
Emotional Neglect Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The narcissist, when this child becomes an adult, the child is sad. The child mourns the fact that he had never had a childhood, not a proper one at any rate, had never been loved unconditionally, had never been accepted, had never been seen, had never been embraced, never experienced warmth."
"It bugs them that you just don't care, you rather sit on your couch than get up to open the door, answer their call or answer their text."
"Harry described his family's silence as neglect."
"Not one person asked me anything about the baby if it was alive, if it was dead, if it was a boy, if it was a girl. Not one."
"Lack of interest in your life and feelings is a red flag."
"When you do so much for people in your life and they not only don't return the favor but they just don't even see you."
"You have some work stuff coming up that you would really like some support on."
"You know they haven't walked away from you but you wonder why they don't put you as a priority. Like, you know that they have these deep emotions but you also wonder."
"Everything was about KY, nothing was about me."
"Don't nobody give a [ __ ] about your feelings because you never care about anybody else."
"It was a Lifeline that your husband had gotten you, and you threw it away."
"What power is about: not listening, doing stuff to people without listening to their cries and their sorrows."
"Darren, he wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me."
"Intention does not equal experience; you can have the best intentions in the world, but if you're not calculating for her experience, she feels like she doesn't matter."
"I feel like you never got the attention you needed or had the chance to evolve."
"Our society has elevated the dry technological intellect to the highest possible echelons and completely forgotten about the heart."
"Imagine being somebody like Lewis Danes who never really knew what it was like to be valued, cherished, loved, raised up."
"Imagine having no dreams as a kid and just wanting your parents' love."
"He was only 12 at the time... pretty tragic to think of a 12 year old kid... being pushed away at arm's length when he tries to get some comfort from family members."
"Emotional neglect can be at the core of all of the above; however, realizing that you've been emotionally neglected is a very challenging thing to do."
"The tragedy is that he didn't have the self-love he needed to look after his body."
"Usually when a woman cheats, it's because there is something unaddressed in terms of her emotional needs."
"Their intention is to offer you some type of love, but you may have felt deprioritized."
"When we grow up with a narcissistic parent, what we struggle with most is emotional neglect."
"You don't marry someone just to ignore their feelings and invalidate them."
"No one said we're sorry for your loss or we know this is difficult. Nothing, they just were kind of dicks about it, allegedly."
"So many times we neglect children a lot, we tend to put their feelings behind because we feel like they're little beings, but you see I have a four-year-old son and there is he is so human than any human that I know."
"To find parts of a woman he didn't care about."
"That boy is my world, and it's like you guys don't give a crap about how I feel."
"I never had a chance to just talk about how I felt. I just wished I was loved growing up."
"I have yet to meet a single person who has not experienced emotional neglect on this planet."
"Explore how that emotional neglect has affected you and get the help that you need."
"Even though your parents look good on paper and it seems like they've done everything that they should, I have a feeling that there's some emotional neglect going on here."
"Childhood emotional neglect is like that foundation that has cracks in it, that's weak, that's crooked, that's off, that's wonky, that's unsettled."
"Many adults who grew up emotionally neglected seem normal on the surface, seem like they have it all together."
"Nobody had told him they loved him before. No one."
"I'm wondering how to deal with anger and hurt over being emotionally neglected as a child."
"We were just strangers living under the same roof, destined to be alone, starved for attention, damaged by our upbringings."
"You feel neglected long enough to the point where it becomes betrayal."
"She didn't really grow up with people really nurturing her and showing her any emotion."
"Childhood emotional neglect is difficult to understand because it's about what didn't happen in childhood."
"It's subtle and invisible, yet it has the potential to profoundly impact the lives of those who have experienced it."
"My parents gave me everything I ever asked for, but they never gave me the one thing that I really wanted: their love."
"He's just hungry, that's all. He was literally starving for love when all we fed him was hate."
"Emotional neglect is straight up trauma."