
Supervision Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"I am almost a helicopter parent about what my daughter sees, what she does on the internet. I don't allow her to be on the internet if I'm not in the room."
"Tony was right about supervision; there's no two ways about it."
"Capitalism is good in a lot of ways. The downside is it involves humans, humans try and do some weird things when left unsupervised."
"He is the supervisor. If they are doing poorly, it reflects upon him. It is his leadership or lack thereof."
"Time and again, line police officers are held accountable for their actions but their supervisors get a pass."
"We are going to have 12 probably have it now 10 year olds who are unsupervised on the internet watching the craziest stuff you've never seen."
"We just cannot leave decisions which have a huge impact on our democracies to computer programs without any human supervision."
"I think the best thing, at least in my opinion, would be Chris being put into some sort of halfway house where they're under supervision 24/7."
"It's really important though. If you can't supervise them that closely, you're going to put your dog in your crate, using that crate to manage their behaviors when you can't supervise, what makes the biggest difference in the long run."
"Never let her near potatoes again unsupervised."
"It's like babysitting, basically, gotta make sure there's a couple gun for that."
"Kubo is supervising the anime and he has a huge role that he is playing within it."
"I couldn't even go to the gravesite of where Chloe was without having some supervisory nitwit behind me taking notes of aerials."
"Those we should have a Pit Boss watching as carefully."
"I'm supervising from over here. You guys are doing a great job. You're doing great. Keep it up."
"Charlotte explained, 'At first, a child wants the support of constant supervision, but, by degrees, he is left to do the thing he ought of his own accord.'"
"We really need some adult supervision to be a scale CEO and help this guy out. Friggin' Jeff Bezos, obviously that did not pan out."
"... awesome safety profile at a low dose I still in my professional opinion think someone on antidepressant can still take low-dose Naltrexone just needs to be monitored or supervised by a provider."
"This movie looks at the concept of adult supervision and gives it a mighty middle finger."
"Understanding language is a stronger form of supervision than classical closed-system labels."
"Supervision can exist everywhere."
"we're not going to let somebody we don't know just walk around without somebody walking with you"
"Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them."
"It's mainly about supervising convicts. Especially with his military background, they probably would have liked him out on the moors and supervising the agricultural work that was going on at this particular prison."
"New supervisor wants to be the boss, his lack of knowledge and guidance ultimately led to the financial collapse of the entire department."
"She had been working without formal guidance from her direct supervisor for nearly three years."
"Who would be my direct supervisor and when can I meet him or her?"
"The remote pilot in command is required to be under the direct supervision of the remote PIC when another crew member is manipulating the controls."
"For your cat's safety, it's best to never leave your cat around open windows or doors unsupervised."
"Your animus should not be allowed to leave the kingdom unsupervised," Indigo said abruptly, her claws dug into the wood of her spear.
"So, I'm not here to keep an eye on you while you fly your bird. I've got other things to be doing."
"there's no way that you just stick up like 40 kids in the middle of nowhere and just let them let them do their devices there's got to be some person Observatory person at the very least or else you are opening yourself up to a lot of litigation"
"What a boss! Love being watched by that guy. Really takes the edge off work."
"But the thing is, the parents, not only do they not have the time because they are working two jobs themselves, and the kids, you know, they're being watched by the video box babysitter."
"If you're in the other room and your kids are playing with the puppy unsupervised, you're opening up the possibility for your puppy to nip and bite them without any consequence."
"Felicia said that a supervisor will be coming to visit the houses of all students in the near future."
"A supervisor must give ownership, but still owns the failure."
"Supervision is so important and it can eliminate a bunch of your puppy training problems."
"The crate is the number one best way to manage your puppy when you can't supervise them."
"If you're going to go do this and you're on blood pressure medication or you're on diabetic medication, you do not want to do it unsupervised."
"Do I care if the car is going to be supervised at first? No, not at all."
"You can't leave a Hulk in the tub unattended."
"I am not leaving you alone with internet connection and a laptop."
"...there’s a definite difference between coddling, and making sure kids don’t have toys that maim or kill them."
"I never get to walk around and check on everything he's doing, a real good job."
"...manwë sent his mightiest servants to keep an eye on them."
"Communication will become less frequent as they were only supposed to help if obstacles arise, not directly supervise or acknowledge progress regularly."
"God supervises everything that happens in the world."
"Supervisors... that becomes the lifeblood for the novice therapist and even for the experienced therapist to be able to go to a third person and reflect back their issues, their anxieties, and their problems."
"Parents must supervise exploration, but it's important to allow children to explore."
"...his conduct as the supervisor of this game."
"...a good supervisor, a good driving instructor, helps you develop your own judgment... They don't try to push their own judgment onto you because you cannot exchange judgment... You have to develop your own skills, you have to use your own eyes and your own senses..."
"She said that no longer than 15 minutes after the last time she looked in on us kids, Boss started going crazy again in the yard."
"It's fantastic because when the kids are playing upstairs and I'm in the kitchen doing something, I can keep an eye on them without actually being in the same room as them."
"Why would you drink it? Stop! That was a rhetorical question. I need to keep a close eye on you."
"I was kind of like looking at the parents like are they going to say something and it's not because the kids are being bad but it's the fact that the kids could hurt themselves."
"We are living in a time that if we don't look after our children carefully and supervise them about these electronic devices, we will lose them one day."
"Wingsaber, yes sir. What's up? Can you watch out for the kids?"
"Supervisors are very important in that they're they're thinking about how to get the job done efficiently making sure the crews have everything that they need but without focus on safety then all of that planning can really be for nothing."
"How can you leave my children unsupervised? Indeed, I shouldn't have let them out of my sight."
"If you're worried that your kid's fapping it to pornhub or xHamster or whatever you [__] keep a closer eye on them."
"The Demon King declares that Thor is still a precious guest from The Empire who's under her direct supervision."
"Do not let them ruin their eyesight for the love of God. Watch them like hogs."
"Our main treatment for dementia is going to be increased supervision and helping them retain what memory and function they have."
"We have to give them a lot of free play and autonomy, send them out to play unsupervised before they get on social media."
"You're going to have lifeguards on duty."
"My mama always been on our ass like making sure [__] ain't slacking or none of that."
"The revolution will not be supervised."
"So if you have student employees or really any employees, you might be reminding folks to get their timesheets submitted so that you can get them approved as a supervisor."
"The boss lady's out here, making sure y'all acting right."
"I had to take 32 8-year-old children on a walk in the heat to this other church across a very busy street."
"The inmates were counted at least fourteen times a day."
"No, I'd be more supervisory, a consultant. Yeah, like a bobby's job. Yeah, I knew there was something on your mind yesterday, you know."
"A lot of you were emotionally abused by your supervisors."
"Come on, bro. What are you doing? All right? Why aren't you hanging out with people your own age? Won't you have at least a few other adults around? You have to know that at the very least this looks really bad."
"There's to be regular UA and there should be regular reporting by Zoom or in person probation."
"Protect the health of your command by active supervision of hygiene and sanitation."
"Principle 6: Ensure tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished, without micromanaging."
"Never leave a child unattended in a pool."
"Practice only when two adults are present for safety reasons."
"Parents should watch what their children are doing on the computer."
"Don't leave your tiny children unsupervised with dogs, with animals; even a small dog can kill a 5-day old baby."
"Fasting per se might well be something everyone could do under their doctor's supervision."
"It's best if there's a grown-up around to help you handle the chemicals and hot stuff."
"Social workers who provide supervision should evaluate supervisory performance in a manner that is fair and respectful."
"The supervisory relationship is an excellent forum for supervisees to learn about boundaries with clients."
"Supervisors working with more than one supervisee should see each supervisee as an individual and adapt to the supervisees' needs."
"Supervisors should be discreet in sharing personal information and not allow it to become the focus of supervision."
"The social work supervisor should decide whether an alternative practice is the best modality of treatment for supervisee to use with the client."
"Ending the supervisory relationship is just as important as beginning it."
"All documentation by the supervisor should be completed by the time of termination."
"The supervisory relationship is built on trust, confidentiality, support, and empathetic experiences."
"Cultural awareness and cross-cultural supervision require specialized knowledge and understanding about the culture of the client population served by the supervisee."
"Supervisors should provide resources to help supervisees demonstrating symptoms of job stress and make outside referrals as necessary."
"The NASW Code of Ethics serves as a guide to assist supervisors in working with ethical issues that arise in supervisory relationships."
"A 12-year-old child has no business being out late at night anywhere without parental or adult supervision."
"The relationship must be safe; it must be empowering so that the supervisee feels confident and competent in doing the work."
"A trauma-informed environment focuses on and builds on people's strengths in supervision."
"It's important for a supervisor to be aware of and acknowledge the impact the work has on all of us."
"Most parents don't really monitor what their kids watch."
"Never get too close to the water if you haven't got an adult with you."
"Remember, take care paddling and only go in the water if you have a responsible grown-up with you."
"I would be in agreement to a monitored return."
"This really is why some adults just should not be left unsupervised."
"The creative design was supervised by none other than Oscar award-winning director Mr. Steven Spielberg."
"Not so fast, kids. There is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous illegal fireworks without me."
"As a health and safety officer, it would be my responsibility to report this to a supervisor and ensure the safety of every employee."
"Never take card collections outside without adult supervision."
"The present system of supervision has served the community well."
"And remember, building robots is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted without great care and parental supervision."
"Never leave smokers unattended, and make sure ashtrays do not contain hot ashes before emptying."
"Supervise the five machines that sweep the city of Boston at night."
"Supervisions are definitely the best way to really understand a topic."
"That perfect spot for supervision, got our coffees, was on the beach with the creek, and this is a great way to spend the morning."
"Always report information to your supervisor regarding sessions, parents, clients, anything comes up immediately."
"We are looking for security forces, professional, disciplined, clear command and control, managed and supervised by civilian authorities."
"There's a new sheriff in town, you think to yourself as you step into a new position supervising 10 ABA staff."
"It's another way to go down stairs; you can actually do this going down a regular staircase, but you would need a lot of supervision as you're learning this skill."
"Every evolution features safety protocols, including experienced supervision, medical response, and an appropriate instructor to student ratio."
"Parental oversight is super necessary in the growth of any child."
"Do not try this crap at home, do this under direct supervision of a professional."
"I'll personally supervise the test, and it will be completed."
"Continue to inspect what you expect... if you want something done right, you don't have to do it yourself but you need to constantly watch the person that you put in charge of it."
"Changing your lifestyle or medications to treat a medical condition can be dangerous if done without proper supervision."
"He supervises it with His omnipresence, which means there's never a time where you're out of His view."
"We as supervisors can offer mystery, compassion, openness, and a simple presence instead of answers or being the expert."
"No one should ever feel embarrassed if they're going into supervision being like, 'I really don't get what this is all about.'"
"A company that big with a production value that big should have had a professional computer building person or a PC repair person actually come through and at least supervise."
"Your job as a supervisor is to raise the performance of employees, so you need to be conscious of that and make sure you never do anything to make it worse."
"Copper sulfate is somewhat toxic, so this experiment should be done with adult supervision."
"I believe they should get compassionate release... but with strict supervisions to assure they're not pulling the wool over the eyes of the system."
"That is how the kitty cats learned that some toys are more complicated and can only be played with when you're with a grown-up who can help you."
"The Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision."
"Anything goes wrong in your app and you have supervisors watching everything, and it can just kick up and restart that process like that."
"The medical branch director will supervise the primary roles of the medical branch: triage, treatment, and transport of injured people."
"Accountability means keeping your supervisor advised of your locations, actions, and completed tasks."
"You can build trees of supervisors that supervise other supervisors."
"It's a supervised program for your kids to go to and enjoy things to do within that area."
"I'm like Undercover Boss, I just bust into the job site and I'm trying to see who's working right."
"Being sure that they're safe and supervised well is the most important thing."
"Make sure that you check with a grown-up first to see if it's okay."
"Never leave your glue gun unattended."
"If you have any questions about flagging or concerns about your safety as a flagger, contact the on-site supervisor."
"We discovered that at the end of the day, it was doable; anyone can achieve it under the right supervision."
"This camping trip won't be so bad after all. I have to keep an eye on Chris, but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun."
"Pilot supervision means that the flight instructor has a responsibility to supervise the pilot."
"Every actor supervises its children."
"We're going to need a lot of adult supervision."
"The experiment highlights the potential harm that can come from allowing AI bots to learn and adapt without proper supervision."
"I am ordering that unsupervised visits begin as long as Mr. Gomez is a part of those visits."
"By the end of this lecture, you will know how to redefine these building blocks so that we can perform different visual tasks using different types of inputs and different forms of supervision."
"Whenever you see me using sharp tools... please make sure that the youngest of audiences are following along under careful adult supervision."
"Any experiment should be performed at home only with adult supervision and all appropriate safety precautions should be taken."
"Supervisors can access a live data agent and supervisor reports."
"The qualifier is a person who meets the experience requirements and will be responsible for the direct supervision and control of the construction operations."
"Under proper treatment and supervision, their lifespan is typically normal."
"The best way for a fella to learn anything is to do it himself, with supervision of course."
"Meanwhile, managers will be monitoring things carefully to make sure routines aren't disrupted at all."
"The supervisor behavior is the basis for building the supervision trees."
"If a child dies, the supervisor restarts that child depending on the rules they have been set up on how to manage their children."
"We want regulation and supervision to be effective and efficient."
"He ordered and supervised the development of infrastructure such as railroads and telegraph lines."
"It is so important because we have a four-year-old and a two-year-old that need adult supervision."
"Learning from rewards and punishments in the absence of detailed supervision."
"Free roaming is hard to explain to people, the room is secure and they are closely watched."
"It's a good idea to monitor the sites they visit."
"My vote would be not to revoke you, to return you to supervision."
"The network state has been acquired by a learning process, mostly supervised learning through some external control."
"Regression is an example of supervised learning."
"We truly believe that autonomy autonomous vehicles require an understanding of how human supervisors of those systems behave."
"It might be time to have the pugs take a dip in the pool, supervised of course."
"In Steve's defense, he was left unsupervised."
"It is actually safe to participate in extreme sports under strict instructions and close supervision."
"On reflection, I would say that lessons learned from this would point to having some level of independent supervision."
"He was supervising the embankment. How could he fall into the water?"