
Reminiscing Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Saved all of those orphans out of a tree. Wow, do you remember that? Of course, I do."
"Every high school friend had a friend who had the hot tub."
"It's always fun reminiscing on college, I feel like."
"So definitely don't take it for granted. I mean, nobody can travel right now, but we can reminisce of getting on planes and traveling and having vacations, remember those?"
"So, what was Sophia like as a kid? You were such a good kid."
"When y'all look back at it, it was like, 'Yo, do you remember when?'"
"Every single time they reminisce about you divine feminine, they had the best times with you."
"Your loved ones are all sitting around reminiscing about your life. What are they saying? How will you be remembered?"
"It brought back a lot of memories, a lot of really fond memories."
"We just sit there and talk about you know those you know it's like like bunch of old people sitting around talking about the glory days awkward."
"Especially going back and like watching the videos and stuff, it's like nostalgia in a bottle."
"Gather around friends old and new, these were our favorite food competitions of 2022. Let's talk about them."
"You remember the dark times, you guys can't remember. Dark, dark times out there, man."
"We go back all the way till North Americans, which is August of 2005."
"North Americans, I mean, no, at the Junior Nationals in 2005."
"It's nice to see the old owner and reminiscing about the car, yeah."
"Well we got the Vargas Brothers in the house what's up what's up man it's been a while since you've messed with this thing last time you were around it you almost rolled it yeah I still hurts a little bit so what is this."
"I have more experiences in this house but one thing will remain with me as irrefutable proof."
"It was really nice reminiscing, looking back over those designs and just seeing all the different gardens we've created."
"I ain't see that [ __ ] since I was 12 years old and I ain't shutting any more tears so y'all gonna stop coming at me for a [ __ ] that I ain't seen in over 24 years."
"CU you know I was around back in the day"
"I was reminiscing about all the good times I've had there over the years, all the forgotten memories with good friends."
"This isn’t really different. They aren’t asking me to relive some days gone by. They are just saying let’s honor the past."
"They may be reminiscing about old memories and learning from the past, but also considering making new memories with you."
"This is the time that you miss them."
"I think about him when I was sleeping."
"Always be ready so you don't have to worry about getting ready. That's what my dad always told me. So that's basically preparing for the moment."
"He never talked much about the war, but when I would ask him things, you know, he would tell me various things."
"It's funny you said that, it just made me think. So I was in Utah a few weeks ago."
"The past relationship thing, I thought you were going to be like, oh my God."
"...over a decade ago the trend was 970s the trend was all these Grand complications I remember I mean that that's what it was right 507s 5970s they were trading for crazy multiples over retail..."
"Well, let's go back. You've led such a interesting, colorful life."
"Because I'm just I'm in that area right now cutting in so like I'm reminiscing about those lovely moments and you hear my voice slow down as they get into these little teeny tiny areas oh my gosh it's so crazy but so fun very cathartic."
"I don't think I've ever been sat in this apartment now if we go home"
"Now that we have some food in our bellies let's rewind the clock back to earlier this morning."
"I literally passed that was your literally that was your drive that bro I pass everyone had the moment in it."
"We finished our drinks and fell to reminiscing. It's strange, I guess, to have kin and to be without kinship for as long as our lives have led us along our separate paths."
"You done partied with more people than this, you done drank with more people than this, come on, don't act like that."
"We used to get ready for you guys. Or look at me right now, I'm in the same right hand. I like you bad middle good."
"I haven't done a night out vlog since last night out before lockdown guys."
"It feels like a good day and I'm just reminiscing back to all the times when I started this channel over 6 years ago now and it's just been an incredible journey."
"They're always talking about how the relationship went, reminiscing about the good times. They can admit that you're doing good for yourself, but they dwell on the breakup."
"Doing it in a way where you have stories to tell at the end of it all."
"Feelings of nostalgia and memories, reminiscing about the past."
"Back then and you know you hooked on the hood, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's been so fun, don't you think, Corey?"
"Too many people are rejoicing in an experience in the past."
"...like 90 years from now, I'm talking about this one, baby."
"But that's me bloody partner, we missed that didn't we?"
"We miss Eugene so we're gonna go eat Korean food."
"The live was so much fun. Me and Jazz basically just had like a big catch up and a big talk on like everything growing up in the business."
"You know, you know whatever uh, seeing Garrett when we came out to see Stan before."
"I just finished editing about Missy - and I was looking back at all of her friends giving and it was so fun it was like mayhem but I'm so happy we had some food leftover."
"If I was doing I know but you got to remember you got to remember them."
"It is kind of fun to go strolling back down memory lane."
"It is always nice to take a little trip down memory lane and do some reminiscing."
"We're doing a bit of reminiscing this weekend."
"Pretty cool to take a trip down memory lane."
"But coming back and reminiscing about good memories, which is what I'm going to do, good memories mostly, it's fun. I'm having fun with it."
"That was fun taking a little trip down memory lane."
"The more you reminisce, the more positive memories you start percolating up in your brain, and the more positive you become."
"We've got a lot of good memories."
"The reminiscence I think is probably a better, bigger thrill than actually doing it."
"They're missing you, and they're reminiscing about you."