
Asynchronous Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Asynchronous programming allows us to fix that problem."
"JavaScript: non-blocking event Loop allows for asynchronous code."
"Async lets you write code that looks synchronous, you know, and not asynchronous."
"Generator functions allow you to step through code one step at a time, making asynchronous code much easier to handle."
"We're going to use a try-catch block because we actually are using asynchronous code."
"It allows components to communicate asynchronously, promoting loose coupling."
"What is a promise? It's essential to be able to understand a promise from the perspective of the state of a promise: pending, fulfilled, rejected."
"If your definition of asynchronous is whenever I am sending data, I don't worry about an acknowledgement, whenever I'm sending data over websockets, I don't worry by the other side will send me something back, then it is asynchronous."
"Async away is syntactic sugar for working with Futures."
"Spring Web Client is asynchronous by default."
"...what makes this asynchronous well we say async here and everywhere we would have blocked we use a non-blocking version of read line and you put in and await and that's all there is to it."
"The asynchronous programming model brings in multiple benefits: improved performance, better responsiveness, and scalability."
"Async I/O's event loop keeps your Python program running efficiently, handling multiple tasks asynchronously."
"Promises in JavaScript allow you to invoke asynchronous code and chain actions based on whether the code resolves or rejects."
"We're trying to build a fully asynchronous ARM processor so this processor has no clocks."
"With only relying on synchronous workflows to connect different parts of your application, you can get into quite a bit of trouble."
"When you write code that spins off into its own direction independent from the rest of your code, you're essentially writing asynchronous code."
"JavaScript promises: a modern feature that in many ways has revolutionized the way we write asynchronous code or code in general."
"Synchronous code blocks the execution of any line that comes after it. Asynchronous code does not."
"Asynch await is basically syntactical sugar on promises, but it allows for more intuitive reading of asynchronous code."
"This is why it's called a completion handler or oftentimes referred to as a callback."
"This is going to carry over into our next module with the async await stuff."
"Async await is truly one of the sweetest things to ever happen to JavaScript."
"So now that we have an asynchronous function if I paste this code back in, we can use this magical word of 'await' because we're inside an async function, and believe it or not, this code works, even though it looks like it's too simple to work. It still works."
"You await a promise and now JavaScript will not move on to the next line of code until this actually finishes, so it's a common practice. You use this and then whatever this resolves with, well, you can just store that in a variable and then you can use it in the next line."
"Async await, this syntax that we see here, this has definitely become the industry standard way of working with asynchronous operations in JavaScript."
"The goal of async/await is to write non-blocking code."
"Designing libraries that are built around this kind of asynchronous control flow is a very deep topic."
"Just like async await allows us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-looking way, generators allow us to write effectful code in the same familiar manner."
"Use fully async rust and other regular features."
"In node.js, there's not a single callback queue. There are multiple callback queues. Every single phase in the node.js event loop has a callback queue."
"So now in Redux toolkit, we have reducers to handle the synchronous task if we have something asynchronous then we have one more option here that is called extra reducers."
"So this is how you can handle the asynchronous operation in Redux toolkit with the help of create async Thunk and you can see here in the store I haven't configured anything for the middleware."
"Node.js has the ability to say 'I'm going to process this but let's go ahead and tackle the rest of the tasks in the program.'"
"If you're familiar with async/await, this should be a familiar concept."
"Using async/await in Node.js to avoid callback hell."
"Async and await get rid of all this stuff and make async programming a child's play."
"The code after the await typically continues on the same thread that the inner work has been done on."
"The subscribe method that we've shown so far is still in the asynchronous way of doing things."
"Promise chaining allows us to handle asynchronous tasks in a sequential fashion, ensuring code runs smoothly."
"The simplicity of synchronous code with all the power from asynchronicity."
"Coroutines: simplifying asynchronous programming in Android."
"So promises are the cleanest, but not necessarily the only way to write asynchronous code in JavaScript."
"Generally speaking, async and await is cleaner."
"Node.js is incredible at doing those things by allowing you to execute code asynchronously."
"This is what we call event-driven programming."
"Callbacks attached to promises go into the micro task queue."
"Async/await made our asynchronous code easier to write and read."
"You can perform any asynchronous task without blocking the rendering of the UI."
"I mean, I'm looking at the talk, I'm just saying, 'Oh, this is perfect for async, you know?'"
"Could you have like an asynchronous init method? It turns out that the answer is yes, you can if you're willing to abuse metaclasses."
"Async void doesn't allow you to track when work is completed or when operations are completed."
"Async and await all the way doesn't mean adding async and await everywhere; it means not blocking anywhere inside the chain."
"The use of task objects in combination with the async and await keywords provide a simple and intuitive way of writing asynchronous code."
"You can go absolutely nuts with async if you want to."
"Testing asynchronous code is quite complex and is not as straightforward as testing normal functions."
"Let's finally touch on async, so we're actually getting some Rust."
"We have this wonderful await syntax and await waits for any async process to be complete as long as it is inside of an async function."
"So now all we have to do to add a job to this queue is to call await this.transcodeQueue.add."
"An asynchronous operation returns immediately once it has been initiated."
"Asynchronous tasks return immediately, often with a promise of some later result called a future."
"We've built a generic way for components to suspend rendering when they load asynchronous data or dependencies, and we call this feature suspense."
"What makes a good API in this async world?"
"The goal of this workshop is to understand the inner working and thinking that goes on in these async frameworks."
"The most radical decision was to be asynchronous."
"And so that's what the asynchronous or the concurrency of model of JavaScript is."
"They let us run asynchronous code."
"If you've ever wanted to have your doors open to having a distributed system processing messages asynchronously between its services, Wolverine enables that."
"This is how we would use the async pattern."
"The big takeaway here is that this asynchronous framework and programming is very much ingrained in ASP.net core and a lot of modern frameworks, and it's for good reason."
"I'm a big believer in asynchronous communication; most things don't need an immediate answer."
"It handles asynchronous programming by turning pretty much everything into an event sequence."
"The strongest point on why digital is so powerful in amateur radio is because it is asynchronous."
"Async source is the common super type of Futures and parts of channels, they're the primary means of communications between asynchronous computations."
"You can access async data from the server just as easily as you would access sync data from memory."
"Python 3 has this wonderful library called asyncio which stands for asynchronous input output."
"This is by far the best way to be doing asynchronous code in Swift."
"Our entire networking infrastructure is simply just pinging messages to and from each other and we're doing it asynchronously."
"Asynchronous communication means it doesn't have to be at the same time."
"Familiarize yourself with concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await."
"The UI updates, the JavaScript and layout operations happen in three different threads and the communication between these is asynchronous."
"Microsoft's recommended approach to including asynchronous behavior in new applications is to use the task-based asynchronous pattern."
"What makes Ajax so powerful is that it's asynchronous by nature."
"In an asynchronous environment, we can process multiple tasks while the current one is still being taken care of."
"A stream will return multiple values in an asynchronous manner."
"Now STM is a hundred percent asynchronous; it's non-blocking, nothing ever blocks."
"The key to that is really making everything asynchronous, really with no exceptions."
"This allows these workers to run asynchronously and that combination of working between graph and async makes it easy to tolerate failures."
"This is asynchronous so you can make API calls and you can do asynchronous calls to the database."
"Promises provide us a lot of really helpful syntax and understanding in JavaScript that something is happening asynchronously."
"Twitter works because we have some ability to do something asynchronous."
"We need to add some new components to be able to understand how this asynchronous bit works."
"So this is exactly what an asynchronous action creator looks like."
"Intent service handles requests that are intents and runs them asynchronously in a separate thread of control relative to the caller."
"The sequencing is actually very important; it's key to why we have generators as the async mechanism in Python."
"You're going to be learning about using Combine to publish and observe asynchronous responses."
"Asynchronous recursion, it just works."
"API is asynchronous, which means you can send a request and before you even get a response to that, you're going to have events going on based on that thing."
"Asynchronous events are those occurring independently of the main program flow; asynchronous actions are actions executed in a non-blocking scheme, allowing the main program to keep running."
"You know that this is now going to be the best practice way to update your RecyclerView items asynchronously."
"Composing asynchronous things is really what RxJS is made for."
"Use async await carefully; avoid making methods async if they don't have to be."
"If you use asynchronous work, you can leverage the power of servers and other really complicated back-end processes."
"The idea of asynchronous programming heavily relies on threads to make it possible."
"Fast API provides support for asynchronous API calls which is not inbuilt in Flask or Django."
"Asynchronous code is not slowing things down; in fact, it's giving you the scalability and responsiveness that you are expecting."
"Python 3 has a whole asynchronous execution system, which is kind of similar to like the Node.js style of having like an event loop."
"Promises are like the way to deal with asynchronous code in JavaScript."
"The Windows runtime has a deep investment in async operations, and so we've leaned heavily on coroutines."
"Co-routines are a feature in Kotlin that make writing asynchronous code much easier."
"Asynchronous JavaScript is really powerful in terms of getting things done without blocking the user."
"Callbacks allow you to control flow within asynchronous calls."
"A promise is an object that represents the eventual value of an asynchronous operation."
"Embrace the awesomeness of asynchronous JavaScript modules."
"Async and await bring readability, debugability, and make it a lot easier to write asynchronous code."
"The asynchronous programming model basically says don't wait, especially for these system calls."
"Async await is to make it nicer and easier to program in asynchronous programs."
"We're going to cover asynchronous programming with Dart."
"Streams provide us with a way of accessing asynchronous sequences of data."
"It's sort of like an asynchronous iterator if you want to think of it that way."