
Constitutional Issues Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"When we say that yes, a statute may have not been violated... but when you look at the totality of circumstance, it is very clear that several different amendments of the Constitution... have been violated on a massive and unprecedented scale."
"The very fact that our rhetoric is so polluted... corrupted... what about the Constitution?"
"The Senate should reject this divisive and unconstitutional effort and allow the nation to move forward."
"This is important because it's like a constitutional Iceberg. We see a little bit of the problem above the surface but there's so much more that's yet to come and that could still never see the light of day if we don't act properly, please."
"Our god-given rights as Americans are now on the line."
"We're a post-constitutional republic now, acting through executive fiat and orders."
"Critical race theory is inherently discriminatory inherently violations of the constitution of almost every state and of every end of the united states government and of federal and state law."
"One of the great first amendment constitutional issues that our children and grandchildren are going to face is how to deal with the increasing power of social media and our desire not to censor them through government agencies."
"The Constitution is so clear; the founders assumed that it was the states that were at fault by printing too much money."
"Biden has violated his constitutional oath, endangered our safety, and surrendered our sovereignty."
"The left is losing it. They are losing it because once you remove the constitutional right to abortion, this brings back into play The Rules of Nature."
"It is not right that we take a constitutional right from the women of America and deprive them to make decisions about their own body."
"We're gonna have some constitutional problems if we go too fast here. In our system of justice, the Sixth Amendment's guarantee to assistance of counsel is paramount, ensuring the fundamental human rights of life and liberty."
"I consider this to be the greatest threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic in its history."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"The reality of it is, virtually every decision that Biden has made has been unconstitutional."
"All of them have issued mandates which violate the constitution of our country."
"Unconstitutional and downright tyrannical." - Jimmy Dore
"It should be the end of constitutional monarchy, and go back to just 'monarchy'. Divine right of kings."
"They don't care about the moral consequence, they don't care about what's right and wrong, they don't care about the constitutionality of what they're trying to put through. All they care about is infringement."
"Consider the 100-mile border enforcement Zone, a Constitution-free zone."
"You're basically trying to tee up a constitutional crisis."
"The biometric plan is aimed at the general population, it's a huge constitutional violation."
"You got a big job of moving the capitalist behind the United States Constitution because the capitalists have demonstrated time and time again they have a passionate disrespect for human rights."
"It's time to wake up stupid. This isn't a joke, this is a man who has himself come forward and stated that he intends to rewrite the Constitution."
"We're very much in a post-constitutional era."
"She wants to replace our democratic constitutional republic with a theocracy."
"What constitutional violations is he gesturing at and why does he sound angry at progressives for asking?"
"If you can prevent voters from being allowed to vote for the candidate of their choice which is their constitutional right then the system's over."
"The Constitution has been absolutely destroyed by the current government."
"It's become very apparent to me that so many of these government decisions are almost wholly politically motivated and unconstitutionally."
"Why not just go back to basics when the constitution wasn't working?"
"We were so close to a constitutional crisis."
"It's a huge disconnect between left and right, but it's also just a huge disconnect between the left and the Constitution."
"There are constitutional challenges to what's happening in many different swing states."
"The constitution was truly violated state and federal with these changing of how votes were cast and how votes were counted, zero doubt now."
"The constitution is under attack right now not just because of this decision but of the decisions that are going to happen by way of the way that they decided this case today."
"It's very broad and unconstitutional in my opinion."
"This lawsuit touches on things so fundamental in our republic, which is why I always say we won't lose and we can't lose."
"It's outrageous and antithetical to our understanding of constitutional protections."
"The root cause of our problems lies in the spirit of that Constitution."
"What happened today was unconstitutional, in the extreme."
"We're outside the boundaries of biblical law, we're outside the boundaries of constitution, we are in an area where, frankly, it's scary."
"The Constitution of the United States is under a very serious attack right now."
"Government by decree is not just constitutionally objectionable, it is usually very bad government."
"The United States is approaching a constitutional crisis."
"The core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution."
"Israel is sailing into uncharted constitutional waters right now."