
Divine Invitation Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Repentance is an invitation from God to right living."
"The Lord Jesus Christ extends to each of us the invitation to abide in Him."
"Come unto me and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely."
"Jesus Christ extends that same invitation to you today. I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you."
"For every one of us, the Lord invites us into this journey to pray and see things happen."
"He says, 'I want you to come to me. I want to forgive your sins. I want you to know that you're going to heaven when you die.'"
"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb."
"God has one last message to the world: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"Calling is God's invitation for your participation in the reason for your creation."
"Come. Come. Come. Stop running from your nothingness. Bring all your frailties and mistakes and sins and sicknesses of soul, and allow me to embrace you. Come."
"It's already happened. The same way as the battle in the Bhagavad-gita has already happened. It's already taken place. We have to invite the divine and the sacred in."
"Sadhguru's life is an invitation to the divine through individual transformation."
"God is building his kingdom on the earth and he is inviting you to join him."
"God wants you free today. That's why you tuned in to give them heaven."
"Your seat is there, not because you earned it but because He invited you to be there. Because He paid the price, you've been seated in this place with Him." - CS
"Isn't it wonderful that once a year God invites us to come and bend the knee and worship in the stable at the manger, the newborn King?"
"He welcomes us to come and to seek Him more diligently, it's a great privilege of life."
"God is drawing you closer to Him. He's calling out to you right now."
"Open your heart to let God in, let heaven reign in you in preparation for heaven in the afterlife."
"The God of the cosmos inviting you to the table."
"God's inviting you to celebrate... he's begging you, please come to the party."
"God invites humans into that Council, that's why Isaiah said, 'Here am I, send me.'"
"This audience is being invited by God himself to be part of that Army."
"Seek him while he may be found, come to him freely."
"The Holy Spirit is giving a glorious invitation not only to follow him with all your heart mind and strength by his wonderful grace but he's also inviting you to be his voice his prophetic voice."
"The Lord invites us on this journey of love and faith with Him."
"When God wakes you up at this specific hour, he is inviting you into a sacred time of communion with him."
"Participating in the biblical holidays is a Divine invitation that adds richness to our understanding of scripture."
"Do you hear Him knocking? Step out of your comfort zone, come out here and play with me."
"Consider God saying to you, 'Rejoice with me.'"
"Everything that you do as a child of God is by his invitation."
"Jesus called people publicly, and Jesus is calling you publicly."
"God's invitation to all of us to join with the School of the Prophets in seeking all truth."
"When God invites you out of the lodebar, He will bring you into a greater place."
"I never more clearly saw where the Lord said, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"It's like the most loving invitation that we get to spend that time with him, and he's accessible whenever."
"How dumb is that? To miss a party that God planned for you."
"It's not like you got to clean up your life and then you can start asking God. He says, 'Just ask. No matter whether you're really close to me, or you're trying to find me.'"
"Holy Spirit, fall fresh in this place."
"Come home and I'll throw the biggest party Heaven has ever seen."
"God's invitation for us is to make a Sabbath."
"Prayer is the dialogue between the Father and the Son and the communion of the Holy Trinity, and we are invited into that."
"He is pleading with us to increase our spiritual capacity to receive revelation; He's inviting us to hear Him."
"Let the little children come to me, do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Come to Him and let Him give you rest."
"God is inviting us to glimpse his greatness, his mystery, his authority, his wonder, his majesty."
"He is waiting for you to come to him, no matter who you are, no matter what you have done."
"Here I am, I am God's invited guest."
"He sees you right now and he wants to invite himself into not just your home but your heart."
"In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him."
"He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."
"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord.
"There's no need to be full of your sin and your rebellion, there's no need to stand off as God's enemy when He has already sent His Son, Jesus Christ."
"God said, 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.'"
"The king who bids us come to him is nothing like Ahasuerus at all."
"Run to Him. The most Beloved is waiting. His arms are open to receive you and spiritualize you and immortalize you."
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
"We can turn to Him with all of our concerns; in fact, He wants us to bring our problems to Him."
"God invites you to come home to a place where you belong, to a place where there's a family."
"Allah invites you to come to pray in such a unique way that if you feel that you need to pray and you feel connected to prayer, you need to know that you've answered the call, 'Come to success.'"
"God is gently calling you from the jaws of distress to an open place of freedom where he has set your table full of the best food."
"Jesus is eager to see it, eager to wait to have you join him in it."
"God would never invite you to something you can't do, which means you can progress, you can grow, you can change."
"Turn unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you."
"The father above beckons you to his hall."
"Heaven is waiting on us to ask for it."
"God never invited us to ever explore religion; He cried out to us to meet Him face to face, heart to heart, in a relationship."
"The Lord is beckoning His people to join the conversation."
"We can break out of it only with the help of the heavenly king who has invited us all to come unto him, and denieth none that come unto him."
"Draw near to me and I will show you things you do not know of."
"God is inviting us to live before him with a clear and a pure conscience."
"The sovereign God has declared a truce and invited all men everywhere to repent and be saved."
"He stands with his arms wide open waiting for you."
"Jesus is for you, and He wants you."
"The Lord would invite His people to return to Him; He would make the parched ground become a pool and the thirsty land springs of water."
"God offers you a seat at His banquet, God offers you Paradise."
"You're a God who reveals then invites us to search for meaning."
"Come, you blessed of My Father, enter the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
"Come away my beloved, there's nothing to fear, there's nothing but joy awaiting you."
"Come to me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you."
"But still He ceases not to cry, 'Return, return! He is able to save thee to the uttermost if thou comest unto God by Him.'"
"God invites and exhorts all the faithful to seek His face."
"God says, 'How much do you want what I have for you? Come get it.'"
"Coming to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"We invite Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, God Almighty, the light of the world, to be with us for one hour and really bring some illumination into our lives."
"It is an instance of infinite condescension that God should say, 'My son, give me thine heart.'"
"My son, give me thine heart, that Christ may dwell there."
"The calling is an invitation from God to do your purpose."
"Your story matters to God, and God is inviting you to participate in His story."
"Christ's arms are open to you if you'll come to Him."
"Instead, the Lord is inviting you to live in a higher and holier way, his way."
"God invites us to know him personally."
"God says, 'Come let us reason together.'"
"The realm of the supernatural is not a far-fetched reality but a divine invitation to experience God in dimensions beyond the ordinary."
"The signs of God shifting are an invitation to embark on an adventure of faith."
"We are invited to participate in what God is going to do."
"Our Father in Heaven has invited you to express your needs, hopes, and desires unto Him."
"Come," Jesus strengthens Peter's faith.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone answers, we will come in and dine with them."