
Eruption Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Volcanic lightning happens when the volcano begins erupting, and it happens either really close to the volcano or high up in the plume of ash and smoke."
"Yellowstone has had three massive eruptions as documented by scientists and geologists."
"640,000 years ago, the eruption poured out around 240 cubic miles of material, enough to bury the whole of New York state tens of feet deep in ash."
"The hotspot punches out a super eruption, on average, every 600,000 years."
"The eruption column grows to a staggering height of 30 kilometers."
"The explosive eruption of this strato volcano shot out huge amounts of rock Ash and pumice."
"These are windows on a volcanic past that remind us that the Cascades are alive and will erupt again. Potentially threatening millions of people in the northwest."
"Eruptions will happen in Oregon again, sometime, somewhere."
"The May 18th, 1980 eruption of course was catastrophic, and in hindsight, we know a lot more about what happened, why it happened, and how it could have been more directly anticipated than we knew then."
"It's now known that an incredible 500 cubic miles of lava was erupted on Skye alone."
"In mere minutes, the eruption rearranged the mountain and its surroundings."
"A major eruption could send tsunami waves racing towards Tokyo, population 38 million."
"This place is about to erupt if this ball finds that blue paint this place is going to go bonkers."
"What was once disrupting is now erupting with energy and excitement. What an atmosphere!"
"It's the sheer power, it's like the lava erupting from a volcano, try to plug the volcano and see what happens."
"These samples that we collect from the layers in the geologic record tell the story of what happened during the eruption that made them."
"That's not a super volcano right? That's Mount Rainier, it's a composite cone volcano. It will erupt in the future. It's not our topic tonight."
"What exactly is a volcano? A volcano is a place where magma is coming from the deep Earth to the surface, where magma becomes lava or explosive pyroclasts."
"But also a very, very large eruption, much bigger than, if you like, modern societies experience, it also has the potential for creating a global disaster."
"The opportunity that's boiling under the surface, it's like a volcano man, it's gonna blow its lid off."
"It started at one o'clock in the afternoon with this big plinian cloud rising high in the sky."
"Boiling over? No, it's just about to come up now."
"This hatred boiled to such a level that the volcano erupted."
"A volcano erupts when the hot magma inside it builds pressure and bursts through the surface of the Earth."
"A sudden violent eruption of true power that can't be stopped by any means."
"Pliny the Younger's eyewitness account provides vivid clarity on the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius."
"There's a chemistry answer to why volcanoes erupt differently."
"As the gases build and build and build, we eventually reach a point at which the gas pressure exceeds the rock above it and that's when the eruption begins."
"Let's go before Mount F blow explodes"
"Yellowstone Snake River plane style eruptions."
"Good thing it's not going to erupt because if a volcano erupts you don't want to be anywhere near it yeah it can be dangerous"
"Volcanoes erupt when the hot magma inside it builds pressure and bursts through the surface of the Earth."
"Volcanoes erupt when the hot magma inside builds pressure and bursts through the surface of the Earth."
"And it's almost like, like it's like this howling eruption that happens, and certain people can channel it and everybody loves it, speaking, speaking of eruption, I'm not, I mean, I'm not the biggest Van Halen fan, but I grew up with them and I appreciate him as a talent."
"Sunset Crater represents the youngest of these and its eruption occurred around 1085 CE."
"These shield volcanoes erupt constantly, like Hawaii's been erupting every day, every night, 365 since 1983."
"Mazama was a hell of an explosion."
"It was a gory mess of an eruption: putrid blood, bile, and liquefied organs blasted all over the beach."
"What has been boiling underground will now erupt."
"It is time for the unseen to be seen it is time for the suddenlies to erupt."
"It's time for the volcanic hubs of my ecclesias to erupt in great power."
"At 8:30 a.m., after much buildup, a volcanic vent finally gives way and sets off a catastrophic eruption which makes the entire north side of Mount St. Helens fall away. It's the world's largest recorded landslide."
"The next eruption to happen in this region will be a tourist attraction, great for our local economy, and a spectacle that I hope lots of people can enjoy."
"The eruption ended and so I was really lucky to be there when this volcano was erupting, it was spectacular."
"The hunger of your spirit will erupt like a volcano."
"If you imagine the Sun as a giant volcano, the CMEs are what happens when it erupts."
"It's been something that's really been bubbling beneath the surface for a long period of time and occasionally it does boil over."
"The volcano erupted, literally ripping itself apart in an explosion equivalent to the power of a thousand atomic bombs."
"The intense heat of the dark magma created huge amounts of gas that expanded, eventually creating enough pressure to cause the volcano to erupt with terrifying force."
"Volcanoes aren't always going to sit there looking pretty; every now and again, they generate these cataclysmic eruptions."
"Fire fountains of gases and magma were common, and ash vents darkened the sky and masked the sun."
"Man, I'm only headed up, see my flow volcanic, justify I erupt."
"Popping the egg yolk is the most satisfying thing ever, it's like a volcano erupting."
"Large eruptions happen every few thousand years, usually after long periods of calm."
"The violence of those eruptions is awesome."
"Mount St. Helens erupted from 123 years of peaceful slumber... with the volcanic upheaval that ripped a new crater in the mountain's top."
"That sense of distance really gives you an idea of how massive these eruptions are."
"What in a magma chamber causes it to become unstable enough to erupt? That's my expertise."
"We're not supposed to call it a super volcano; it's a volcano capable of super eruptions."
"Volcanoes are like ticking time bombs; some remain dormant for years while others erupt with little warning."
"It is not a question of if it erupts again but when."
"A geyser is a place where every once in a while water will just shoot out of the ground."
"Vesuvius erupted around 1 p.m., throwing a broiling churning column of gas and ash high into the air."
"One eruption, one layer, the chemistry in all this stuff is exactly the same."
"In 79 A.D., Vesuvius burst spectacularly to life."
"Some eruptions die quickly, some volcanoes erupt smoke long after, but Capelinhos is different... It erupted not for days, nor weeks, but 13 months in a row!"
"I've been hearing reports that a volcano over here, it's been inactive for decades, just recently started erupting again. It's got to be a sign."
"One day Mount Vesuvius erupts, a surge of hot gas and mud from the volcano fills the room."
"It's not a spill, it's an eruption, it's a damn disaster."
"This supervolcano has had at least three very large eruptions."
"Do visit Kilauea if it is erupting, don't skip that experience."
"We observe unrest dynamics at calderas so large that if we observed them at a stratovolcano, almost certainly there would be an eruption following those unrest dynamics."
"But it's more than likely not gonna actually happen during any of our lifetimes unless one of you becomes immortal."
"The volcano of Mount Etna had erupted."
"There is an amazing volume of basalt that erupted during a 5 million year span."
"Melted rock comes spilling down the sides, and the volcano gets bigger and bigger."
"There's a good chance we would have a warning before a serious eruption."
"Mount St Helens is a big active volcano; it actually exploded in the 1980s and was a really big boom."
"This is no earthquake, Axel," he said. "We are in the chimney of an erupting volcano. This is the best thing that could have happened to us. We will be carried up to the surface."
"Volcanoes erupt because pressure is being forced out of the Earth's surface."
"Some volcanoes scream when they're about to erupt."
"Volcanoes erupt because there are gases trapped in the magma deep inside the earth."
"Force of the eruption shot lava as high as 3,000 meters into the air, curtains of blazing fire stretched across the horizon."
"Scientists don't believe it to be erupting anytime in the near future."
"Before a volcano erupts, it grows."
"Mount Rainier will erupt again; it's not a question of if, it's a question of when, and it could happen tomorrow."
"Pyroclastic flows are massive plumes of hot volcanic ash, smoke, and other gases known as tephra that are emitted during particularly explosive eruptions."
"The most recent eruption emitted an astounding 300 cubic kilometers of molten rock and debris before collapsing into the vacated magma chamber, leaving a depression 12 miles wide that can be clearly seen from space."
"Everything needed to just erupt for everyone to begin to heal."
"In the dream, she sees a huge crater of an extinct volcano, which has been the channel for a violent eruption of fire from the deepest layers of the earth."
"Hekla volcano has erupted at least twenty times since 874, making it one of Iceland’s most active volcanoes."
"One event that shook the entire history of the United States and the world was the sudden eruption in the Cascades one humble summer day in 1980."
"The ace of cups is overflowing... it's like a volcano, it just comes out."
"A volcano is a rupture or vent in the Earth's crust where gases, ash, and of course, lava comes out."
"Mount St. Helens was the youngest one of the youngest in the Cascade Range and certainly probably the most active in the last 4,000 years."
"It was a huge eruption and it had such devastating consequences."
"I began to sob uncontrollably, and I didn't know why. Something just erupted here, not here, here."
"That big flow comes out, and that's when things just really get huge."
"Over 700 structures were destroyed, making it the most destructive eruption in Hawaii in the past 200 years."
"This super volcanic eruption was nature's magnum opus."
"Are there any signs that Yellowstone will erupt soon? Is it overdue?"
"The eruption was nothing short of apocalyptic, a colossal plume of ash and smoke ascended into the heavens, blocking out the sun and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the world below."
"I will erupt like volcanoes in great power."
"The ecclesia hubs will erupt like volcanoes."
"The seismic activity keeps going... still a high probability of a volcanic eruption."
"It appears there's a lot of signs indicating that an eruption might be happening quite soon."
"The power of the eruption continues to decrease."
"The clots of lava being ejected are probably as big as beach balls, some of them."
"This is what we would call a fissure eruption."
"It'll be interesting to see if this were to culminate in a Southwest Rift Zone eruption, that would be super interesting."
"The current situation is new as a volcanic eruption with fairly constant lava flow is going on."
"We're in a phase where we're going to all learn from this eruption and how this magma system responds to what's currently taking place."
"Volcano: A vent in the surface of the Earth through which magma and associated gases and ash erupt."
"Kilauea erupted from one vent at Pu'u 'O'o from 1983 to 2018, erupting lava every day for 35 years."