
Maya Civilization Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The Maya were the first civilization in the world to use the number zero in their counting system."
"The durability of the Maya suggests that the potential exists for conscious directed enlightenment in which we take ownership of our own evolutionary state."
"These artifacts collectively provide a remarkable window into the ancient Maya civilization."
"The ancient Maya civilization flourished with a mysterious brilliance that continues to captivate the world."
"Archaeologists recently identified an ancient structure hidden in plain sight at the Maya city-state of Tikal."
"The Maya and K is actually an Olmec calendar. Maya Long Count calendar, a Marvel of ancient engineering, intricately tracked a 5,125-year cycle with astonishing precision."
"They found a depiction of the Corn god of the Maya, the maize God."
"The Maya have intrigued the world since their modern `discovery’ in the 1840s by John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood."
"Tikal reached its zenith in the 7th century, becoming a sort of Maya superpower."
"Maya cities had magnificent palaces aligned to solstices, monuments with intricate designs showing the motion of Venus, the temple pyramids showing star constellations that are still evident today."
"The Maya used their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics to predict eclipses to a ridiculous accuracy."
"Within this almost invariable pattern, the Maya builders achieved a variety of pleasing compositions through the ingenious distribution of ornament and the use of stairways and masses of masonry of diverse forms."
"At its height, the city was home to tens of thousands of residents and contained plazas and grand buildings thought to be the cradle of Maya civilization."
"Maya civilization had plunged into darkness."
"In just 200 years, the Maya had achieved a rebirth."
"But it wasn't all math. The Maya also had what's considered to be one of the most sophisticated writing systems in all of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica."
"The discovery of the oldest and largest monumental structure ever found in the Maya region."
"The years between 250 and 900 CE were a golden age for the Maya...fascinated Scholars and the public alike."
"The finest example of classic Maya mural painting comes from the small site of Bonham POC - these incredible murals depict a royal court scene, a battle, and a Victory celebration."
"The Ring of Death found in Mexico suggests the sacrifice victim may have been an elite member of Maya society."
"He is one of the greatest of the Maya."
"The ancient Maya were one of the most amazing civilizations in the Americas."
"The Maya were a people of great achievements in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, calendrics, architecture, sculpture, painting, writing, and political organization."
"The Maya... carved huge stone cities but met a mysterious decline... likely due to famine, drought, and environmental changes."
"Thanks to Professor Coe's work, we now know much more about the Maya, a people that achieved remarkable advancements in art, literature, mathematics, and astronomy."
"The Maya cosmology as depicted in these sculptures and carvings is a complex system that intertwines the celestial with the terrestrial."
"They developed complex hieroglyphic writing, introduced the concept of zero, and designed the world's most accurate calendar."
"Modern technology is allowing scientists to rewrite Maya history."
"El Pilar is an ancient Maya city on the border of Belize and Guatemala, filled with houses, temples, and monumental pieces of ancient architecture."
"The younger dryas impact may have created the soil that made the Maya world so abundant."
"Pakal, he's the greatest Maya king of Palenque, maybe the greatest Maya King ever."
"For thousands of years, maize has permeated every aspect of Maya culture, from the practical to the spiritual."
"The Maya had a really elaborate ritual set of events that were tied to the calendar."
"Many ancient Maya sites have been found across Mexico, but one of the most mysterious are the ruins of Palenque."
"All the fear over the Maya prediction of the end of the world was misinterpreted; the Maya never thought the world would end, they simply created their calendars in complex cycles."
"The question of the disappearance of the Maya culture has long fascinated historians and archaeologists."
"Much like the ancient Egyptians, the Maya were renowned for their deep understanding of the stars, incredible architectural feats, and detailed writing systems."
"The ancient Maya Road system was one of the greatest technologies implemented by the Maya people."
"Belize was home to the Maya starting in 1500 BC."
"The ruins held unimaginable secrets about the birth of the Maya empire."
"The Maya astronomer priests were so precise in their calculations that the accuracy of their primitive calendars wasn't surpassed until this very century."
"The Maya enjoyed a civilization and a culture that is a study in contrasts."
"Copán was a major Maya city that began to flourish around 150 A.D. but reached its height in the Late Classic."
"Chichen Itza is one of the largest Maya cities back in the days, a long time ago."
"The secret Maya City in 2018, archaeologists discovered the ruins of a lost Maya City on the Yucatan Peninsula."
"The Maya had pretty much vanished, their great cities were abandoned, and their society was in ruins."
"El Pilar might just answer one of the burning questions archaeologists have about the Maya civilization."
"Instead of cutting the forest down and building their city on flat ground without any trees, the Maya built their city in harmony with the forest."
"We're here at Chichen Itza. This was once one of the major political and spiritual centers of the Maya world."
"If you want to know more about the rulers of Kollek Mool and of a number of other important Maya cities, you'll want to check out the book 'Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens'."
"Kollek Mool, together with its rivals Palenque in the state of Chiapas and Tikal in Guatemala, was a Maya superpower."
"The tractor had uncovered a lost Maya Village of unimaginable proportions."
"The zero is discovered by the Maya, and the Maya calendar has a glyph for zero which is like a crescent moon."