
Antagonists Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Often a story is only as good as its villain."
"Prince Nuala is not your run-of-the-mill power-hungry antagonist."
"A lack of internal logic for characters, particularly antagonists, breaks the story's coherence."
"Marvel's next big bad Kang the Conqueror will be the surprise protagonist."
"Bonnie's personal conflict isn't something that can just be resolved at Egghead as her enemies are the celestial dragons and the world government itself."
"Unlikable characters can work... villains are a great example of this."
"He knows how to create bad guys that you love. He knows how to create people that do despicable things but you still kind of love them."
"Hell's Paradise really doesn't leave anything to be desired outside of a compelling antagonistic cast and great fights."
"Jujutsu Kaisen has the better antagonist lineup."
"Katakuri officially the most popular antagonist in one piece to date."
"I hate it so much when you have a villain who's got a really good point."
"I think Dr. Maruki is easily Persona 5's best antagonist for me."
"That's what why we're gonna put my finger on like why I think the first movie is so I love it and then why I think the movies were diminishing returns is like the antagonists in this movie or the dinosaurs."
"There wouldn't be a Batman without a Joker, they need each other to thrive and this sentiment is reflected in the live-action movies as well."
"Shodan is easily one of the best antagonists in a video game."
"Pete has not only featured as the adversary or foil of Mickey, Goofy, Donald, Oswald, and Alice over the years, but also as their antithesis."
"Having a unique antagonist is just another way to solidify them in your memory."
"If there's one thing that bleach has always done right it's undoubtedly the antagonist."
"A cyborg called Pearl is escorted on her journey to New York to retrieve data, but a group of pirates led by Fender have discovered she holds the key to the cure."
"Every good game needs a conflict, and Bowser creates that conflict."
"Stain and Hisoka are my personal favorite antagonists."
"The Cybermen as antagonists are really great for this story."
"Mike Barnes, karate's bad boy, is Daniel's nemesis in Karate Kid part 3."
"When you're doing just a straightforward superhero movie, you don't need a lot of villains. But with Sinister Six, it's different. It's less about too many villains and more about too many antagonists."
"But more than all these, there’s one villain more likely than any other: Blackbeard."
"Villains who want to break the hero but only in a very vague sense."
"It's insane how this movie was able to balance not just one, not just two, but three separate antagonists, and they are all great in their own right."
"Oda does a remarkably consistent job with creating fresh, impactful antagonists arc after arc."
"It just lacked any kind of if these are meant to be your big villains they should be scary and they're not at all."
"Antagonists are great and add a lot of depth to the story."
"Antagonists block neurotransmitters, while agonists mimic or enhance their effects."
"The villain has to represent the story."
"Ironically, and this is rarely the case, I loved all the antagonists and none of the protagonists."
"Every great anime needs a supreme evil organization for the hero to defeat by the end of the story."
"The Duras sisters, Lursa and B’Etor, are memorable but relatively minor recurring antagonists from Star Trek: The Next Generation."
"It’s a pretty anticlimactic end even for a couple of B-grade antagonists — B’Etor doesn’t even try to seduce anyone — my god, what is even the point?!"
"Neither of them are like the main villain. Like of course they're both bad people, but the main villain here are the people that put them in that situation and made them fight for their lives."
"The League of Villains are basically our second set of protagonists."
"It's been a little while so yes the bio hybrid humans Koki Nanami and Ivan sort of side antagonists in Data Squad karata basically took that DNA and spliced it with Digimon and then they could just become Digimon which is insane."
"While some issues give us small glimpses of supervillains like Madame Mask who becomes an antagonist for Kate, mostly we just get groups of henchmen hassling Clint and his neighbors."
"Many fans believe emu will be Luffy's final antagonist of the entire one piece story, but with the way things are heading, it's looking as if the world government is next on Luffy's list of enemies."
"Every antagonist has their own distinct reasons."
"The Inquisitors were some of the most feared Jedi hunters and killers in Galactic history."
"Tying Ishin and Ryuken's history into that of UAB BX helps make this brand new villain a much more intimate antagonist for some of our heroes."
"We all want villains that inspire us to be fearful for our main characters when they're around."
"Even the villains in this show, even though you really don't like them, they're good villains."
"The future Androids over Boo as villains."
"Epically introduced one of the great antagonists in the series."
"Hollywood still believes demons are an easy protagonist. No need for a tragic backstory or motivation. They are just plain bad, therefore easy and guilt-free to root against."
"Everyone loves a good Outlaw a good bad guy makes every story more interesting."
"Watch out Thanos, the comics have a new mad titan or titan adjacent."
"No matter the time, place, or vessel, few can match the vile trio of Soul Edge, Inferno, and Nightmare."
"I just watched... three young female antagonists hunting guys... it's like... there's three of them now."
"The villains are also somewhat three-dimensional."
"If your story does not contain good villains then there will be no tension and the suspension of disbelief will be ruined."
"We are talking about two of the most powerful antagonists in the history of Shonen existing within the same universe and deciding to work together."
"The wolf is one of DreamWorks' best villains."
"Lord Drakken... the super villainous tyrannical and evil older counterpart to the original sixth ranger of the show Tommy Oliver."
"The Wizards of the Black Circle are villains at their finest in my book."
"The Entertainment District Arc just utilized all the characters extremely well and also gave us an antagonist I really liked."
"Megatron starts to show out as this monster."
"I could make more of the villain side of things, DC's Brotherhood, what that Squad look like."
"And finally, we come to the bad guys, and they don't get much badder than Fenrir Greyback."
"Evil Constructicon Decepticon Vehicles built to destroy planet Earth. They're robots in disguise."
"The Schutzstaffel stand tall as being far more effective, far more capable, and far more threatening in nearly every way when it comes to performing their main task as villains: defeating the heroes."
"I think he is literally the most powerful enemy we ever see in the series outside of Aizen and Yhwach."
"It's impossible to deny the immeasurable popularity of the espada as villains."
"The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture."
"Villains can make or break a story."
"The villains in Casino Royale and Skyfall are compelling."
"Two of the most nefarious baddies in the series combining their talents."
"It's crazy how much they're humanizing Kreese."
"The story's villains, the Kaiju eugenicists, are a very interesting bunch."
"Perhaps the Fairies of Vengeance don’t belong on this list considering they aren’t really villains, but that’s precisely what makes them fantastic antagonists."
"All of those qualities add up to make him the perfect villain for a series like this."
"After Megicula's initial defeat from Tetia, she begins new plans."
"You're only as good as your bad guys and let me tell you when you start talking about gladiator we are talking about some pretty massive massive bad guys so gladiator is the hit the head of the shier imperial guard."
"Most of the antagonists in this show were so multi-layered and fascinating."
"Some villains are so good we enjoy hating them."
"Sectonia and Haltmann's Backstories: Both of these are stories about the game's main antagonists being Queen Sectonia and President Haltmann revealed through certain pause screens."
"I want good villains. I want competent villains."
"The Brain is still a dangerous foe for the Titans, but he is without question the weakest villain in the series."
"Turns out with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys."
"It's a very clever and unique way to interpret one of the most famous antagonists in fiction."
"Though the movie is constructed in a way initially to portray Roy and Leon as antagonists and Deckard as the protagonist, the more we meditate on this core issue, the more the lines between good and evil are blurred."
"Every antagonist has a clear motivation and goal that makes sense."
"Villains can't exist purely in opposition to your protagonists, they need to have dreams and wishes."
"Without the villains, you just got five kids standing around going, 'What are we having for lunch today?'"
"Thrillers are as good as their villains."
"Steel Ball Run is filled to the brim with a lot of great antagonists."
"It's awesome, it's an awesome series honestly, the visuals are great, the villains are super cool."
"These are the best villains in Star Wars that we've had in a very long time."
"Like Superman without Lex Luthor or Batman without the Joker."
"Name one good movie without a villain. Can't, you can't."
"It gets right to the things that make a good show, namely the character work between the main protagonists and the large array of colorful antagonists."
"The biggest improvement to the story, to this film, to the tone, is the villains."
"I love villains; I think villains make the story more interesting."
"Those are my favorite type of villains always when they're actually trying to do something good."
"It's basically the idea that the Phantom Troupe are not infallible antagonists; they're human beings."
"The Phantom Troupe are my complete favorite straight-up antagonist group in fiction."
"Funny Valentine and Diego Brando are two of the most revered antagonists in the series."
"Good movies, good villains, lovely tech, really fun physical comedy."
"We always say antagonists are the same as protagonists; they believe that what they're doing is right."
"The villains themselves, they are definitely something to be reckoned with."
"The Flag Smashers are a group of terrorists who fight for 'a world without borders' and believe that life in the MCU was better during the Blip."