
Self-indulgence Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Take your fill, unbridled hedonism, malignant self-worship in the guise of Liberty."
"I treat myself, can't lie. It was my Christmas present to myself."
"Indulgence, that's what I would describe this playlist to be, indulgent."
"Am I going to do something for me or am I going to do something for someone else? Am I going to indulge or am I going to be more sensitive?"
"Enjoy the fruits of your labor, you've got to be having fun through all of life."
"Just because this story aims to sit on its Laurels and has moments of self-indulgence and celebration and makes dozens and dozens of nods to its history that doesn't mean it can't try to take itself more seriously or put some effort in."
"Goblin mode: a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy."
"It was the biggest spoil we've ever done for ourselves."
"It's all going on! I mean, I'm not gonna lie, it probably is quite one-sided. I suppose this is kind of like me turning up at your door with a big Christmas present and then telling you that I bought it for myself."
"Living a fabulous life and enjoying yourself is the best possible thing you could do."
"We put a lot of value on pleasures of the moment... it's all about making yourself feel good on a physical level."
"Taking time for you and indulging in yourself is one of life's richest rewards."
"I'm going to put on my favorite items, my best clothes, my best lipstick, my best perfume and enjoy it."
"It's more just doing what you feel like in order to make your life more enjoyable."
"I'd rather live it up, be a little selfish... and I will feel like I've lived my life."
"When I'm in the bath right I do like my full kind of skincare I'm talking like face masks the full shebang that's like my time to sort of chill."
"The dark representing raw emotion unrestrained passion and one's greedy indulgence to the darkest parts of ourselves."
"If you can get the money together to get something that makes you feel good you shouldn't have to do that."
"Decide if you really want it, then buy it. Sometimes indulging yourself is not a practical question."
"I'm finally buying myself items that I've always wanted to buy but have just never indulged in."
"Let yourself indulge in that. Don't feel guilty about it, don't feel like there's anything to criticize about the way that you feel about material comforts or the things that you want."
"This is the perfume that I wear to bed. I am extra, I will admit it."
"Feminine women are unapologetic about leisure. Enjoy your leisure, your spa days, your tea time, your date nights, your girls trips. Enjoy your fancy restaurants, your movies alone in your room, whatever you do that's for you."
"Spend quality time with yourself, be kind, be indulgent, be extra, be way too much, love yourself extravagantly."
"You only live once. You wanna have the latest and greatest tech, do that. Alright? Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself."
"So if you've been looking at it, I would say why not, treat yourself?"
"It's okay to be selfish this week. Treat yourself, indulge, be a little bit selfish. It's okay."
"You are comfortable with your physical body, indulging in sensual pleasures without guilt."
"The best thing about solo travel? The freedom and liberating feeling. You can be completely selfish."
"Pleasure is purely self-centered. It's all about your pleasure. It's about you. Joy is compassion. Joy is giving yourself to somebody else or something else."
"Wear the beautiful earrings, wear the beautiful dress, like the lovely candles, use the good crockery, use the good tablecloths, all of that stuff just do it because honestly it's so important."
"Leap into it and enjoy it because you deserve it."
"Satanism is much about self-pleasure, worship of self, becoming your own God, doing what you want to do."
"I don't buy anything unless it's on sale, but in the skincare world, I do pride myself on treating myself to the finer things."
"This is probably the best time for you to relax, indulge in things that feel really good to you, to do the things that you love."
"I love a good indulgent skincare routine if that's what works for you then great."
"I got myself a car for Christmas... it's Christmas and I bought myself it."
"Freedom without responsibility is self-indulgent."
"Did this break my bank account? Yes. Is my hair so damaged? Yes. But I love it, so what can I say?"
"I would be lying to you guys if I said that I bought this for somebody else because I totally bought it for myself."
"Even if it's a flop, at least I get to see the movie that I want. It's all about me."
"People are so accustomed to entertaining ourselves and making ourselves happy all the time, and I think that's a real problem now for people because they just don't want to give up."
"If you want to spoil yourself and you work for it, I'm not stealing it or taking money that's not mine."
"This is the nicest piece of art I probably have ever bought myself."
"You get to be a little bit selfish."
"You worked so hard, you deserve to buy what you want."
"I'm going to be spoiling myself this week. I need some new nails cuz I was scratching the booty too hard."
"I bought a cactus so I bought a sex toy for myself."
"This is so funny, I'm giving gifts to myself. I'm literally employing you to pick out products for me."
"I'm gonna buy myself something really nice."
"We're living in an age where we tell people whatever makes you feel good if that's your thing go ahead and do it."
"Sometimes you just gotta treat yourself."
"You know, if it makes you feel good, do it."
"The path to change self-indulgence is in believing a different promise for happiness."
"You know what guys, sometimes you have to just treat yourself."
"It's a serious thing to take the blessings of God and then just use them for our self-indulgence."
"I just feel so luxe like no one talked to me I'm over here living my best way."
"Never feel guilty about spending a lot of money on yourself."
"I think you should spoil yourself. ... Get something kind of fancy, get like a sports car."
"Sometimes you just need to get stuff that you want in order to feel like yourself again."
"You need something special for yourself."
"I'm about to stop settling and start being cheap or whatever and just get what I want."
"I'm just gonna treat myself, I'm just gonna do it."
"On Sunday, it's all about pursuing your own interests and connecting with joy."
"Painting is one of those rare things in life where you can actually indulge yourself and nobody minds."
"I just spent 600 on some headphones yes I did ask me why I bought it it's my own [ __ ] money shut up it's retail therapy I don't have any friends but I got money so I'ma spend it."
"You should be able to just sit by yourself home alone and have a croissant if you want to."
"You gotta treat yourself and if you're gonna treat yourself, top of the rock's the place to do it."
"If you want to take yourself on a date, if you want pizza, if you want to go for a drink, just go. It's your sign, I'm your sign, go."
"It's a movie that just really felt self-indulgent for Quentin Tarantino."
"When you get to this place, you're like, 'Okay, I made it through motherhood, I made it through life, now it's time for me to have fun.' So, where I am right now, I really... I'm on fool with people."
"I used to save nice candles for when people come over, but now I use them for myself. It brings warmth and luxury, like a little retreat for me."
"Screw what others think. If it makes you happy, do it. Eat the cake, pet a squirrel, take a nap."
"People will not endure sound teaching but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to soothe their own passions."
"I couldn't wait till Christmas like I literally had to get it for myself."
"As I said to you before, it's totally in... it's the greatest expression of individuality. If you paint with integrity, you're painting as an artist, painting only for self-indulgence. And I do paint for the sake of painting. I do paint for the self-indulgence."
"Do a little pick-me-up every once in a while."
"You might as well just do a party for yourselves."
"Concert tickets are probably the one thing that I do splurge on myself that's purely a luxury item."
"Stop getting Starbucks coffee and get you a luxury perfume for yourself. You deserve it."
"This is about pleasing yourself and allowing yourself to have these rewards."
"...reaffirming his message of indulgence, self-realization, and the rejection of external constraints."
"She enjoys treating herself to some fine leather goods."
"Lovely hair, lovely makeup, and lovely clothes isn't necessarily going to stop you from stuffing your face with chocolate or stop you from arguing with everyone, but at least you're going to look fabulous while you do it."
"Feel your deepest fantasy in that moment. That's what you give to yourself."
"You're indulging now in a happy life."
"I want to get dressed something nice and make a nice meal."
"But she who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives."
"I feel so fortunate and blessed to be able to have spoiled myself with some of these really lovely pieces."
"I'm spending this Valentine's Day the same way I spend every Valentine's Day. Buying rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, taking it home, standing over the sink, and eating it out of the package with my bare hands like an animal."
"It's not a waste of money if it's my money and I'm doing something I want to do with my own money."
"The links of our chains are forged not of cruelties but of their luxuries."
"It's kind of a fragrance that I wear for myself to enjoy."
"Take time for yourself to chill, to rest. If it means sleeping until 12 p.m., then do that."
"I'm going to go take a bubble bath now and go to the balcony, enjoy myself."
"That was the best year I've had in ages, not dictated to anyone else's needs and wants, I could do what I damn well pleased."
"I kind of wanted this birthday to feel more like a treat to myself."
"I'm saving money for my birthday because my birthday every year I love to just buy myself whatever I want."
"I'm going to naturally neglect that because I want to do my strengths all day long."
"I bought candles because they're on my list of things that make me happy at my core."
"The beauty of solo travel: you do what you want, you eat what you want, you sleep in when you want."
"Going for a spa is one of my favorite things to do."
"I feel so fancy, I love it so much."
"You're able to create that time for yourself by focusing in on your pleasure and what makes you feel good."
"I'm treating myself, today is a day of treating."
"If you ate a loaf of cinnamon bread by yourself, you will be powered by cinnamon bread, and that's the truth."
"Treat yourself, so I'm treating myself."
"The erotic is cultivating pleasure for its own sake."
"This is one of the perks of adulthood, guys. You get to just wake up and say, 'I'm gonna go out into the world and spend a hundred dollars on lip balms, why? Because I can.'"
"Indulge your mind and do what you want."
"I make money online so I can go to Starbucks and I can get whatever this is and I can feel expensive and bougie."
"...it's important that we delight in our joys, that we indulge in those things and don't fall victim to 'oh I don't want people to see me doing this so I don't want to'."
"If it makes you feel good, do it!"
"Sometimes, girl, when you shop, you can't worry about where I'mma wear that at, you just have to be like, you know what, I don't know but it needs me."
"If I was chocolate, I would eat myself."
"Whether that's putting on some false eyelashes or reading your favorite magazines, do something that makes you happy."
"I felt that I wanted, in place of the life of self-indulgence to which I was yielding myself, a happy conscious sense that I was pleasing God."
"You're just gonna be in your Zone; you're gonna have so much fun."
"All the only reason we want external freedom is to indulge our internal self."
"I treated myself to Jennifer Fisher earrings... it's kind of like my first luxury purchase."
"Whenever I see this stuff, I feel like it's my inner child and my excuses I'm going to get it for the kids, but in reality, I want it."
"Deny yourself nothing; flame and blaze like a torch and toss the fire about you."
"Take a long shower; buy yourself something."
"We're not going to motels anymore; we go to resorts now, ourselves instead of working there."
"It's just, you know, treat yourself kind of day."
"I'm going to a health farm in Arizona. It's terribly chic, quite expensive, and you don't need any willpower."
"I'm not depriving myself of the happiness of candles anymore."
"It's the perfect guilty pleasure because I go in for gifts, and I always end up buying half of the haul for myself."
"Existence is the great indulgence; anything less than this, any attempt to avoid part of oneself, is to invite loss of form."
"So if you want to treat yourself, treat."
"Who am I to disappoint? It is a snowy, cozy, stay-in-a-hoodie kind of day here in Colorado."
"It's mainly for my enjoyment, honestly."
"It's okay to do things sometimes that you enjoy."
"Do something that you want to do."
"Work is tiring and sometimes you just want to treat yourself."
"Have a great day, make sure to treat yourself."
"Allow yourself to indulge in your own emotion. There's no wrong thing."
"I look like a freaking glazed doughnut, hello, this is the best day of my life."
"These are not necessities by any means, but they're a little something nice that just adds something to my day and makes me feel good."
"I'm obsessed with that highlighter; if I could bathe my whole body in it, I probably would."
"The energy you have, the idea of your own freedom, when you allow yourself to indulge in the thought, it feels very right."
"For some reason, this made me feel very bougie, very expensive, very upscale."
"It's like a little bit of luxury in the morning."
"But if we can't take those extra five minutes to feel good about ourselves, to make ourselves feel more glamorous, more sexy, why not?"
"Go ahead, do whatever makes you happy."
"It makes me feel so glamorous and luxurious."
"The quality and comfort of this robe is just fantastic and it just makes me feel so good and glam."
"Nothing is better than freedom and just giving yourself whatever you want."
"I am so excited to pamper myself with these."
"Indulge in your passions and your truest desires."