
Busy Life Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Appreciate that you guys know that we're going through a busy crazy part of our life right now. Love you guys, we do."
"It's been a while since I've been on camera because it's been super super busy."
"A whole lot, a lot of going on, a whole lot, a lot of to come."
"We got another birthday coming up, got a house we're building, we got school to get back ready for, we have so many things going on in the Bingham house."
"Booked and busy, I love you, love to see that."
"There's too many things going on in this world to be miserable, and honestly, I don't have time for that."
"Just a lot going on, thank you guys for watching."
"It's gonna be a busy month, the boys, they're back in school, they got sports going on, baseball and soccer. My husband's coaching, so I'm not gonna have a lot of time to cook dinner at night."
"Oh, my dear. Well, goodbye, dear. I've got a million things to attend to."
"I have loads going on that is all very varied and very exciting."
"And if you're a busy mama like me, they got you covered."
"Life's busy at the moment but it's good."
"So it has been a really hectic week we actually had to move around a bunch of appointments and stuff so all the kids had like orthodontist dentist medical like doctor appointments."
"...we simply lower our expectations of what we want out of this world and we move our heart toward heaven..."
"Life got so busy it felt like a sleeping curse fell over them every single night."
"I really feel like they make makeup to last all day especially for people like us that work all day or wear makeup for really long periods because we're working going to school busy you know life is busy."
"I feel like I'm so busy with life, and I don't want that to be my excuse of like not seeing my friends because I really do value friendship."
"Multitasking, that's what mom life is all about."
"If it wasn't for quarantine, like, there's no way we could spend so much time together. You would be busy, filming, touring, whatever. I would be busy."
"I know it's a really busy time for all of us and getting rid of the question of what's for dinner is such a great way to sort of make your life easier during this busy season."
"What a whirlwind couple of weeks."
"Life now is incredible for me. I'm probably more busy than I've ever been."
"Life is very busy. It keeps tapping you on the shoulder and saying, 'Could you please do this? Could you please do that?' I've become very interested in this metaphor, this idea of this performance that's coming up in all our lives."
"I always say I'm going to have downtime and then I just like don't have downtime."
"Sometimes when life is busy... it's just nice to have a meal ready in the fridge to grab and shove into your mouth."
"We've had a big year, busy year, stressful but fun, perfect time to do it, talk to your elf, write with a bang."
"She's a biochemistry and molecular biology major who is busy all the time."
"...the busiest person in the world will still be able to make the time depending on their priorities."
"I'm just trying to catch a few zeds while I can, you know, bit busy around me guys, touring around having two tech awares and then once I've done that I'm all with kids trying to sort kids out and trying to run a normal life. Not easy job is it? Not easy job."
"So I'm a very busy mom right now."
"I've obviously still got the camper, still got the MR2, I've just been so busy with work."
"My life has been for the last couple years just trying to balance everything, you know what I mean? Just being busy. It just seemed like that statement I was making a lot and it was just like, you know, yeah, it was fitting for the album."
"Work was crazy busy. I became single. Yeah, I just didn't have any time for YouTube, unfortunately. But I'm back."
"My life has been hectic, my life has been crazy, I've been on the go, I've been moving my girlfriend, it's just been a lot. But you know what? It feels good. I think I've got it all under control right now."
"My life has been very busy because I've got a newborn son and I love it."
"Learn the art of Italian home cooking: a perfect antidote to a busy life."
"I don't have a lot of time in my life right now to invest a couple of hours into meal prepping and meal planning."
"As much as I would love for that to happen, we have lives. We do a bunch of [ __ ] and it's hard to coordinate something like that."
"Sometimes if that happens, I do like to fill it out, even though I'm super, super, super busy."
"Just be authentic and just get these videos in when I can because it's just a very busy full life."
"I'm going to share a little bit about them because they are sponsoring today's video. So, as many of you guys know, we are a very busy family."
"I haven't even had time to iron it but really cute."
"I never took a thing. I never had time."
"A friend is a person who if you don't call them for a couple of weeks, they don't get angry at you because they know you're busy."
"I'm constantly on the go, either driving or in the workshop, don't stop, don't have time for lunch, breakfast, or dinner really."
"I have a lot on my plate right now and I need an outlet to let off stress."
"I'm really sorry about that, Sandra. I was just bathing the kids and putting them to bed, so I was quite busy."
"Life as a full-time teen influencer, there's always a lot going on."
"I feel like I've really got a lot to do, and I'm kind of laughing about it."
"It was such a fun week, actually it was a busy but good week."
"I can't die today, I got things to do."
"That's the appeal of Colorado Bend, a place of primitive simplicity in an all too busy world."
"I'm a very happy married wife, mother, schoolteacher, student, and I guess I'm busy."
"I don't have time to write you an open letter because I'm hosting and performing on SNL this week."
"The timeline of love, especially with a busy successful person like you are, you'd have no idea what the universe's timeline for you is."
"I've had the busiest but most productive week ever."
"Being completely honest, we've got so much work lined up this summer, so many things to do, it's gonna be probably the busiest one of my life to date, and I hope you'll come along."
"I'm a guy in my 30s, I'm working full time, running an emergency department, I have four young kids."
"Back in the land of busy things, but this instant, it was bliss."
"Her laundry basket is never empty, she loses library books, she homeschools her six beautifully exuberant kids, and most days feels just a tad bit overwhelmed and crazy."
"I didn't have time to be depressed, I had stuff to do."
"With lots to do, people and places to see, and a lot of soul searching to do."
"The breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree"
"When my life got really busy and crazy, something had to give, and making homemade kombucha was one of those things."
"Life's just been really busy. I'm also a full-time drone pilot and a full-time student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University."
"It's only because you're so busy and you have so much going on right in your life."
"I'm so busy I just haven't had a second to sit down and write some music."
"Now this month in November is going to be a very busy and physically and emotionally taxing month but also a very exciting month."
"Listen, I have acting class right now, but as soon as I get back, we're vlogging the whole week."
"We were all very close after that; our days very busy but we are very happy."
"Life is busy; maybe we just need to be asked to slow down a little bit and provide an opportunity for coming back to Jesus."
"It's been quite busy, but now I feel like we're in the swing of things."
"People got family to see, things to do, places to be."
"We're really going to try and switch off for a couple of days because it has been such a hectic two years."
"Having an insane schedule is... you lose a lot of the ego."
"It's the end of a very, very busy year for us where we accomplished a lot."
"It has been a super busy week, maybe one of the busiest weeks of my life."
"We had a good time last night, some of you couldn't be here because there's other things going on. We're in a busy world, aren't we?"
"This week is flying by, seriously flying by."
"At some point in our busy lives, [forget] this [stuff]. At some point, you got to make time for yourself."
"It's been busy, but it's been good, I have no complaints, I don't think, so like, that's nice."
"I remember from 16 to 20, that was like the most busy my life ever was, besides now."
"What is life without a never-ending list of errands?"
"Life has been very hectic currently, but we'll be streaming a lot the later half of the week."
"It has certainly been an interesting afternoon, too much to do and too little time, just like always."
"It's been very hectic, very busy, which is exciting, and it's great."
"It's been really busy these last few months, so it's really good, especially with the baby on the way."
"I got places to be, people to see."
"It's a busy season I'm very grateful for."
"Life has been busy, but I couldn't be happier about my life."
"It's been such a busy morning, just working hard all night, all day."
"My day is busy, Tuesday I feel dizzy, Wednesday is so tiring, thirsty and inspiring."
"I've got a fairly busy life, I guess."
"It was quite busy, and it usually is quite busy, not gonna lie, it is a lot, but I think I have chosen the right program."
"Life has been so insane right now, I don't know how I even keep my life organized."
"I don't have time to think about it, and there's too much I have to be thankful for and too many things I have in my life that I can be happy about."
"I'm officially locked in, another thing added to the busy schedule, but it's all good."
"Thank you guys so much for joining me on my busiest day of the week."
"Life was going to get busy, and she knew it."
"Life is super hectic right now, and I am so excited for it to hopefully calm down after October."
"This person sees you as someone who's always got a lot going on, but you handle it really well."
"I love cooking meals in the crock pot; it's so easy and convenient when you have a busy day."
"Sometimes I feel like there's not enough time in the day, not enough days in the week to get it all done, but I just try my best and I try to focus on the positives."
"It's been a blur of a month but it's all been good."
"I work around the world, I live around the world, and I spend a lot of time in a plane."
"Things have been a scotch hectic over here in my neck of the world."
"Life is moving so fast right now with working and being a mom and spending time with family."
"Your life is busy in such a beautiful way that everybody wants to have a life like you."
"Life gets busy, the last thing I want to do is spend hours in the kitchen."
"Thank you for watching and spending time with me and these really genius awesome products for busy women on the go."