
Self-destructive Behavior Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The greed flaw, the thing that says the rich man will sell you the rope to hang himself with if he thinks he'd make a buck off it."
"Don't ruin yourself trying to impress ruined people."
"Yeah watch me do drugs until I die sit on the toilet if if we did a show where we just consumed as many drugs as possible until we expired on stage."
"It's another case of the snake eating its tail which we always say the left is so Progressive that eventually it eats itself."
"Chasing someone else's approval will destroy your life because it will take you out of yourself."
"Tony Stark's Arc Reactor is killing him, leading to self-destructive behavior."
"The left is unraveling, the left is now eating itself."
"The object of a currency war is to kill yourself."
"Once you get to the point where you feel like you'll off yourself, you're dangerous because you don't give a [ __ ] about nothing."
"I have the same view; people can be as self-destructive as they want, but I cannot respect or support someone who's destructive towards others."
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"The narcissist needs his intimate partner to emulate his original mother because he needs to time travel to the period where he has failed to separate from Mommy."
"Narcissistic abuse is self-punitive, in the sense that the narcissist seeks to punish himself via the agency of his intimate partner."
"You're literally cheering on the enemy to destroy yourself."
"He literally killed himself. You guys are [__] awful."
"Justice failed McElroy too because it failed to protect him from himself."
"Anger is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die."
"This guy Brad Pit started going on about the benefits of self-destruction."
"The consequences of the pain body are detrimental; it attracts you to people, places, and events that resonate with your pain."
"The ego wants to kill us. The ego says, 'Eat that addictive thing, cause that problem over here.' Right, the ego is actually not that great."
"Isn't it weird that I do all these destructive behaviors to myself when I'm this intelligent being?"
"You know what's crazy? Yeah, I was killing myself."
"I was stuck in this negative feedback loop that I couldn't even see. I was so pessimistic, I had these constant negative thoughts. It was a self-destructive cycle."
"I replaced my need for love with lust and cheap validation, like cheap replacements that dug the hole so deep."
"We are so good at killing ourselves, true."
"The biggest problem of the black community is never white people, we are so good at killing ourselves, true."
"Repetition compulsion in short provides clinical support to the theory of a relentless self-destructive motivation."
"We cling to former behaviors that hurt us. We don't let them go. We just grasp it and we make ourselves miserable."
"You're killing yourself. Yep, killing yourself. That is not your answer."
"It's always tempting when you're feeling like crap or depressed to start pouring the drinks or smoking something or eating garbage that might make you feel good very briefly, but it's only just gonna poison you from the inside and it's a bad way to go."
"I was just really not well, I was in self-destruct mode basically."
"Misery and conflict is what I need. It's what I deserve. It's somehow good for me. It's the ultimate vitamin."
"Nobody's high enough, that's why they eat oxycontins and they steal pills from their grandmother."
"I was really on a way to completely destroy my life while denying everything."
"Having relationships with the wrong kind of people is definitely one of those symptoms."
"Addiction is self-centered, willful, and inconsiderate."
"Why do they do this to themselves?"
"When life destroys us, the challenge is to not become self-destructive afterwards, or worse, become destructive to others."
"Her meth use was causing her to slowly self-destruct."
"There are some sins that kill you in increments, little by little. And there are some sins, if you do, you die like that. So I don't know about you, but I wouldn't commit suicide."
"Euphoric fantasies are self-defeating, self-handicapping, self-trashing, and self-destructive."
"There's always something in you reaching for something that's not good for you."
"No, it doesn't stop you. I mean, being an artist didn't save me from myself, you know?"
"Look at everything you're doing. What are you doing to [ __ ] on yourself?"
"You know you do things that hurt you, but you still do it. Why do we do that to ourselves?"
"Her behavior became increasingly self-destructive."
"This guy has nothing to lose, he's on crash out mode."
"humans sometimes do things that they really know aren't good for them"
"How beautiful grandson. It'll kill you you'll eat yourself away inside if you dwell on it all the time."
"If I'm left to my own devices, I'm gonna eat myself to death."