
Personal Reputation Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Words matter, and Miss Heard is condemned by her own words."
"He was so not a politician, but he was probably one of the best ones I'd ever known."
"These last few days have been gut-wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing my work ethic morals and respectfulness have been questioned my character has been."
"If somebody don't like you for no reason, it's probably because you're good."
"I don't want a Laura Lee apology scandal, I hope one day that you guys can save me for the woman that I am."
"Instead of what the press had made the nation think that I was like pro-rate misogynistic, you know this, I think that by the end of watching me in big brother they worked out I was just a jerk."
"Once you get that label the only thing these reporters are doing is finding ways for you not to be yes in his category so they're not even evaluating your game for what it is they're evaluating your game for what Michael Jordan is."
"Brandon hasn't really disappointed many people ever... you're probably going to get another win out of this."
"Your name was whispered alongside rumors of a decorated career to come."
"Remember this was a guy that was extremely likable but as the layers continued to be pulled back we started to see David's True Colors now he'll do absolutely anything to mass the damage he has done to his ex-friends."
"She's so sweet. Exactly the same on camera as she is in person."
"She's an upstanding citizen, mother, wife, and has the support of her community."
"Reputation is everything. Everything with me depends upon the estimation in which I am held."
"Your true nature has been exposed to everyone. Everyone knows you that go-getter, you that hustler."
"Johnny Depp's case has never been about money, nor is it about punishing. It is about Mr. Depp's reputation and freeing him from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years."
"It's ridiculous to try and argue he is. He didn't say anything to anybody, you know?"
"Creepshow made everything worse for herself by lying."
"Misinformation is like really hard to deal with um because people will like lie about my positions or things that I do and I'm trying to figure out like how do you combat misinformation about yourself."
"This was a significant blow to his reputation."
"Regardless of how things ended between you guys or how things panned out, you know when they think of you, they definitely think of you in a high rank."
"I'll never get the benefit of the doubt. No, you know, if I was on, if it was the Don Jr. laptop from hell, oh yeah, it would be a serious problem."
"You're releasing this energy and yeah, like I said before, a lot of people think very highly of you."
"Your baseball skills will take you far, but your personal reputation is important as well."
"I like his speed with which he's replied. If you absolutely do not agree with the way somebody is talking about you which could tarnish your reputation then I do believe you need to come and speak for yourself."
"Your reputation is going to be more prominent. It's going to be much harder to keep things hidden and beneath the surface."
"Behind his intimidating exterior, Kimbo was known as a very friendly, humble, and kind family man."
"They will always hear about you, your name will always ring in their ears."
"You're a legend, they tell stories about you."
"Hunt said of her father, 'If you asked 100 people who knew him, 100 of them would say he was the kindest man they ever knew.'"
"Amsa's perseverance with the character made people start calling him the hardest working man in melee."
"People didn't give a crap what company I worked for. All they cared about was who's the guy that's picking up the phone answering the text messages and teaching me about real estate."
"If he was still alive today, our society would be in a much better place."
"Irrespective of what people think of me, I do want what's best for the environment."
"If people around you know you, they will know the truth and they will support you."
"He's not a saint, but nor is he the sinner that people would like him to be."
"A lot of people think I'm an [__]. That's cool."
"Playing against top competition was greater than all."
"I always said that no matter what happens with Solskjaer, his legendary status remains."
"People feel you're unpredictable. You guys are very good at whatever it is that you do."
"I know I'm not the bad guy and I think that everybody that watches my stream knows that too."
"It's your body of work right yeah everybody always bring up Odell Beckham Jr."
"One of the things I was really impressed with is how you handled yourself through this whole situation, your transparency, your ability to be so honest." - DJ Wonder to Kevin Hart
"A lot has been said and done for me where it's like... you gotta stand on that."
"He's the sweetest, nicest person ever when you meet him." - 10 out of 10
"The reputation is he gives you a second chance."
"The more they talk negatively about her, it seems to only feed her ability to gain more Market traction."
"Bullying is a slow boil, reputation usually comes first."
"Russell was also known as one of the nicest people in the entire business."
"He was everybody’s friend. He was considered also to be a Senator who really delivered for his constituents back home in Illinois."
"When even Sean is like, that's looking bad for you Ed..."
"Respect is earned, and the proof is in the pudding."
"They didn't mention my name, which makes me think that these people only know part of the story or they think they know part of the story."
"How do you think history is going to document you and your deeds and your personality your character it ain't gonna be good."
"Once he made the apology video, it made sense to a degree."
"Barry knows his shit, always has, always will. Don't count him out."
"You can't say anything bad about Ollie. He's such a nice guy."
"No matter what you do, they can't shake you."
"People meet KSI and they like expect him to be this horrible but he's like one of the nicest people I've ever met in my entire life and has time for everyone."
"People gotta be careful when you're playing with people money, playing with people names."
"Confidence is really your reputation with yourself."
"The discovery shocked Nova's family and the residents of the block of flats, everyone knew Nova as a kind big-hearted woman who was always smiling."
"Around high quality people, you actually don't need to maintain the halo effect quite as much."
"There's no coming back from what she's done."
"I've had a reputation for fearlessness and aggressiveness."
"Elliot Lwig was a great man, and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence, let alone what others now claim."
"I don't think his stock dropped a single point, not a lick. I think the guy is still on the rise."
"The measure of a man is judged by the company he keeps."
"What's the best thing that you could do with your platform is try to inspire people and elevate people."
"His reputation... people of conscience seek him out."
"What other people think of you could hurt your livelihood."
"I know a lot of you don't like me personality-wise, but man, that guy knows real estate."
"You're gonna have no choice but to start to give to people, give to people like no tomorrow. One thing you're going to be known for in this world is giving."
"I have lots of things people say about me and half of them are even true."
"I bet if I declared I wouldn't get any interviews but that would get a lot of smear pieces but Cornell West is a little too big for that."
"Being ahead of the time is something that you're known for."
"Either he will win and be declared the winner or he will be declared the loser and he will spend the rest of his life explaining to you that he should have been the winner that was stolen from him."
"He just got a bad bad rap for himself. I agree. Um, and you know look the Laker fans are different because they have a level of expectation Gil and they know and they don't care what you've done elsewhere."
"One of the things the media will try to create is that I'm some sort of lawbreaking maverick who just does what he wants."
"Even without all of his newfound internet fame and glory, Chuck Norris was already a certified badass."
"Not one single person ever described Chris as violent or aggressive."
"Look, we all know colby says some outlander stuff... but when he puts the persona down he's actually a pretty decent guy."
"If someone said a bad thing about you, I'm gonna say something good."
"I worry that this would be scientific group are continuing to bilk the public while they fatten their wallets because harsh words are now being spoken with increasing frequency about my ideas and my person." - Dr. Campbell
"I think you are a really hard-working person. There's no one that can say that Cassie's lazy because she's not."
"Perception changes everything. Ever since I was on that show, 'Shaqin' the Fool,' every day since then, people's perception of me is their reality."
"You'll be known for achieving your wishes, your desires, and your hopes."
"I don't know anyone else in the world who's has more correct predictions."
"Your word is your bond, and your word is connected to your name."
"Say what you want about Meg D, but he's reliable." - Narrator
"I want all respect put back on my name or at least equal."
"Perhaps more deservedly, her name became synonymous with 'miser' throughout the United States, even later being named by the Guinness Book of World Records as the 'World’s Greatest Miser.'"
"It's not my legacy that's in question. I will not be the victim or the villain of Donald Trump's story."
"My name will always be in the mix, whether it's Charles or any other guys in the top ten."
"I've literally only heard good things about you. Everyone loves you aunty Jackie."
"You're being respected for your consistency... you will be respected."
"Ultimately you don't want to be known for that, especially when you're trying to do things."
"At the end of the day, within the strategy of the game, people are going to like you and trust you based on your interactions with them."
"Their obsession with speaking about you shows their true colors."
"You know the cred I have, who cares? Okay, I got tested, pop, boom boom, done, nice, quick, you got to be quick with it, if you take too much time."
"It's like your name just carries weight because of the things you've done throughout your life to the point where you having a new Gucci sweatsuit every day is just... it doesn't really matter."
"It's not me who is popular but is the work that is useful."
"You're only as good as the company you keep."
"When they think about you, they think of someone who's got themselves together, kind, caring, mature."
"The reputation that was kicking around when I was just starting out in the UK was, 'JK is difficult.'"
"He look like he's mean as heck but they say he's super nice. That's what's up."
"NBC News has totally and purposely changed the put and meaning of my story."
"John Krasinski, I really feel like he got more street cred when he married Emily Blunt." - Sasha Pearl Raver
"Actions speak louder than words and people will judge you on your actions."
"Grandmaster Satya Shawn is well known for her fighting skills when it comes to using her lightsaber."
"Dana's one of the coolest guys you ever meet."
"Hopefully he come out on top of this, rich kid is one of those people that whenever you talk to anyone in the industry who has encountered him they'll always tell you he's one of the hardest-working people around."
"Win Lose or Draw my Stock's going to go up and you're going to love watching me fight."
"But then people don't want to tell you because you're such a nice guy, they want to tell you how rude you are."
"As far as the neighbors go, he was one of the good ones."
"At the end of the day, it's going to be your character, and if your character is shitty, no one's going to think about you the moment you leave."
"If anybody discussing you, worry about that part."
"Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves."
"I'm not a victim of my reputation, the decisions I made at 27, as stupid as they were, they felt right to me at the time."
"Your reputation is those five things: confidence, congruency, consistency, character, and competency."