
Steroids Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Trochestron is just the rarer and slightly more anabolic version of ectostrone."
"Steroids and PEDs can vastly help with recovery time, fat loss, healing after an injury, sustaining high energy levels, and increasing endurance."
"People who want to take gear should know that the psychological effects are real as [__]."
"Bad examples of steroid use are just as useful for learning about steroids as good examples."
"I support the de-stigmatization of steroids."
"Steroids can be part of the answer, but as I've learned since bigger faster stronger, that will never be the answer."
"Anabolic androgenic steroids act on androgen receptors located within the cells of tissue all over the body."
"Steroid use was a vital piece of the pie that allowed such brutal approaches to training."
"Do steroids improve recovery? Yes, but also no."
"The biggest thing is steroids. You can't gain 50 pounds of muscle and be like, 'oh it's irrelevant.' No, it's super [__] relevant."
"You can't gain 50 pounds of muscle and be like, 'oh it's irrelevant.' No, it's super [__] relevant."
"Baseball was on fire when it was on steroids."
"Steroids can be taken in a cycle of six to twelve weeks with increasing doses followed by a decrease at the end of the cycle."
"Everybody's on steroids and it's like well do you do it as well? Not man because it's cheating."
"He was so into steroids it isn't true and I guess it would have killed him in the end."
"There's probably a lot of lazy Indie developers who accidentally made masterpieces and I love that for them."
"Ectosteroids with at least within the context of the research is typically looked at as a health promoting compound."
"Prince natural if you train as hard as me Prince natural would be a 200-pound freak of nature and he'd be an ayah beanie Pro natural and probably make the mr. Olympia and classic physique now with steroids he becomes mr. he would actually win it."
"He doesn't like being asked if he has used steroids. This is a crazy question and it's something that, um, it's tough to answer just because of the way society is now."
"If Hoys Gracie can take steroids, who could possibly be clean?"
"Steroid cycle you can't undo a steroid cycle you can't travel through time at least not yet think about it this is a huge decision hope this video helped."
"An autopsy revealed that Guerrero had an enlarged heart which was caused by steroids."
"As the steroids wear off, which they typically will in about three months, the inflammation and the pain doesn't return."
"'I just gave a weak smile and ignored the whole thing, and learned later that he was back on the steroids when this happened.'"
"If you get caught using steroids, you don't get any funds, and that's all I'm keen about to be honest."
"You're going through the steroids man, you've got peace like, you thought you were my fault, get somebody back bro, quick."
"While we're talking about steroids, how about we talk about Allbirds? Was scammy on steroids? With scammy off the voids? Dante, our boy who was on, he was on this website called buffingbound.com."
"Don't shy away from steroids if you haven't prescribed them."
"Steroids are our friend... It's like the water that puts out fire."
"But it's like do you and also if you're trying to destroy this like why are you trying to do steroids, are you not happy with like how you look?"
"In order to go from classic to open bodybuilding, you're obviously using gear a good amount of the year."
"People that use steroids are people that are trying to look for the easy way and there is no easy way."
"The biggest joke of people think that steroids do the work for you."
"Steroids happen to age you really fast, so there's that."
"Are you serious? Yeah, yeah. There's a good about the steroids like, 'Oh, you're on your own on that one.' You guys typing? What's the name of this one?"
"I think people underplay how important genetics are and overplay how much steroids work."
"I started STS at 19, I finished steroids at 24, at which point I was very large, not in bad condition, and had the potential to turn pro as a bodybuilder."
"...steroids are the mainstay of therapy, they work quite rapidly at not just getting the pain under control but shutting down that inflammation process and preventing a lot of those nasty complications."
"They've stripped out everyone on steroids... you get people who can wrestle."
"There are downsides to these steroid injections."
Instead of listening to these ads, instead of you know, we listen to these roided-out idiots talking about, "Do my program and you'll be buff in three months." [ __ ] you, it's not gonna happen 'cause you're not talking about the steroids that you're on. You're not.
"It's like, how many people do you know that take steroids? When I worked out at Gold's, I knew so many people. More than 50% were taking."
"I always said, 'Look, I'm taking these steroids because it's necessary in the sport that I'm in.'"
"Steroids have such a potent anti-inflammatory effect."
"All the injuries he sustained and all the damage he did via all the steroids and stuff he put in his body just absolutely ruined him."
"The bottles are like steroids, I can kill Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1986 right now as he's making the movie Commando!"
"Let's have there be less of a stigma around the use of steroids and have people who are using them talk about how they're using them."
"But it's really estrogen out of control that turns Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde, you know, the guy at the gym who puts on 30 pounds all of a sudden becomes really red-faced and puffy and then, you know, the water fountain used to be a nice guy, now he's a jerk."
"Steroids were initiated and soon after that, his vision in the right eye normalized."
"The aortitis can resolve with steroids."
"Anabolic steroids are medicaments, not drugs."
"As harmful as steroids can be, they are definitely not the most dangerous drugs in modern day bodybuilding."
"Arguably one of the most important functions of cholesterol is its conversion into all of these steroids."
"I would say that anyone considering steroids, I would urge you to do plenty of research, learn all about them, how they work, what the side effects are."
"Antenatal administration of steroids, particularly betamethasone when given 12 to 24 hours before the delivery, is a good measure to reduce the risk of the future development of intraventricular hemorrhage."
"If you stop steroids, 88 to 100 percent of people will get improvement just by that intervention alone."
"Any steroid use is reckless, let's be honest."
"Steroids are released from the adrenal cortex, and examples there are cortisol and aldosterone."
"Testosterone is an anabolic steroid, builds bone and muscle... Testosterone is what gives you your physique."
"Steroids increase the amount of myonuclei in the muscles and therefore support greater muscle size."
"It's treated with steroids and also this other antibody treatment that we use and it's reversible in the vast majority of patients."