
Castle Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Putting a castle up high makes it very difficult for attackers to employ siege weapons against you."
"Neuschweinstein is one of the most popular castles in all of Europe."
"A castle so full of history is bound to be riddled with all sorts of unwanted ghostly guests."
"Linux Castle: this creepy castle has an extremely spooky history."
"Castle levels often act as a site of haunting evil experiments or the scene of an ancient battle, with torch-lit corridors, well-stocked furniture, and the spoils of war."
"So far we've got just this one wall of the keep but according to the geophys it goes out to here and up this way and then along there."
"Canavan is a great example of one of the subtypes of the three main styles of castles."
"Denton Castle in Buckinghamshire is just a little jewel full of history."
"More than 6 million bricks were used to build this castle; it's about 20 hectares and this castle in the Middle Ages was never taken by the enemy forces."
"It's like a landscape printed across with the castle and fireworks."
"I feel like a princess in my castle."
"Imagine living in a thousand-year-old castle that's beautiful and also doubles as a museum."
"Two of the most fascinating and romantic things are either castles and islands. Now imagine a place that is a combination of both of those very things. That place is the four-story tower called Castle Stalker."
"That was awesome holy that was a lot of castles like I've heard I think someone said in my comments there's something like 900 castles in Ireland alone maybe that's just like, yeah You'll never get to see them all it's just so much history."
"One of Scotland's largest castles."
"So at last we can forget the Saxons and safely say that it was Hugo who built the castle here after fighting at the Battle of Hastings."
"The castle was one of the company's greatest assets and served as a symbol of the Disney brand across the world."
"One of the architectural design elements of the castle that I love is something not often talked about."
"The castle had its working drawbridge pulled up at first but was ceremoniously lowered when a night on Horseback demanded open the Fantasyland castle in the name of the children of the world."
"Edward must have been concerned about being caught short during religious Services, his watching chamber comes with its own medieval castle toilet."
"there's a restaurant in our castle but it's a secret restaurant"
"this was like our best neighborhood we've ever made you did a way good job on the castle though seriously"
"Well, looks like we've got no choice but to tour this giant castle. Shut up Ashley, I'm having a moment."
"It was once part of a historic castle."
"Every time he chooses to betray me it's happened multiple times you don't need to return to the castle you can stay at the house."
"I just want to point out there's a little uh portrait of maybe Alex Jade scale's parents I don't know man but leading up to the Tower here the ruined Tower of the castle you can see there's plenty of details that I'll show off as we go through it."
"This is a beautiful addition to the Lego castle collection."
"How was it possible that there was light so far beneath the castle?"
"The great tower of Chepstow Castle."
"That's the earliest part of the castle we've seen dated."
"It's a source of water and heat inside your castle, no matter how cold the long night gets."
"The Armory was very much in keeping with the remainder of the castle. Something out of a medieval dream or nightmare."
"Harrenhal is a castle built of death."
"...this was one of the most ancient and important castles in England because this was the one which guarded the south coast with these huge cliffs there."
"...it's a weak point of the castle isn't it? You're actually creating a crack in your castle wall so you need to reinforce it."
"Could this really be a lost Oxfordshire castle that's been forgotten for hundreds of years?"
"By the time they had crowed thrice, the lord of the castle had left his bed. Mass was sung, and meat fitly served."
"It will be like a castle. Of course, it has to be pink."
"Unexplained sounds have been heard in the castle late at night, men's voices."
"This is known as Ireland's most haunted castle."
"The castle I visited at the weekend uses pine cones as 'don't sit here' markers on the antique furniture."
"A castle essentially is a fortified private residence, but it's that fortification part with the tower it helps achieve."
"Sure it may look like any other ordinary guest Castle from out here but inside lies the ultimate Entertainer's Retreat."
"I had no electricity at the castle from eight o'clock in the morning until 8:30 last night."
"Her ghost appears in the castle as a lady in white, sometimes with a veiled face and sometimes with no face at all."
"The woods were on the move, creeping towards the castle like a slow green tide."
"But what a location, it's like a castle."
"What kind of Castle is this it's like a Poor People's Castle dude Poor People's Castle."
"The history of Harlot Castle is incredible and begins in 1283 with King Edward's conquest of Wales."
"It's smart lodgings in a place that looks like a defensible castle."
"...stunning colorful castle...stands as one of the seven wonders of Portugal."
"Oh my gosh, shots are smothered I like a castle."
"Witnessing this ornate spectacle in person solidifies why many people consider this to be one of the most beautiful castles."
"I'm really leaning towards Knight E5 here primarily because I want a castle."
"I think one of this was their first plan, all right? The nobles, they get together in the castle, the king is there as well."
"The parade was wonderful as always. It is amazing to watch it right in front of the castle."
"This castle is by far the most beautiful in any Disney park."
"According to legend, the ghost is a spirit of a young man who was imprisoned in a room in the castle and left to die."
"Torture, mass murders, pain, heartbreak, and execution have stained not only this Castle but its surrounding grounds."
"Orava Castle may be one of the most eerie castles in all of Europe."
"I love the details on the castle."
"Vegar sensed his coming first, guardsmen walking the battlements of the castle's mighty curtain wall clutched at their spears in sudden terror."
"Wow, it's your very own castle keeper."
"That's the castle of Versailles. That was one big place."
"So when you see a modern-day castle, like here in Lucca, or in the fortress around Milano, you're going to see a cannon hardened castle."
"The castle of Carlisle is located in northwestern England."
"Tantalon castle remains the most incredibly delightful, engaging, and alluring castle that I've ever visited."
"A powerful explosion lights up the sky, leaving areas of the castle in smoke."
"Aslan be praised," said the prince, "this castle stands on high ground, but the water comes on grimly fast."
"What's controlling this castle is magic!"
"This is actually insane look at that like mountain right there and the castle."
"Windsor Castle is actually the largest and oldest inhabited castle anywhere in the world."
"This castle is kind of lasted and been around for hundreds and hundreds of years."
"One of the most impressive sites is the Wawel Royal Castle, the first UNESCO World Heritage site."
"The most important single attraction in Salzburg is the castle up on the hill."
"Somewhere where there's a castle, and we could have the stitching retreat in the castle, wouldn't that be fun?"
"Imagine over 900 years ago, William the Conqueror built this castle on Roman foundations."
"Neuschwanstein Castle is the definition of a fairy tale castle come to life."
"They've lived under his rule for so long, to see his castle crumble must feel so good to them."
"For a century, the very symbol of our kingdom, Hyrule Castle, has managed to contain that evil, but just barely."
"This is apparently the ultimate adventure castle."
"Poland also has the world's biggest castle."
"This fairy tale castle stretches an impressive 8,600 ft, traditional and elegant."
"They are from a famous collection of pictures in Count Ludwig's castle in Austria."
"The vampire castle definitely leans into the Castle Dracula vibes."
"I always have to comment on the castle every single time I see it because honestly, every single time I come to Disneyland Paris, I do take a couple of minutes just to appreciate the castle. It looks stunning."
"The castle is a veritable prison, and I am a prisoner."
"The story goes that there's a castle in Romania that is said to have belonged to Count Dracula."
"The castle is looking beautiful though, with the blue skies."
"Wow, they Castle, it's like ours but bigger, it's beautiful, it's sparkly."
"Dunrobin Castle and gardens certainly didn't disappoint, that place was absolutely spectacular."
"It's amazing, like amazing, let's look at this castle, oh look how pretty it looks."
"This isn't a fiberglass castle, this is real."
"This stunning castle dates back to the 14th century with construction beginning in the year 1333."
"As we walked through the castle, we couldn't help but think about how intimidating it would have been to come to battle against such an impressive structure."
"This castle behind us dates back to the 14th, 15th century."
"Of course we will take you to the most historic landmark of Heidelberg, the castle up on the hill, one of the most famous and beautiful in Europe."
"It's one of those iconic castles, you know, like the ones you see in medieval movies."
"It's a perfect restoration of a castle."
"At nearly 900 years, Bamburgh Castle appears to hold more than just memories."
"The whole of Carlisle Castle is apparently riddled with paranormal phenomena."
"This here is the castle, and it is one of the most beautiful castles, if not the most beautiful castle, in all the Disney parks."
"The most impressive site is the Wawel Royal Castle, built during the 14th century and was the first World Heritage Site."
"There's a lot of energy moving around this castle, and the energy is associated with one or two men."
"The whole castle is wonderfully haunted."
"The castle was all that mattered; some things were hard to remember, but most came back to her easily."
"Welcome to Splat a lot, your premier destination castle for slime spills and an unlimited supply of Splats."
"That's Colonel Wilson, that's who the name of the castle comes from. Amazing."
"The Eerie is the only castle in the Seven Kingdoms where the main entrance was underneath the dungeons."
"Now that's an impressive looking castle, that's possibly the most quintessential perfect Scottish castle on a loch that I've seen so far."
"This enchanted castle holds more exciting stories than it seems."
"You can experience what it's like to feel like you're actually in the castle, and it's so, so special."
"It's quite a traditional old-fashioned castle with a moat and battlements."
"This castle started construction about 50 years ago, and the construction is still ongoing."
"Welcome to Lowther Castle. It's majestic."
"This Castle comes from the year 1400."
"The pirates picked up the castle and took it with him on their ship."
"I firmly believe he'll never leave the castle. The love of the thing maybe got the better of his soul."
"This castle is nearly a thousand years old."
"This castle has played many roles over time."
"The castle is actually haunted by this little girl who would often run down the hallways."
"Lady Isabella Shaw roams the castle in search of her baby."
"This may be Harry's way of still looking after the castle after passing away."
"It's considered to be the largest ancient castle in the world."
"The projections on the castle already are just stunning."
"I declare that you shall be granted the castle of Harrenhal."
"Wow, look at that one at the end, it's like a castle."
"Welcome to Shanghai Disney, that castle, that wow."
"Dining in the castle is undeniably magical."
"I am just gobsmacked, I cannot believe he has done this, the castle, amazing."
"It's fantastic, I like this castle kind of front castle wall tower section."
"It is one of the longest continually inhabited castles in Ireland."
"For that short time, Christopher felt that living in the castle was not so bad after all."
"Resting in the Scottish countryside, quietly hidden in a lush valley, sits the majestic Neepuff Castle."
"She would spend all her time in a castle streaming."
"With over 200 rooms, Chambord is the largest castle in the Loire Valley."
"The ballroom is the most grand place in this castle."
"...if ever you wanted a fairy tale castle at night, wow Carcassonne."
"The best part of living in a castle is nobody knows it's here."
"As the Queen's preferred weekend home, it's the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world."
"Lord have mercy, look at that, our beautiful Sleeping Beauty Castle is back."
"St. Donat's Castle cannot ignore its ghostly heritage."
"Reports say that the ghost appears every night on the walls of the East Gate of the castle."
"The castle is nestled at the very tip of southern Germany with a phenomenal 360 view of the Bavarian Alps."
"This castle is like a playground."
"The castle behind me is supposedly one of the most paranormally active places in Great Britain."
"Are you a believer in Castle yet? I think I am."
"Welcome to Chillingham Castle, said to be the most haunted castle in the UK and quite possibly the world."
"Confusion and clangor ruled the castle."
"The castle is certainly remote; it was built in the 12th century on a sandstone outcrop in the middle of a great Spanish desert."
"Elizabeth lived in the Exide Castle and was said to have a dream life."
"It caught me a little bit off guard how it felt to walk the castle walls."
"This is like seeing the castle for the first time."
"Tonight's park up is right outside a castle."
"Once a year the castle is said to disappear into a time slip and reappear no longer in its ruined state but as it must have been hundreds of years ago, magnificent and stately."
"It's interesting how the castle has very different architecture depending on which side you're on."
"This is just like an amazing Castle."
"Gorgeous, gorgeous clock tower there, that's a part of the castle."
"This village has a beautiful castle, and I'm going to show you around that castle in a little while."
"Christmas in a castle, that would be sick."
"The best part of the castle is probably the view from all sides of Pagus Hill."
"Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world by land area."
"She had been in that castle so long, she knew every door, every hallway, every room."
"I've always said I would quite like to live in a castle."
"Look at that freaking castle, oh my gosh."
"The castle is different when you visit it in daylight and when you visit it in dark."
"The whole area of the castle is more mystique or more special."
"A castle was a mix of it being a fighting machine and it being a posh house."
"It's enabled us to look beyond just the castle and actually see it within its whole landscape."
"Leap Castle is considered by some to be the most haunted castle in the entire world."
"This is the best LEGO castle they ever made."
"Castle had lived up to its reputation as a hive of paranormal activity."
"It's going to be amazing waking up with this CVO and a view of the castle as well."
"This castle has a rich history from early chronicles to William Wallace to the Jacobite rebellions."
"The town's iconic Reichsburg Castle, perched atop a hill overlooking the river, serves as a living testament to centuries of heritage."
"The infinity Castle starts crumbling."
"Essentially, we are actually in a castle."
"This fairytale castle looks freaking amazing."
"Will the defenders keep the castle safe from the attackers, or will the attackers reign victorious?"
"Many a falls and other LEGO collectors consider this to be one of the greatest LEGO castles of all time."
"I pressed my hand against the stone and was amazed to feel how incredibly old and crumbling the castle truly was."
"This castle is claimed to be the most haunted castle in England."
"Beautiful light and sound show on the side of Warwick Castle there."
"Everything in this castle is so fancy, I mean I guess that's what befits a castle, huh?"
"Wouldn't you love to go to a castle so high up to the sky?"
"Leap Castle has been in existence for centuries and during these long and tumultuous years, it's been the scene of many hauntings."
"Houska Castle... is said to have been built over one of the gateways to Hell itself."
"But Itter has something that no other castle in Austria - or, indeed, the world - can claim: a story."
"The story goes that two of the castle guards accidentally blew up the tunnel by firing the cannon which indicated one o'clock at 1:00 a.m. instead of p.m., after having one or two beers too much."
"Although the castle stands still, the hauntings do not."
"Long before dawn, the castle woke."
"This Castle was the best she had ever seen."
"Look at that beautiful drawing of the castle."
"All right, this is my home, and a man's home is his castle."
"Colchester Castle is one of the oldest and largest Norman castles that survive in England today."
"This is Fulford Manor, one of the most haunted castles in the entire UK."
"The actual structure of the castle remains the same, the architectural detail and its massive walls still stand where they did hundreds of years ago."
"Right next to the coast and sort of the harbor of Çeşme is this beautiful well-preserved castle called Çeşme Castle."
"Warwick with its great castle was always a place of real significance."
"From living in caravans during winter to tackling years of neglect, keeping her dry, discovering more about its past, and bringing it back to its former glory."