
Possessiveness Quotes

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"This person definitely just like is afraid sometimes that other people are going to steal you from them because they're just so crazy about you."
"Most guys don't think like that. Most men don't like sharing their women or her sexuality with other men."
"It'll be so tainted if you touch it anyway. He just looked [__] you, it pissed me off every time I see one."
"Don't be over there hogging up all my good tools now."
"Could you imagine this? Like you just pick a certain handrail in the school. This is my rail. My rail. Don't touch it, Greg!"
"She's acting like a stalker ex, she doesn't want to accept that it's over, it's that 'it's mine or no one else's' mentality."
"It's my championship and no one is taking that away from me."
"People fall in love with you... they tend to develop these dark shadow traits of possessiveness."
"They're already feeling possessive of you, they already caught it, they're already feeling possessive."
"Toxic and possessive, two words you never want to hear in connection to a relationship."
"You must love me and no one else? That's a dangerous idea."
"I hope nobody else wants these fries. That's my new favorite restaurant."
"If I can't have him, no one else is going to have him."
"Somebody doesn't want somebody to move on from them."
"Chow Chow: possessive and aggressive, not your typical cuddly furball."
"You will pry my car from me from my cold dead hands."
"Possessive. They're feeling possessive, trying to hold on to you."
"Shikimori isn’t just a cutie; she’s real possessive, too!"
"I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me."
"Holy crap this is the classic mentality of if I can't have something no one else can have it either."
"Andy confidently explains that the night will end with her being his girl and he's not letting anyone else lay their hands on her."
"They don't want to see you with someone else... stability coming in for you."
"Limited good mentality makes you afraid of anybody else getting access to what you think only belongs to you."
"Get your young ovaries away from Usman, AKA Soulja Boy, he's my other first one."
"He would go everywhere with me. If I didn't invite him, he would get offended."
"They can be jealous and a bit possessive, like a dragon protecting its treasure."
"You're not anybody else's girlfriend, you're my girlfriend."
"I'm really possessive, and I can be jealous too."
"They think about you nonstop, non-stop worried other people will find you sexy and attractive."
"Once I have you, our love will last forever. I'll never let you leave. Love me forever or else."
"When you see me, you will forget he even existed. You won't question again where he has gone."
"They can't stand it. They can't stand the thought of you being with someone else, Pisces."
"All he wanted was to have more girls for himself, whether it was me or someone else, anyone else."
"She fiercely asserted that Mamura belonged to her alone."
"He's really jealous of her, and he's possessive."
"I love you and I want you, if I don't have you, no one else will."
"I'm not gonna let anyone have you because you said you wanted me."
"If I can't have you, then nobody can, that's what it sounds like."
"You feel jealous when you are afraid of losing something that you already possess."
"...you poor Angela. Once Richie got his claws in, he would never let her go."
"They're starting to get real possessive over you; they now see you as a soulmate."
"You're all mine, unapologetically so, don't back down now."
"You're all mine, got it? If you ever forget it, well, you know what's gonna happen."
"Everything under this roof is mine, my property, and that includes you."
"If they're respectful to you but they're unkind to others, there's a very high chance that they will become unkind to you as well."
"Possessiveness and jealousy to the point where you fear completely platonic interactions may result in their rage is an early sign of abuse."
"He's possessive and jealous, expecting loyalty from his partner."
"You're such a part of my day that I need my recharge, and I'm a greedy one. So don't expect me to go and give it to someone else. Got it? You're mine, my teddy bear. Don't you even start to forget it."
"I don't want to share you, I don't want to lose you, you are everything to me."
"It doesn’t matter if it’s located on a secret island or the remains of an old pirate ship, if he smells it, it’s his!"
"It's like apologizing for dating another man before him. Someone has seen your body before me. I can't believe this [ __ ]. I want to be the only man to view every woman. Every woman doesn't want to [ __ ] me immediately. What the [ __ ]."
"I'll kill any man who tries to take you away from me."
"This person is very possessive over you and they understand your power, they understand your significance."
"They're not the jealous or possessive type."
"They are possessive over King, not wanting him to have any friends besides them, and gets angry when Belos lies to him about Kings loyalty and seeing Kings friends coming to rescue him."
"They get jealous thinking about you being with anybody else."
"Don't eat my watermelon sticks, either. They're all mine."
"Watch out for jealousy and possessiveness. Jealousy has almost no connection to how strong a man's feelings are about a woman."
"He bought it for me. He will not be taking it."
"Hey, just like that, you're so cute. What are you calling me cutesu? I'd rather beauty cool but I guess I can take a cute here there. Nah, I see, just don't think I won't return that straight away. You're mine."
"You're mine now, and I don't care what your past was."
"You're mine. Don't forget who you fell in love with first."
"They just want to take action and take control of the situation and keep you. It's like a sense of your mind, your mind, your mind. I'm not letting you go, I will not let you go at all. You're mine."
"You're meant to be with me, teddy bear. And I'm the one who gets to make you happy."
"Your eyes, smile, your laugh, everything about you says 'Monica is mine.'"
"This person might be a little possessive."
"You're mine," Luca whispers, his voice firm and possessive.
"He took my lips like they belonged to him, like they were his territory ripe for conquering."
"No one is allowed to hurt oscal ad except me."
"It's beautiful isn't it? Don't even dream of trying it, all these chips are mine now."
"I want you for myself. I don't want to share you with a lot of other people. Aren't any other people, just you."
"The other mother loved her, but she loved Coraline as a miser loves money or a dragon loves its gold."
"She's not yours, it's just your turn."
"He said, 'Your mind, I own you. You're mine. No one else will ever have you.'"
"...I don't want to see you with anyone else."
"They're almost possessive because they're very attracted to you. They love your independence."
"Your withdrawal will trigger anxiety, the only way to relieve this anxiety is to pursue and possess you."
"The Holy Spirit is a jealous spirit."
"They do not want to see you entertaining anybody else but them on that level."
"Just remember don't be switching up on your friends. Be possessive I guess your boyfriend or girlfriend but not too possessive."
"God says I'm a jealous God and this is an emotion that is appropriate. If a man is married, he loves his wife and he feels no protection or possessiveness if someone is infringing on the relationship, that is unnatural."
"Oh, yeah. Oh, my goodness. I never let him do that. I got really jealous, guys."
"If your girl or your guy can be taken from you, they were never yours. They were never yours."
"Possessive energy like they don't want you to be with anybody else."
"If she can be taken from you, she was never yours."
"She yells louder and crying that ryuji is hers."
"I couldn’t believe what I was hearing 'I am doing all I can to have her father’s heart to myself."
"You can't talk to my hoes, I got exclusive ones."
"If I can't have the sandwich, no one can!"
"Obsessive love is when the person shows jealousy toward any activity that competes for your attention."
"She was like, 'I heard you guys, I heard what you were saying about me.' Parker's mine."
"I guess I thought if I couldn't have my snuggly, then why should you have yours?"
"I want to make it clear: you're mine and I'm yours. Got it?"
"You're mine, damn it. So come on, don't you want to be with me, too?"
"You're all mine, and I won't let anyone else have you. No way, no how."
"You're mine. You're all mine. Damn it, you're all mine."
"I'm not prepared to go giving you away. Hell no. I want you all to myself, damn it."
"You belong to me, and I won't give you to anyone else. You're mine, damn it."
"I don't want you to have that pretty stone because I didn't give it to you," he said angrily.
"You're mine. You're my territory. You belong only to me, and I won't give you away, no matter what."
"After being with a controlling possessive for so long, this was obviously a red flag."
"You're mine. I'm not gonna give you up to anyone."
"Because he's... What he literally sees her as his not in the sense of 'I'm yours, you're mine, we're Valentines' in the sense of 'I own you'."
"If you are not at my funeral crying, if you are not causing a scene, if you are not trying to jump in the grave, that's not your girl."
"I think Jason would prefer if he did have me all to himself."
"It feels good to give it to him, I'm keeping that thing."
"You're mine, damn it. Don't forget it. Don't ever forget."
"They're imagining you with someone else, and it's making them furious. They don't like the idea of you being with anyone else."
"You're my player too, and I don't want anyone else to get involved in us."
"Excuse me, you were mine, you are mine, how dare you leave."
"That type of behavior gets women, and the last thing in the world that women want is a possessive controlling man."
"Just don't hurt her. No, no. I need her. I'm gonna breed myself an heir."
"We're possessive creatures. That's why pronouns are so powerful."
"Every time you see somebody's man, you think the world, 'cause I'm telling anybody that puts their ass online the way that she do, she thinks the world, everybody's man belongs to her."
"Love is greedy... but love was also transforming."
"The Killer's energy after what happened happened and he was leaving the house: Pride in a cage, 'If I can't have her, nobody can. Play games with me, you won't play games no more.'"
"They don't want to see you with anybody else, even if it's just a fling."
"That sharing is overrated. Keep that blanket damn it!"
"She's mine, he looked over my shoulder and narrowed his eyes."
"Thank you for choosing this cake. I am so happy that I get to eat this and this because this is all mine. I'm not allowed to share this, you know, all the rules these days."
"You're mine, and I claim you forever."
"I think it's more of like uh you're dressed like a hoe change type of thing like controlling boyfriends."
"You're mine, damn it! I won't let them have you."
"Men that's how men view relationships with women. They might not admit this, but men are territorial with their women."
"This person is control freak in relationships."
"This time it's about need, raw, dangerous need, and I don't hold back. I want her to be mine, mine alone, and that thought is terrifying."
"We get caught in Concepts, place of possessiveness of ownership of time, of past and future, of self-image."
"Possessive people attempt to use care as control."
"It's almost like if I can't have them, nobody will."
"Love does not mean possession; sometimes you need to let someone go and be who they were meant to be."
"Possessiveness would frighten him off."
"I don't gotta share at all. I don't even like sharing my food."
"I get jealous when I think of anyone else having you or stealing you."
"We tend to hoard, we tend to cling."
"Augustus, sweetheart, don't do that! My chocolate must never be touched by human hands!"
"Here we have... no, that's my spot."
"I believe however that OJ needs to learn how to take space also he is still very possessive obsessive and controlling."
"There's a woman coming through for someone here. It's unhealthy because she's possessive. She wants to know your whereabouts constantly."
"Are you stealing him, my boy? You want the snuggles, don't you?"
"Love is not possessive or jealous. Love has no control or restrictions."
"They're obsessed with you, feeling extremely attracted."
"They're possessive and want you all to themselves."
"They feel scared of losing you to other options."
"I want you to myself, won't share you with nobody else."
"Toxic people have a 'what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine' mentality."
"A possessive person is threatened by the mere thought of losing their partner."
"Low's possessive moments really saved the romance for me."
"Best friend? Who's asking me [ __ ]? And no, she's not your best friend. She can be your friend, but that's my best friend. The [ __ ] I've known her for two years, no!"
"I'm going to remove her little sweater off so I can see her body."
"When a guy's like you're my everything, I don't want you to leave. That's toxic."
"Sister, Alista, you are mine. No one can covet you."
"They can have a whole new family, whole new husband, wife, family, new job, new everything, and still think you belong to them."
"He was being really possessive he was jealous of my girlfriends."
"Possessive jealousy is rooted in possession that the gentleman feels that he can possess her and that he can have her whenever he wants."
"Romantic jealousy and possessiveness are instrumental, utilitarian, and transactional when the narcissist tries to forestall and to prevent the loss of an intimate partner who is about to bail out."
"I won't let anyone else have you or hurt you."
"You belong to me. I care for you with love, treat you with tenderness."
"I can't have someone else loving the person that's a love of my dreams my player too."
"Princess Anita will forever be mine."
"You're mine. I'm not gonna give you up to anyone, simplicity or not."
"I'm telling you right about now, don't mess with my car."
"I miss the protective jealous 'I don't like anybody but you'."
"If he's not obsessed, I don't want him. Hit him with the club: You're mine now!"
"I want you as part of my collection. Don't you feel honored? Don't you feel special?"
"I can't let anyone else have you. You're my perfect little sheep to hunt."
"I want you to myself won't share you with nobody else like with me, a stingy [__] something I can't help."
"Ask a man why they marry, and sometimes it's so nobody else can have her."
"Illumi is very possessive over Killua, and this reaction is completely understandable."
"They like the idea of having you to themselves. I almost get like a possessive quality here, right? You guys want to be possessive with one another in the moments that you're intimate without being toxically codependent on one another."
"Don't let him save up for another girl."
"They don't want you to be with anybody else."
"He comes in and he says, 'Yeah, no, don't think so. Off limits, only for me. He blocks out all the other competition."
"If a man is not territorial over you, he don't care about you like that."
"I didn't care, he was mine and I didn't want to compete with anyone ever."
"That's mine. It was mine the first time I f**ked you and it'll be mine until I decide it's not."
"That's not yours, don't get attached to it."
"You should be happy if a guy's possessive or territorial with you because that means that he cares, especially if they're providing for you and taking care of you."
"Honestly, he does seem to be quite possessive, quite a jealous sort."
"You're not going to just kick it like that come on man but I'm not going to be possessive at all I mean that's bar fight right now yeah yeah don't lie to me."
"This person really wants you to themselves."
"Possessive language is unbelievably toxic."
"I don't want a husband who is okay with sharing me."
"They get jealous at the thought of you entertaining someone else or talking to someone else."
"If you love an artist so much that you feel the need to keep them to yourself, it's like saying, 'I want this artist to struggle to keep this career afloat so that I feel different and special and quirky.'"
"Not a single soul is going to come in that restaurant and try to take my man."
"I want him with me for me to take care of and ruin."
"Keep what's yours, I keep what's mine."
"You belong to me. I love you and I will be with you always."
"The trick to being with a possessive romantic man probably has to do with sexual chemistry and charisma within the relationship."
"You are only be free and safe if you are with me."
"One of these men is very possessive, like when this person sees you talking to people, they get mad."
"I would hold you by your hair and prevent you from going."
"Can't nobody else have you because you're mine."
"Why you feel like you own somebody? You feel me? You gonna be feeling like that, like trying to hold this person to something that they not. Let them be who they is."
"This person is possessive over you. Whether you know this or not, there will be a reconciliation between you and this person. Because the chemistry, the passion is undeniable."
"He's mine now, he still loves me so much that he's all over me every day."
"A happy man doesn't go to war. A happy man is not into possessive thinking. He is simply there. And it's time that we bring it about."
"...he's so dangerously possessive and so dangerously passive aggressive..."
"It just tastes like I'm eating a cone that you put ice cream in. I'm not sharing this. My kids can't have this. This is mine."
"You are mine, Brooke. I love you."