
Ignoring Negativity Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Lions don't listen to the opinions of sheep."
"Having fun with the people that you're around and care about... all the haters all that stuff don't matter."
"As long as you are happy with what you said, everything else is noise."
"Haters are losers, winners don't waste their time insulting other people."
"Just screw the haters, just don't worry about what they're saying."
"There's always gonna be someone to hate, so literally just do what you love."
"Why pay attention to the haters when you got so many people that love you and care about you?"
"I'm always gonna stay focused man the hate don't get to me bro."
"Anyone watching this...not worry about the haters."
"If you want to be able to make it, you have to be willing to ignore the noise."
"Eat things that make your body feel good and ignore all of the stupid noise."
"All y'all haters, all y'all trolls, close your eyes."
"Every successful person in life has one thing in common: they don't listen to dream killers, and neither should you."
"Avoid the drama at all cost... achieve things and ignore those who talk behind your back."
"For most people, the healthiest and best response is to just ignore it."
"Delete. Take care of yourself. Don't cloud your brain with other people's thoughts."
"People are weird on the internet... and for the most part you don't gotta pay attention to it."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes."
"Don't listen to hate. In life, you cannot please everyone, and the main thing is to keep yourself happy."
"Just ignore it. I never read the comments. I turned them off."
"Ignore them. They'll go away to their lonely little holes."
"Focus on yourself and ignore the BS. By the weekend, it's going to be very satisfying."
"Don't feed into the negativity; move at your own pace."
"Don't waste your life dude, don't do it. Don't let the Judgment of the haters make you waste your life."
"Your life is gonna get so good I pray that you don't even worry about what people got to say."
"The best thing to do sometimes with those people is not to give them the time of day."
"Let them do the work, bro. Just ignore them, you don't need to do it. Let them."
"Ignore him, baby. Most people will never level up, I know."
"Dogs will keep barking, I will keep walking."
"Every successful person I know, not one successful person got successful by reading comments. They did what they had to do, and that's it. That's the end of it."
"Just book it, ignore all that [ __ ] and just book it."
"Life is too short right now, and letting that good and letting negativity and small things get to you should just fly out the window."
"Ignore the haters because hella sick life plan don't include them."
"I really just want to remind folks to just ignore the trolls."
"You don't have time for small people when you're doing big things for your own growth and I know you are stronger at your core than maybe you've realized."
"Stop looking at all of these people, stop giving them any type of time, and just live your life."
"Listen to the critique that is actually helpful. Do not listen to the critique that's fueled by comparison."
"You're in the moments of incredible pressure, don't cower to it, don't listen to haters."
"The number one thing is to find happiness on your terms, and then reinforce it so much that you can't even hear peoples' opinions on what you should be doing to be happy."
"It's time to turn a deaf ear to fools who say in their heart that there is no God."
"Just do it, don't be... don't listen to the haters."
"You just gotta [ __ ] ignore them."
"Don't react to the haters because that puts bitterness and hate in you."
"There's something really beautiful about ignoring your enemies. You get your time back, get your health back, get your joy back."
"If you are one of those people who are caught up in giving those filthy douchebags energy when it comes to this topic, your frustration is on you because you're doing it right. They're like trash, kick the trash to the curb or put it in the basket, carry on. Talk to you later."
"You have to live your life, right? So yeah, I just, you know, you just, you have to ignore these things."
"Stop worrying about what people say."
"The beautiful thing about the internet is like if you just don't respond it just there's so many other things that people that go on so you just like make it go away again."
"When you go out all you do is get love and I just think there's just probably 3 or 400 trolls they got nothing better to do."
"If it's really not going to affect your life, don't care about that negative stuff."
"When your past calls, don't answer."
"You have to ignore it you have to do what is right."
"To thine own self be true, forget the haters, turn off the noise."
"Growing up, skipping up, don't listen to the haters."
"Don't listen to words from hurtful people but instead just focus on the people who like and believe in you."
"We don't listen to the haters, homie."
"Glow up Arc step number one: never give energy/attention to haters."
"Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown you out."
"Hi, I'm sorry I didn't see you there; I was too busy blocking out the haters."
"Change your mindset, these ups and downs, it's noise."
"Haters are going to hate, I'm going to live my life."
"Don't listen to the background noise... and just go for it."
"Don't worry about the naysayers, don't worry about the opinions of people who do not matter."
"If you take that away, the troll is powerless."
"I was staring skinny, now my weight up, got no energy for haters, see you later."
"I don't read those negative comments."
"It feels really good to listen to your supporters and never even hear what one of your haters has to say."
"Once you start changing the thinking and how you're trying to get towards the destination, you start blocking off what other people start talking about."
"Life is too short to get bothered by haters or whatever."
"I don't care about the haters or the negativity because I am too focused on watering my own grass and attracting my own dream business partners into my life."
"You cannot let comments affect your life. People are always going to talk about you, no matter what."
"Don't listen to the hater; don't let the distractors stop you from doing what you're trying to do."
"The greatest thing that you could ever do to show them that they never won was to ignore them."
"Quit responding to every negative thing being said about you because you're not going to stop people from saying negative things about you."
"We're just going to move forward positively and ignore all the [__]."
"Don't listen to what people have to say about you."
"I ignore the hate, I just value the love."
"I ignore it, I don't address it, I don't stress about it... I used to clap back and respond but... I just ignore it because that's the best way to do it, just ignore it."
"The most powerful thing you can do is to ignore people talking about you."