
Recitation Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"A person will be brought to his grave and two angels will come to him, and it will be said or a voice will be heard, 'You have no way to get to this man, he would recite Surat al-Mulk.'"
"Recitation in the UK is different from the East."
"These ayah that he's reciting, they are very effective."
"We used to wish that he would read because of how beautiful his voice was."
"Whoever recites the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah, that will protect him for the night."
"You've set the bar as the judges have said really high. Very proud of you. Welcome and lastly, a good recitation especially for a young man like you."
"There is power in the recitation of the word of God."
"His memory is outstanding, as proven by the way he can quickly recite Pi."
"Reciting the Quran brings incredible benefit and healing, even for those who are not prophets."
"If nothing else, schoolchildren all over the country will need a new wording for their daily recitation: one nation, indivisible."
"They don't let a day pass except they have recited something, they have listened to something, and they find pleasure with the Quran."
"The Quran provides all of these things through different methods, and that's why some scholars say that in the Quran, indeed, 'the recitation styles are a miracle.'"
"The Quran has come down in seven different recitations, and these seven different recitations make up the Quran as a whole."
"The more you recite it, the more beautiful it becomes."
"The Quran was constantly heard, recited, and memorized constantly every single day since its inception."
"Understand what you're reciting. What does the fat actually mean? How can you ever connect to something if you don't know what you are saying?"
"...when you have the correct intention, you're reciting it for Allah only for His sake and once you have the intention, once you have the intention you're reciting for Allah everything will become easy."
"The voice of [the reciters] gives you a foundation, a base to build on. It's the greatest foundation."
"Reciting in a way that people can understand... conveying the Quran in a way that people can understand... it's beautiful."
"The recitation of Surat al-Baqarah expels shayateen and brings blessing to your home."
"Can you recite any poetry? None of them could other than Peter Hitchens."
"The Muslim belief: Whoever recites 'There is no turning and no might except with Allah' every night, he is never afflicted with poverty."
"Ibn Masud's exclusion of Al-Fatiha from his codex was due to its ubiquity in oral recitation, not a denial of its revelation."
"Alif is a word, lamb is a word, me is a word. So this means that there is a great reward in reciting the Quran."
"Right before you go to sleep, recite that page 20 to 25 times. Just recite it and focus on each letter, recite it with firm belief."
"But definitely don't just read from apps where the Quran is not even written in the khat of the mushaf."
"If Allah didn't make the Quran easy for us, we would never be able to recite it."
"Recite in the name of your Lord who has created."
"The recitation of the Quran is infinite treasure."
"How can I not cry after reciting this verse? When Allah says that Allah can punish my ummah, I can't sleep with them."
"Every time they do it and then look at you, you recite the 'I Have a Dream' speech front to back."
"In 2015, V Minarecited π to 70,000 decimal places from memory."
"I recited the Lord's Prayer in my father's church."
"Muhammad recite publicly so it's exactly what we're saying."
"Recite, make sure you say it out loud."
"If they knew that those words that they were saying, that no one else could hear at the moment, would become of the most recited scripture in the history of the world, how much more strength would that have given them in the moment?"
"Listening to Quran recitations with perfect tajweed can help improve your own recitation."
"Charlotte's extraordinary memory was also cultivated with recitation of verses and stories forming an integral part of her Early Education."
"Yo, Derek, I'm telling you, I'm reciting this [__] in my head, bro, like Jesus."
"The Quran will protect you if you recite it as it ought to be recited."
"When you learn to recite the Quran with the moon, you'll know that you will now live within the system of time that Allah has created."
"If they're not in my head, then I am reciting them verbally, so yeah, I know a lot of y'all can relate."
"Your recitation of the Quran defends you on the Day of Judgment."
"Your recitation will come directly from Allah."
"Your job is to recite and keep on reciting."
"This is like a dream session of Quran."
"Whoever recites Surah Kahf from Friday to Friday will get a lot of light."
"I also memorized and recited these super long poems all the time when I was younger."
"Recite, and your Lord is most generous."
"The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was very impressed when he heard the recitation of Zaid."
"The fact that there were non-canonical modes of recitation is well attested throughout Islamic history."
"The entire village was reciting the Quran and it was like a humming of bees."
"Hearing the Quran recited, it gives you chills."
"To recite the book of Allah from cover to cover, it's honestly something immaculate."
"It is a surah that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has obligated upon us to recite in each and every rakah of each and every Salah."
"He gave Romans 8 word for word and boy it was impressive."
"The Quran is an Arabic Quran; there's different recitation styles of the Quran."
"When it is recited with humanity, when it is recited with purity of intentions, the Book of Allah, the Quran, has on the hearts of man."
"She recites the popular poem by Edgar Allan Poe, 'The City in the Sea'."
"Take the wisdom that is being recited."
"If people really perfected their recitation and be consistent upon it, you will see a lot of cure for a lot of your illnesses."
"The person who's reciting it and reading it has to have a very strong, unwavering conviction."
"So you must keep on reciting the Quran because it escapes from the hearts of men faster than camels do."
"Remember all that was recited in your houses of the verses of Allah."
"Recite in the name of your Lord who created - created man from a clinging substance."
"So any copy of the Quran you look at, or any Qira'at that is recited, we all pronounce the Basmala the exact same."
"This is the Sailors Creed I had to learn and recite every single day with my division."
"Recite the Quran invoking the name of your Lord."
"Read, recite, and your Lord is the most honorable."
"For every single letter that you recite, you are getting 10 good deeds."
"They had recited in Hebrew the fundamental credo of Judaism."
"Prophet Muhammad was visited by Angel Gabriel... he would recite to the Angel, and the Angel would confirm that he knows the Quran."
"We shall make you recite, so you shall not forget."
"Do not listen to this Quran and speak noisily during its recitation."
"He would then recite these verses, yes, he wouldn't write it down, he would tell his scribes to write it down."
"Do not be in a hurry to recite the Quran very quickly."
"I recited half-forgotten verses from the Quran."
"Every time we recite the Fatiha, we're thinking about the company of the righteous and the company of the Prophet."
"...part of what one does in the ars notoria is that you recite out loud these long lists of these Angelic names... they become mantra-like."
"Make sure you say Psalm 91 every morning, every night, throughout the day, whatever, memorize it."
"Just by reciting the Quran there is healing... the vibration of the words... unlocks sort of like this mystical way of learning."
"The first thing that Allah ordered his Prophet with was to recite, to read."
"The Council of Nicaea is still recited in every mass on Sunday, so Christians throughout the world... recite the Council of Nicaea."