
Control Systems Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Feedback control is efficient. If you're doing effective feedback control to stabilize a system, then the more effective you are, the less energy you have to put in."
"I think it's people who believe that the system has so much control that even if they see something successful they assume that too must be part of some secret control."
"We are dealing with a control system." - John Keel
"Fear-based systems are out there trying to limit your Consciousness and limit our Consciousness."
"Link ECU: Unleash the power of your engine, acting as your car's brain."
"What we're talking about is a control system that is going to be implemented in a global coup d'etat."
"Knowledge always overruns the systems that think they're in control."
"The destruction of the past and the regeneration process will break the command and control structure that's attempting to engineer it all."
"The Gambit system: giving players control without constant input."
"Every time the dawn slaps a couple of hundred billion in tariffs, Israel steps in with stolen US technology."
"We must understand how this control system will morph into varying forms to suit the conditions of the day."
"Neural networks are able to discover features in the control problem, which is very interesting."
"Controls are important and you should always have good controls."
"PID controllers are everywhere, from the cruise control in your car, to drones that automatically adjust their rotor speeds to maintain level flight."
"Biometric IDs and things like that, you're talking about a slavery system straight up."
"Instrumentation engineers are responsible for planning, installing, monitoring, and maintaining control systems and machinery within manufacturing environments."
"You can see instantly the affect your compensator changes are having on your system."
"It makes perfect sense. Space is a very big 3D environment, so having a way to control that many axes of your spaceship would make perfect sense."
"What if you want to automate whatever it is you’re powering with some kind of control system?"
"...so what people actually do now is build essentially deep model predictive controllers where they use deep learning for the model very very fast model evaluations and then you wrap this model predictive control around a deep learning architecture."
"The integral is going to increase that output over time, accumulative to bring the actual value to the setpoint."
"It's on rails. Okay, now let's turn the gain all the way off. Okay, so the gains all the way down. Corn holes still look about the same, and SAFE, that is just awesome guys."
"The closer the curve gets to minus 1, the less stable the system is."
"This system is fully controllable."
"Robust control techniques allow a fix such that the system is guaranteed to be stable."
"The fundamental problem in control systems is the design of control laws to handle system uncertainties."
"If we make A_R Hurwitz, Z_P converges to command as T goes to infinity."
"They're related to each other. Chaos calls order. Massive systems of control because of the breakdown."
"And since adjusting the open-loop gain causes the Nichols plot to move up or down, with the grid, it's really easy to see how open-loop gain will affect closed-loop response."
"This pseudo-derivative... helps us address a lot of these issues we have with the derivative term in our PID controller."
"This pseudo-derivative... does have this low pass filtering built in."
"This pseudo-derivative plus additional filtering technique... is a much more robust way to implement derivative control in your system."
"Designing a preview controller for walking motion."
"Pressure servo controlling is being done."
"It's a closed loop control system... in reality, this makes and breaks so quickly it almost looks like PWM."
"It's really important especially when we think about signal processing control systems."
"With one layer of CMOS, you can control effectively a thousand layers of memristors almost trivially."
"There's a lot of different types of control options, and each one definitely has their pros and cons."
"The zone board's kind of the brains of the operation."
"Diamond's attempt to redesign control systems so that they wouldn't have that problem was wildly successful."
"That's what I think is so much fun about control systems; you have the opportunity to be involved with all phases of the project."
"We really understand what's going on down here in PLC's and DCSS and open control systems."
"SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition."
"An LQG controller is the combination of an LQR controller to minimize a quadratic cost function that takes into account system performance and actuator effort, and a Kalman filter to estimate state in the presence of measurement and process noise."
"The more we model, the more accurate it will be and the higher the chances are that LQG controller will work on the real beam."
"Sometimes the best solution is to just stick with a tried-and-true linear controller."
"Your linear controller that works so well with a single operating condition probably won't work very well at the other operating conditions."
"A PID controller has three tunable gains: KP, KI, and KD."
"Controllability means that there exists control signals which allow the system to reach any state in a finite amount of time."
"Control is an intrinsic part of humans and vital parts of many engineering systems."
"MPC is quite a nice and versatile technique to handle control problems where you have multiple inputs and outputs and constraints."
"The matrix is a system that is designed to keep you in place."
"If you shoot for a time domain response phase margin of 60 degrees, your phase, the time domain step response is also going to be pretty stable."
"You always want your control systems to run at a fixed rate; that's a desirable thing to have."
"We just sit back, hit the start button, and watch our feedback control system in action."
"Even in well-designed internal control systems, there will be inherent limitations."
"We have to make a judgment as to whether or not we think the system is putting into place that controls you will hope to have."
"With an LQR controller... it actually allows us to control all six degrees of freedom."
"A robot is the combination of sensors plus actuators plus control."
"Full state feedback controllers were incredibly powerful."
"Block diagram is the pictorial representation of each and every component in control engineering or control system."
"This is kind of like the PID control of the 21st century... it kind of works, you should use it."
"There are four independently controllable vanes to give full control of pitch, roll, as well as the rotation of the craft."
"Now that the gyroscopic precession compensation is working, the conventional control mode seems to work pretty well."
"The control system needs to address additional considerations of environmental protection and product integrity."
"The PID loop has worked as expected."
"If all the poles exist in the left half plane, then the system is stable."
"In order to establish a close-loop system, the steady state response and the peak overshoot is much lesser in comparison with PI controller."
"Closed-loop control is able to reject a lot of disturbances."
"The benefits of control moment gyros scale up very well, producing a tremendous amount of torque."
"Understanding how the root locus is going to behave from a fundamental concepts perspective is very very useful in control design."
"The important thing with model predictive control is that it can handle multiple inputs and multiple outputs."
"The only kind of stable control system involves something called a PID loop."
"The resulting transfer function is simply just G times H, which is the open-loop transfer function."
"Closing the loop is your brain, the controller."
"Proportional, integral, and derivative is the optimal solution."
"The control Horizon is the future control Horizon over which we allow for the control inputs to change."
"From the Micro AutoBox, they use CAN and CANopen communication to control their actuators like an inverter and a battery management system."
"SCADA is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition."
"When the deviation is changing, a portion of good will only change the same way because proportional output depends on the value of the deviation."
"The rate of change in output is proportional to the error."
"Proportional control is capable of maintaining output even with zero error."
"Each one of these computers controls part of the Falcon Heavy."
"The thing that's interesting about model predictive control is that it is not just taking the current state of the system... it is predicting into the future what it should do."
"We've got a nice P controller, I can push it and it'll sort of try to get it balanced. Look at that, that is awesome."
"PID control is probably 95% of the control systems in industrial production."
"We're aiming for a settling time of 0.04 seconds, a percent overshoot of 5%, and a steady-state error of 0.001."
"The feedback control would have a balance between the speed of response and stability."
"The presence of feedback accounts for any uncertainty in the parameters or the appropriateness of your feed forward model."
"The root locus is basically a graphical tool that shows how the closed-loop poles of a transfer function move as a parameter is varied."
"It allows you to create, manipulate, and analyze linear models which is important for control system design."
"Delay is a bad thing; it tends to make control systems not work as well."
"We're gonna get a little bit of an introduction into control systems today."
"The proportional gain is proportional to the step change."
"Feedback can be used to stabilize an unstable system."
"The robot is being controlled by the brain of the system which is your PC."
"The system is constantly going to be reading this sensor... it's gonna be reading this number and comparing it against the target that I've set."
"What an HMI is, is a Human Machine Interface, and a SCADA system is a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system."
"A number of people believe feed forward control system is more powerful than the feedback control system."
"If you want to switch between automatic control or manual control, it could be done within this system."
"There is another type of analysis called frequency response analysis that we'll introduce in this module, which is very useful for designing systems in general and control systems in particular."
"Hello everyone, this is Mohammed and welcome to another video tutorial on model predictive control."
"From the control point of view, we can say that a system, when subject to a certain input, also called excitation, gives a certain output."
"Feedback enables the control system in extracting the desired performance from the plant even in the presence of a disturbance."
"Bandwidth is very, very important for control systems."
"The future output of the system depends entirely on the current state value and whatever input we are going to give."
"The interconnection matrix basically tells how different states of my system are actually connected with each other."
"We can design our controller to be the inverse of the plant model."
"If there's an error present, if the reference does not match the output, then our controller can modify its control to try and change that."
"We want to be able to design our controller so that the complete system has a certain behavior."
"For every control system, you're going to have three elements: a sensor, an actuator, and a controller."
"This is a feedback control system."
"This is a really important thing in control systems, in mechanics, vibrations, and materials."
"What's awesome about control tuning is that you get to define how the loop responds."
"Field oriented control can give you really good performance."
"Stability of a system corresponds to the statement that if the input sequence is bounded, then the output sequence is also bounded."
"The branches of our root Locus diagram start at the poles of the loop transmission and end at zeros of the loop transmission."
"The magnitude of our transfer function is equal to the product of the lengths of the vectors from all of the zeros to the point in question divided by the product of the lengths of the vectors from all the poles of the transfer function to the point in question."
"We can always find a value of the loop transmission magnitude which will make the magnitude condition be satisfied."
"Rule seven is a powerful one which allows us quite often to very rapidly sketch certain important features of the closed loop transfer function."
"Once we found a point S1 in the S plane where the angle condition is satisfied, the value of a knot fnot necessary to get us to that point on the root Locus branch is simply equal to one over the magnitude of 1 over G of G evaluated at that point."
"Root Locus is one of the two principal methods that we're going to use to evaluate the stability of feedback systems."
"This is really a breakthrough application that allows the Siemens controller to directly communicate with the local control logics."
"We just need to declare the variables under the controller tags or the program local tags."
"If you're doing some sort of control problem and partway through the simulation you decided you wanted to change like a gain on a PID controller, you can do that in Simulink."
"Transfer functions are incredibly helpful and a very useful tool when developing a block diagram and performing the subsequent algebra/reduction."
"The integral term reduces steady-state error to zero."
"Another name for this is receding horizon control or finite look-ahead control."
"We're going to first of all design a PID controller."
"Security, of course, is a major issue in supporting these systems. So once we have communications, we have the ability to control large amounts of energy."
"What we will do today is to learn a technique called the root locus, which will tell me little more about relative stability."
"The root locus indicates the manner in which the closed loop zeros and poles move so that the response meets some specification."
"Every biological system has an on switch and an off switch."
"The gain margin and phase margin determine the relative stability and the transient performance."
"Transfer functions take the form of usually G(s) to show it's a function in the Laplace domain."
"A system is BIBO stable if for every bounded input signal, the response should be bounded."
"If we start with an open-loop system which is unstable, can the closed-loop system be stable?"
"A point on the real axis lies on the root locus if the sum of the poles and zeros on the real axis to the right is an odd number."
"The beauty of control systems is that it allows us to model in principle any physical system."
"Like most inverters, the Movi Drive has a parameter tree where functionality can range from simple control to complex control based on how it's configured."
"The main function of the control mechanism is to bring the reactor to an operational level and maintain that level."
"So if I have a negative feedback, this is a minus here, then my overall transfer function would be G over 1 plus GH."
"Root locus method is a graphical method of determining the position of closed-loop poles as parameters are varied from 0 to infinity."
"The integral control action results in the steady-state error becoming 0."
"The state derivative is an autonomous or drift term and you get one term per input."
"The third input is going to cause a huge deviation of \( x \) dot from its drift direction."
"When \( U \) is 10,000, the \( BU \) term has completely overwhelmed the natural dynamics."
"The current output is a mixture of the input in the past."
"We've brought all that together to the point where we can now design a controller to make a system do what we want."
"That is the root locus technique."
"The Path Following Control combines the lateral and longitudinal control using Adaptive Model Predictive Control."
"We're achieving our steady-state error; it's exactly 0.05."
"Faster's better; we want a fast response, we want to drive the error to zero as quickly as we can."
"Steady-state error we can meet pretty easily because we use the final value theorem."
"Zero by itself is not realizable, so we need to add a compensating pole."
"For practical reasons, the pole should be to the left of zero."
"This alpha being less than 1 ensures that the pole is to the left of zero."
"A control system is essentially a low pass filter and I really do not want the low-frequency signals to get attenuated."
"It is desirable to have alpha as large as possible so that the higher frequency signals are not amplified beyond reasonable limits."
"The location of poles and zeros depends on the gamma. Gamma is the deciding factor."
"Invented by James Watt, one of the earliest cybernetic inventions because what this is doing, you'll notice, is keeping a runaway variable under control."
"Distributed control is very important, very advantageous, smart."
"Distributed control techniques are also employed such as model predictive and multi agent based control approaches."
"The root locus will have three branches; one of these poles will go to a zero, and two of them will go to infinity."
"The I term is proportional to both the magnitude and the duration of the error."
"The D term reduces P term overshoot and oscillation."
"The P term is looking at the present, the I term is looking at the past, and the D term is looking to the future."
"PID stands for Proportional, Integral, Derivative, and it describes how the robot responds to errors in its system in order to keep the robot on track."