
Tactical Positioning Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The more we talk about polarization in this way, the more polarized we seem to become."
"Now how to sneak in here, form a back rank mates are good, you could pick this pawn up, no you get back rank mated in the end, chop-chop-chop, checkmate."
"So with that play anyone that's right here should be blind and this uh smoke is really important as people like to hide in garage and and just watch this angle for no reason so yeah this smoke that actually serves the purpose."
"Time advantage becomes fatal when combined with a good position."
"This is a good position, this is a good position."
"This is a shooter that I constructed... the most likely way that that shot was made was from a low position like shooting low on the hip."
"The M10 is a pretty important vehicle to pick up here once you can find some spots to make it work, you'll definitely get some good results."
"In any event, she was barreling into her, barreling into her, trying to set the angle, and Shevchenko cashed a fade."
"Mercy is priority number one for a smart team to take down so you shouldn't take this job lightly. Position yourself well and you'll be a huge help to your team. It's truth."
"Give yourself your best chance by getting your best players in the best positions."
"Invisibility... get them behind an enemy where they're not shields."
"They definitely look the more dangerous and the more threatening... although they are leaving gaps when they're going forward for Real Madrid to plan the counter-attack."
"I'm actually uh right here on low ground by the mini and I'm like well maybe I can stretch an angle to the corner."
"Good ways to isolate yourself from angles are to stay near walls."
"Throwing Mei's cryo-freeze to protect allies that are slept or stunned, or to block line-of-sight of abilities like shatter or High Noon."
"You always want to launch our offense from an ideal position, and get back to safety."
"This makes it possible to assign specific spots for each player to stand in their segments with their circles to completely avoid overlap regardless of which lane they need to get blasted by."
"For the most part, you want to be actually behind that enemy."
"Once I start getting my heavy pieces into the game, you will feel the presence of The Rook."
"We attack the back lines if we're in the front line."
"His movement allows for constantly finding the backside of the fight."
"That's a much better attacking position than the right."
"We're not crawling, are we? The gas is coming in, so let's see, we got the north, the high ground here."
"Right place, right time for Canyon and Barrel again."
"A good example of this would be Messi dropping off into the deep right half space..."
"He's got like this is like three or four people but they're all kind of just proning around each other no one really wants to be the first one to give up their position." - In the midst of chaos, sometimes it's best to stay low and observe.
"All you have to do is pay attention to where that circle is and make sure that you're rotating early."
"I do like this kind of positioning here on the map, he's pretty much vibed out right."
"Looks like they're all landing on the one in the middle now."
"Burn oh flame... if someone uses this respect it and Back That Ass Up."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"It all stems from me completely dominating those queen side squares."
"There's a lot of archers over here that you could trap in possibly."
"Let's take the high ground, as long as we get into that yellow circle, we'll be alright."
"I need to get this warrior over here because apparently there's an opening right here by Geneva."
"Combine these units to put a ton of killing power in one specific spot."
"Charge up with the frontline, try to get as much flanking as we can."
"Mercy is all about position, if you don't have good positioning, you're gonna suffer."
"You have to know where to be, and that is where the pure true skill comes."
"The range on the Mercy beam is enough that you still could have been behind the barrier."
"That castle will secure both sides of the water."
"So what do you do with a Mega? The whole point of Mega tanks are you put them in the most dangerous situations possible and leave them there."
"The point, of course, of queen e2 if you're not a Mora player is to put the rook on d1 in order to x-ray black's queen."
"Surprising them with the bastion's positioning was probably the best call."
"Success in this game will come down to your ability to adapt to these situations and put as much distance between yourself and your enemies' crosshair."
"The Ukrainian Army concentrated the Russian forces."
"Crosshair placement is the ability to place your Crosshair in a position so that your time to kill on an opponent is the least amount of time necessary."
"Gaining a tactical advantage that's what it's called is not returning we're not we're not retreating we're just positioning yourself better to get the win."
"If you're sitting on a power position and you really need that ability to stay there and make sure you don't get flashed off, you just bring a Warden and then you're chilling."
"Always push but not necessarily to do anything with it."
"As long as they keep leaving plasma open in that corner, I'm going to keep dominating."
"Oh my goodness, that upheaval opponent goes to combat, I mean, we have a 13-13."
"You don't get luckier than that in a situation. Great positioning and that's what you want from the leader early."
"If I had a single sculpted role for one of these players both from the same team, and I could get Odegaard in that 10 space, I think he is technically better than Mason Mount."
"It's much safer to hide in the shelf corner than it would be on bomb because all you to do is just sit on site and wait for them to push you."
"All these angles are really good at holding doorway and windows to sites."
"Matter bomber... better when you're behind, an awesome card."
"CB hold is definitely going to be their best shot."
"I think I would very much like to get this bishop into play."
"Honestly, this challenge might require you to sit back a little bit and wait for people to pop up on a head glitch."
"To be starting on the bad side so you might see New York turtle a little bit just making sure that they're keeping those P2 spawns in their favor."
"The key to the fight game is to take less punishment, keep them on the outside as much as possible."
"He's actually got a great position now if Trent can whip him the ball in."
"It's not fair, it's not fair what are you supposed to do? He's so quick, such a good economy of movement too, always in the right space, the right time, repositions immediately back into this angle."
"I want to rely on my bishop pair, gonna rely on counter-attacking..."
"Putin doesn't care about lives. He's made that clear. This is his fifth war, not his first war."
"The campfire spawn on Chalet is probably the safest on the map."
"You can hold mid board objectives and be in striking distance of the entire board."
"Why take a risk and put yourself in a situation and have your opponent opinion outside the box?"
"Especially around these kind of maps where you've got a lot of choke points."
"So it's all about putting your backs to the angle, back to the angle, and then before peeking here, right? Like, you saw how I just repositioned by putting my back to this angle."
"When you're in a 1v1, you never want to be the sandwich."
"If you cover the angle, your teammates have your back."
"You want to be weighted forward... ready to pounce... like a tiger ready to attack its prey."
"Dwarfs, for example, like choke point map good lines of sight and elevated terrain."
"This is a good spot as it allows you to have cover from your left side."
"This bishop here now has almost direct line of sight against the king and this is a sniper bishop you don't want to give this type of bishop a line."
"Picking the right position that your character has the tools to make some play happen... is a perfect example."
"The Sentinel remaining stationary... to keep that better ballistic skill."
"I wanted another operator who could hold angles and hold corridors."
"Positioning is important... high ground is typically more advantageous."
"An excellent reference point is the direct connection between the rooks."
"You have to exploit the Bastion when he's in uncomfortable spots."
"Widowmaker, all you gotta do is just creep around the corner and you're gonna kill."
"It looks like off the rib maybe that will be the case, two players for Faze working this site, Draza and John, here to meet him."
"Black's only defense is Knight E4 preventing the white Rook from going to G5 while also attacking the queen."
"I remember this one time where I was on top of a roof, and the circle was perfect."
"Ender had positioned himself so that when he launched, he would rendezvous with the frozen soldier he had just used as a missile."
"When you have more space in the center, it allows you sometimes to put this bishop here which is a very nice square."