
Research And Development Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The pharmaceutical industry spent 83 billion dollars in 2019 on R&D...for every drug that actually hits the market...it's costing like almost a billion."
"Innovation is sometimes serendipitous where things you're trying to innovate one thing but you learn something or there's some sort of interaction that leads you in a completely different direction."
"Let's invest in our people, our R&D, our governance."
"What is R&D? It's about Innovation, what is innovation? It's about trying things that you don't know."
"Tesla has their own R&D group working on material science things that we would never do in a normal OEM."
"Early investment in research and development can save lives."
"Research is complete, so that gives us two really awesome, actually gives us a whole lot of awesome things."
"We paid to get this, we paid for the R&D for this thing, we paid to distribute it."
"The solution is to invest a lot more in research and development."
"The scientists will find out on that frontier what is working, what is not, and if at any given moment you gotta jump in, you can jump in."
"If the United States is to remain number one, it needs to address critical shortcomings in R&D."
"What really happened here is we've had Tesla for 10 or 15 years being researching and moving ahead on this technology that everybody thought was going to fail, that nobody thought was gonna work."
"I think there's been a narrative from some over the years that like the altcoins were R&D for Bitcoin and that seems to be playing out in that specific use case."
"Oh yes. These big research and development programs, it's just incredible what you get out of it."
"Paler commitment to innovation through continuous and aggressive investment in R&D and its scalable Solutions cater to the complex needs of clients."
"Innovation and R&D are key to our readiness for the future."
"It's about persistence and experimentation. That's what this is."
"A result of nearly six years of research and development."
"Autonomous vehicles were one of the things that we looked at from day one. It was just a matter of proving it out."
"Huge Badgers continues to make money and we'll do more the same next time hopefully we can specialize and open up our research and development stuff next time that'd be great."
"This is where we're doing all of our R&D, right? How can we take that down into like the BMW M3 that someone could drive to work every day?"
"Our patents are real, we spent the money to research and develop those things."
"Every two to three years I think the R&D tree needs to get reset for everyone."
"CRISPR is revolutionizing research... poised to revolutionize drug discovery."
"I'm the director of R&D, that's research and destruction, and this is what we got new for 2022."
"Tesla has spent about 20 percent what Ford and GM have spent on R&D over the last five years."
"They lead the industry in terms of R&D and technology."
"The problem is it took years of research and development to innovate the style of the film."
"A plan for research and development... to reach and maintain the United States leadership."
"If we step back for just a second, the reason I'm making this graphene is as a structural reinforcement."
"And finally, they've done it! The absolute mad lads at Bungie Research and Development have achieved The Impossible."
"Businesses need funding that's how they grow and expand and conduct research and development."
"With substantial investments in research and development, Tesla and other manufacturers are driving innovation in the electric vehicle battery industry."
"In any business, you're never going to have as much time for research and development as you will before you launch your business."
"There's some unique technologies in here which would have had some notable R&D costs."
"The FTR 750 that Indian came out with, that engine was deeply researched, built from the ground up."
"If research and development isn't supported by the government in the United States and instead it's charged by the government, the likelihood these innovations happen here goes to zero."
"R&D is capex, there's nothing to debate."
"Research goals: make a good reverb... I didn't want to make it sound like a space, I just wanted to make it sound good."
"The only thing we had resilience in, and I'm very proud of, was R&D."
"These guys never stop with R&D, they are constantly making it better."
"There's great nobility in profit. Profit allows them to continue R&D and continue to surprise us with great innovations."
"There's so much R&D and passion and history, literally I'm driving the same roads which is the foundation of this brotherhood."
"R&D is beyond any debate a capital expense."
"All of this R&D leads us to kind of have a quick on our feet ability to make changes and work through problems."
"Innovation came from somebody who said I want to keep this money because I want to throw it into research and development."
"It starts with the customer. We are a very customer-led R&D organization."
"It's been hundreds if not thousands of hours of R&D in this car."
"R&D is essential to innovation and to the growth of our economy."
"Investment and policies, especially for scientific training as well as research and development, push forward low emission technological innovation."
"This is my own research and development that I'm doing for the Wizards who get benefit out of it."
"We have still not expanded our range of applications... we are doing a lot of R&D and then we are able to so far register 26 patents for our ingredients to be used in pharmaceutical applications."
"The more R&D dollars, the more choices where people are really getting into the substance of 'Did the kids learn? Did these kids have to go to remedial classes?'"
"I never forget the moment that I had the whole setup that I have for my chip... So you're really stressed... But as soon as you connect that and then you realise that something is coming out of the chip. I think it's a wonderful experience."
"It's a continuum of collaboration."
"We put a lot of our time and effort into R&D, really seeing new generations of products."
"Toyota made this vehicle, they spent millions and millions of dollars in research and development to ensure that it works at its maximum capability."
"Continuing R&D at every stage of the process can really help you push the boundaries of solventless and will help you continue to grow and reach a larger segment of the market."
"Meta is currently developing new materials with diverse applications in the automotive, aerospace, solar, consumer electronics, and medical industries."
"Diversification... involves research and development of new product lines but also the market research costs of learning about these new geographic or market segments."
"Benefits of having a successful R&D department can be tremendous for a company or an organization."
"We capitalized R&D to get a better sense of how profitable is this company, how much is it reinvesting, and finally, how well is it reinvesting."
"Newly developed technologies in the R&D department have a good market prospect."
"We want to foster this ecosystem that ties together the R&D, the commercialization and demonstration, the outreach and training in this space."
"We're super proud to announce that after three years of research, development, trial and error, good times and bad, we are launching our new ghost underseat subwoofer system for all BMWs."
"A lot of research takes a lot of R&D, and some of these things cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop."
"We've had a really fun time here looking behind the scenes and learning a lot about what you guys go through with R&D, the development, but more importantly, that you guys are true animal lovers."