
Passion In Work Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Do what you love and you'll make a good living at it."
"We're looking for individuals with a passion factor who want to help people."
"You have to like what you do. People that go to do any kind of job and they do it for money and they do it because they have to survive, but you can survive doing what you like."
"If there's passion, it's likely to be [quality]. If there's none, it will be so [poor]."
"You should love it. If you're not going to love it and enjoy it, and be interested in it, and be having a great time doing it, then you're probably doing the wrong thing."
"I don't care if you have a degree or not I care if you have a portfolio you're passionate and you can prove it."
"One of those is you should always focus on a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do."
"Do what you're legitimately actually passionate about because if you try to fake it, no one's gonna be fooled and everyone's gonna hate your content."
"If you're not passionate about it, it's not gonna work."
"Do it for the right reasons. If it's your passion, even if you're not very good, but if you're passionate, willing to work, go ahead."
"Every moment you're behind a microphone should be a moment of joy, I don't care if you're ripping your throat out, I don't care if you're crying your eyes out."
"It's great to see that there is some actual love and effort being put into this."
"Do the thing that you love, so you don’t have to work a day in your life. Because every day you go to work it’s going to be such an enjoyable time." - Nguyen Quang Dat
"Be professional about it, be passionate about it, have fun with it, but don't lose yourself."
"I always believe in long-term, there's only medium long term and a lot of hard work and passion in what you're doing."
"You never work a day in your life when you love what you do."
"Passion doesn't equal a good game... sadly, I wish that was the case."
"Hard work, for it to be effective, it has to be driven by passion."
"When you choose a niche you're passionate about, you're less likely to burn out."
"If you pick what you love, it'll never go out of style."
"If I can make these videos with love and make them with passion, it's gonna translate."
"If you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work."
"You might as well do something that you love and that you're passionate about."
"Help employees find the intersection of passion, skill, and value."
"Give passionate people a long runway to innovate."
"Successful people put their passion and love into it."
"If you're trying to sell something or do something that grinds against you, that doesn't feel natural, that doesn't spark your passion, you'll have a much harder time becoming the best."
"If you don't love it and you're not truly passionate and you're in it for the wrong reasons and you treat people like [ __ ] most likely you're gonna get pushed out."
"I love when you like it doesn't feel like work."
"When you do what you love, the money will follow."
"Work that you love means you never have to work a day in your life."
"Passion is going to help move that desire higher but when that passion is not there what do you need? That desire."
"Do what you love for a living, and it becomes your job."
"The successful one is going to be the one who puts his love into it."
"The only way to thrive is to love what you're doing."
"Paint what you love... if you do what you love you're actually going to push yourself harder..."
"I think the advice is is to find something that you love doing and then it doesn't feel like work."
"If you enjoy it and you love what you do and you're passionate about whatever it is you're making videos about... if you put love into it, I think that will shine through."
"Learn to love what you're doing. That's the key."
"If you do something you love to do as your job, you'll never work a day in your life."
"I'm a passionate person. I absolutely loved it. I love what I do. I'm fortunate enough to do what I absolutely what I set out to do with my life."
"The success and financial success even at that comes from the fact that you love what you do."
"Making money doing what you love is the ultimate goal."
"It's not so much work when you're doing something that you love."
"If it's where you are passionate then you're not really gonna be too bothered by it."
"You gotta absolutely love what you do if you're gonna be working hours like that."
"We feel that if we put enough soul into the game, it's going to shine through."
"You wanna be passionate about what you do because the more you're passionate about doing something, the more you're gonna do it."
"Do what you love well and it won't feel like work all the time."
"Passion, excellence, and endurance: the combination is success."
"When you fall in love with what you're doing, that's why it's so important you do what you want to do."
"When you love what you do and you enjoy what you're eating...how can you fail?"
"I've always believed that when you do what you love, the money will always follow."
"It's brilliant if you do something you're really passionate about; you'll never do a day's work in your life."
"One obviously the love for it and it's not like a job because you're enjoying doing it."
"Make sure you choose a career path you love; don't just do things for the money."
"Success is just to really feel good about who I am, what I do, and to be excited and happy with what I do and passionate about it."
"They say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your entire life that is."
"Do what you love absolutely 200 percent, be obsessive about it, be passionate about it."
"Some people dive into this unstable and commonly short-lived industry purely because of passion, longing to connect with others, making friends, and leaving an impact."
"My passion is involved in everything I do; I love what I do."
"Life is way too short to be spent working on businesses you're not absolutely in love with and spending your time doing stuff you absolutely love."
"When someone genuinely loves what they do, you see it."