger really made a huge difference as far as like what you can do with an aquascape."
"Just let your coral grow out into the landscape, let it fill the scape, and it's gonna just look nice for you."
"Learning to grow plants is one of the most important things in aquascaping, once you can do that the whole tank just looks after itself."
"Anubias is the best aquatic plant in the world for many different reasons."
"A really good tip, guys, is just to lay out all of your hardscape on the floor that you've got."
"I think by 2025, this is something you see a lot of local fish stores is building custom aquascapes that are available for sale right at your store, you can go see it in person."
"Building an NSA aquascape altogether, having all those minds in the room to come up with creative ideas, I think that's a really cool idea."
"I want something where I'm creating a piece of art in the tank where the structure or the foundation of the tank is actually the coolest part of the whole thing."
"The use of shadows and negative space is a really important part of aquascaping that is often forgotten."
"I tend to aquascape with as much intention of how much space I don't fill with as much intention as how much space I do fill with corals."
"I just want to encourage all of you to continue doing what you're doing, which is making an aquascape or an aquarium that looks beautiful to you."
"It's going to revolutionize the world of aquascaping in the marine reef space."
"Tia was not blessed with vertical height, but she makes up for it with aquascaping."