
Intertextuality Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Warhammer 40k draws from a lot of historical events and ideologies, it also borrows heavily from other settings like Dune, Lovecraftian influence, obviously Tolkien, and even older texts like Milton's Paradise Lost and the Divine Comedy with Dante and the Inferno."
"The ugly fact is books are made out of books." - Cormac McCarthy
"It's a straight-up love letter to the Canon Universe outside of the film's."
"That is what I felt JJ Abrams referencing the last Jedi in a way that was a beautiful thing."
"There's something cool about the imperfections."
"Everything I've ever written is influenced by something else."
"The Frozen theory: Connections between Frozen, Tangled, and The Little Mermaid."
"Little references like this indicate that it's in the new universe when the chapters already contain major concrete examples of characters from the old Universe."
"Marvel's Deadpool is extremely heavily inspired by DC's Deathstroke."
"Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes."
"The wordplay is so Carrol and then when she said 'I sometimes believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast,' that is literally from Alice in Wonderland."
"Inside the Soul Cairn, wandering souls murmur references to Elder Scrolls games and out-of-game sources."
"Rockstar references other games in the GTA series as well."
"Nothing is truly original; everything exists in proximity to other things."
"Alan Wake is a story full of people and artworks being inspired by other things in one way or another."
"I love that they pull from those other mediums because of course we got the picture with you know Toby Maguire over top of Uncle Ben and then you know Andrew holding Gwen Stacy's dad."
"Jason Goes to Hell. In the ninth Friday the 13th film, Jason Goes to Hell, spotted can be the Necronomicon AKA The Book of the Dead along with the candarian dagger from the Evil Dead franchise."
"Jesus wasn't just emulating Moses, so when they're writing stories about Jesus, they borrowed stories from Elijah and Elisha in the Kings narrative of the Old Testament."
"These works build upon each other. The great writers allude to one another, respond to one another, refute one another, and build upon one another."
"There is no work of fiction that isn't in dialogue with the other texts that came before and yes after it."
"Moby Dick is a book in some ways for literary sleuthing. Its connection to the earlier canonical works is very clear at least to those that know them, and that's what he assumes that his mid 19th-century audience will have as a background."
"If you thought the dragon iconography was already overlapping across the world, this is where it gets very juicy and almost intertextually inbred."
"There's some kind of connection between Captain Carter's knowledge of The Watcher and being able to hear him the Watcher's narration She-Hulk and Deadpool's fourth wall breaking."
"I feel less like a singular author, and more like a fog, a ghostly intersection of ideas from other books, pieces of art, and hiking trails."
"Try to make connections between texts, tying different moral theories together, and within an author's corpus."
"A lot of these classic texts themselves contain discussions between philosophers and engage previous philosophers."
"Smart books talked to one another, and smart readers could overhear the details required to understand a truth."
"Texts are not written in isolation."
"God's Bible, His word, has a way of hyperlinking to itself."
"Did you know that about 90% of the Book of Revelation either quotes or references the Old Testament?"
"This intertextual reading enriches our understanding of both the Bible and Plato's works, highlighting the universality of certain themes and ideas across different cultures and times."
"Finding what's called 'nemesis,' which is the emulation and transvaluation of prior texts, is so common and is actually a standard study field within history and literature."
"The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut; beyond its internal configuration and its autonomous form, it is caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences; it is a node within a network."
"A text is a tissue of citations resulting from the thousand sources of culture."
"A book sometimes in one Surah refers to this book and other Surah, and so on and so forth."
"Islam draws on the Abrahamic tradition of Judaism and Christianity and it also references back to Jewish and Christian holy texts."
"The biblical writers quote books that are outside the Bible all the time to make specific points."
"The Quran does appeal back to prior biblical revelation in order to gain credibility for itself."
"Intertextuality is a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another."
"No text is an island because every text is framed by other texts and are constructed more by their intertextuality than by their authors."
"Using the word 'stolen' as a means to describe the widely conventional literary activity of transcription, development, and adaptations of earlier traditions prejudices his audience to make a qualitative judgment about the phenomenon of what scholars call intertextuality."
"A text is a tissue of citations, drawn from the innumerable centres of culture."
"All texts are proximal to others, all texts are relating to them whether they intend to or not."
"Texts are constantly borrowing and quoting other texts, whether intentional or not."
"When texts are actually explicitly commenting on another one, they're opening this dialogue between them."
"Intertextual references are a massive part of this video."
"I love it when games reference other games, this game references like every video game."
"I relish each and every reminder that we're watching a story in a universe where all of our favorite Stephen King stories have taken place."