
Orientation Quotes

There are 603 quotes

"Am I turning myself so that Christ is in my vision? Am I turning myself so that he is my focus?"
"This map works. That's how I know it's true."
"Session zero is like orientation day at school or your first day on the job."
"I woke up before the alarm on day two of orientation... just refreshed and ready to go."
"The prison is in Sylar. It starts with misinformation and misorientation."
"Being gay isn't a lifestyle choice, you're born gay."
"You're not lost, even if it feels like you might be."
"Provide recognizable landmarks or cues during camera cuts to aid player orientation."
"Seek help, but within the bounds of our abilities as people, you can get pointed in the direction, where's the North Star, you can get there."
"I start realizing that hey maybe I'm not straight... maybe I'm gay."
"Love is not a feeling or an emotion, it's a way of being oriented to someone else."
"Treating different orientations as equals enhances equality."
"The liturgy ultimately forms the priest's identity by focusing on God and directing his orientation towards Him."
"Stories and narratives essentially orient us to the world."
"You want to make sure that your walls are placed in the right direction."
"That writing should also face in the same direction."
"Gay people are born that way. They are born gay."
"I never had to come out. My mom knew I was gay, she asked me, my sister's gay, and so yeah, it's just always kind of been apparent."
"Compass will give you the direction and you can continue to walk in that straight direction the entire time."
"I've been in situations where I've been out in the middle of nowhere and you get lost. If you have a drone, you can pop up, you can see where you're at very quickly."
"But you'd think any good hiker would know south and north."
"We are just getting oriented right, like I woke up in a dream."
"Extracting fields vertically instead of horizontally."
"Once you have that orientation, you can kind of figure out what's coming at you and why."
"I identify more as a gay man because I like guys but I also identify as a guy."
"There is no choice in it, whether it's to do with your sexual orientation or your gender identity."
"I'm starting to learn and kind of recognize my way around now, which is good."
"Smaller company orientations: just go and meet the team."
"I want to be able to be put out there somewhere and be like, 'Okay, I know where I am, I know those mountains over there...'"
"Quaternion representations offer a streamlined approach to representing orientation."
"I think a good place to start is to say, 'Lynn, where the hell are we at right now?'"
"Priesthood is always meant to be oriented towards service."
"I ran hard and fast in the snow," in the woods, everything eerily the same, "I knew I was moving south," and I knew where I'd pass camp on the east.
"Now if you try to recruit people into this orientation then we will go for you."
"Welcome to the hotel. Okay, this is the second apartment block."
"Remarkably, the pyramid was oriented perfectly to True North with one of its faces at each point of the compass."
"I'm such a family-oriented person."
"There's a very important difference between self-abandonment and somebody who just has a positive pro-social orientation toward other people."
"Being gay means you love someone of the same gender; it's got nothing to do with sex."
"It's kind of like orienting your compass before you actually head out on your journey."
"I'm flattered, thank you, I appreciate your kind words but I myself am a straight man, I am not gay."
"If the mist comes down and I lose direction, I can just see myself moving across the map."
"I can create a waypoint, navigate to that waypoint, stop navigation, then create another waypoint ahead of myself."
"If you lose your orientation... you can press the return to home button."
"They don't know where they are; they just know who their friends are."
"Now it should flatten to the correct orientation."
"Once one has something to orient oneself towards, gaining experience would be a lot easier."
"We are very well informed, yet in the absence of narrative, we are without orientation."
"Aquarius, it's very much about reorientating your relationship with money."
"They are marriage material, family-oriented kind of people."
"I grinned. 'She's out of luck then. I quit playing on both teams when I graduated from college.'"
"Welcome to Barton University what dorm uh Baker Hall I okay and your official be you rap whistle don't blow it unless it's actually happening."
"To use them properly, we just have to remember that they don't care which way is left and which is right."
"Before you try to take off on your first flight, it's always a good practice to verify that the Drone is oriented correctly so that it doesn't freak out on your first flight."
"Because it's not of the right time for Thea era, yeah, and it would have faced out in the Esty we put it there facing that way."
"Here is the temporary access pass that they're going to need, please check with Dick so they can go and sign in on their first day."
"If you've never been to Tony's or you've never been to Magic Kingdom, you are going to find Tony's right here at the entrance on Main Street USA."
"Certainly they are facing south and north."
"Religion is a wonderful means of orientation, but when it becomes an end, it can lead to reclusive existence."
"We're going to get you registered for your classes, it'll make you feel more firmly planted on the ground."
"You need to make sure that your onboarding process has everything that they need in order to hit the ground running and to start off on the right foot."
"You're going to read each chart from the right to the left like this, starting from the bottom row and working your way up."
"Now they finally have a way to know exactly where they are within the maze."
"So we're talking about navigation, how you know where you are and how you can get from here to wherever else you want to go."
"It's all about orienting to the truth."
"The best way to get your bearings."
"Does she recognize something at one point and say, 'Oh, I know where I am'?"
"Now as you've taken a bearing from a map and you're putting it onto your compass, you need to adjust for magnetic declination if you live in an area where the declination is more than about two degrees."
"He was very handsome, and I was very gay."
"If you're lost, you don't know where the trail is, so this is the closest point to that trail."
"Typically, you're going to have these three in the right orientation for one side or the other."
"For the first race to come in like that and not feel lost was comforting."
"It was a relief to know that I was at a well-visited landmark of mine and had the instructions of how to get home from here carved into my mind."
"Luke is a gentile. He is not oriented to that. He's oriented Christ's Humanity. He starts his genealogy in effect with Adam."
"It helps to orient your brain by looking at literally a picture of the Earth."
"Having a sense of direction isn't the same as being lost."
"Reprogrammed: I move from my default mode, which is selfish thinking, a selfish orientation thinking about just myself, my needs, me planet me, and I start thinking about what God wants and how to please others. I become God-oriented and others-oriented. It reprograms me."
"Are you a left starting a new guy?"
"In this kind of weather where you're kind of quite easy to lose your bearings, it really gives that great reassurance."
"True north, geographical North Pole north. That is the point at the very tip of our planet."
"You have to understand how it works, you have to understand the simple fact that that little red needle always points towards magnetic north."
"It benefits the community for someone to not be attracted to the same sex."
"The other thing that you want to do is maintain your direction using the tools that are on the drone."
"I have no idea where I am but hopefully there's a highway somewhere so I can do a quick little pull."
"Know who your customer is and be fiercely customer oriented."
"She says, 'Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I hope you have not lost your way. The stacks can be very disorienting, please, follow me.'"
"If I take you wedge V the orientation is going to be counterclockwise because I'm going you wedge V. If I take V wedge you, that has the opposite orientation, that will be clockwise."
"I just got off the plane, well what time did I land and what time is it now? I landed at about 11:00, it is currently 2:43."
"Over on this right-hand side, I'm going to come this is already her shoulder."
"We need to orient you as a hero of your own movie of Life."
"I knew that I was attracted to men from a very young age."
"Being Aero Ace means I don't experience any kind of romantic or sexual attraction to other people at all."
"So, you really needed to know where you were at at all times and have a good idea where you were at."
"The key to navigation is to maintain that relationship, the direction you're heading in with the rising star field and the direction that the wind and the swells are blowing in."
"Understanding coordinate frames helps us make sense of a robot's position and orientation."
"Excuse me, miss, could you tell me where we are?"
"How about wander off the path and see what sort of Hell awaits you? That's a lot better orienting principle. It's like I want to get somewhere for sure and I definitely don't want to fall off the edges of the world."
"It's kind of flat ish and the bucket tank should be facing into the wind there so yeah let's get this tent up and start enjoying that view."
"Are they on the bottom floor instead of the second floor?"
"The introductory paragraph is very important because this is where you orient your reader to your project."
"You turn your face around not onto the table of the food and the salad and everything."
"I am going to shoot vertical as well as horizontal."
"What Velma was actually experiencing was the slow realization that her relationship with Shaggy and how he made her feel wasn't just because he wasn't the right person for her, it was because she didn't like boys."
"In 10 years, she's not bi, okay? She's gay, alright?"
"the thing you have to think about is whether 4x6 is going to be a limitation for you or whether you're going to want to use this thing vertically"
"Polyamory is being framed as a relational orientation and identity."
"Orientation, now better known by the term onboarding, is the process of introducing new employees to the organization and to their jobs."
"Space is the means by which position becomes possible, so it's really just a way of allowing us to orient ourselves in the world."
"So essentially, we are perpendicular to the waves going this way, the current's going this way, and the bow is pointing into the current."
"Read through the project's README first; it gives you a good indication of the lay of the land."
"I was just like waiting yeah you should go more in depth about that because I always say for you like your type your type is straight men yeah not as of recently but like your type is like the look of straight men and they're they usually are straight most of the time."
"You start thinking of the cardinal directions, which then also gives you better situational awareness of where you are and where you're going."
"I always felt like it was a genuinely customer-oriented department and that satisfied and happy customers were more of a goal of Newegg's customer service than doing the bare minimum to save money."
"...stripe was the first to go vertically..."
"This is the area where I would be."
"What I would do is when you get into a new job, there are many activities for you and many goals."
"Get your bearings first and foremost, figure out what your axes are, what they're labeled."
"Make sure that the top of that bottom stop is facing up."
"The map interface is great to just jump into and get a sense of where you are and what you need to know about."
"This room faces West, you also get to see the sunsets."
"Just because it looks like you're lost doesn't mean you are lost."
"I can almost always tell which way is North."
"I guess this comes with the territory of not really being more saltwater oriented recently."
"This side is actually the right side and this is the left."
"It's a very off-road oriented vehicle."
"What year do you think it is now?"
"There's the front, this is the left side, over there's the right side."
"I've never been interested in girls, and you can be a girl even if you're in your 40s or something."
"We ended up in an orientation that the antenna were pointing upward so to say that we could establish the radio link."
"Are you ready to see the fourth floor window? It's over here. Yeah, cat, no, it's right... Cassie's over there, like, where the heck is it, trying to search the house."
"The arrows on the belt have to point clockwise."
"Now over here to my right you're going to find the inhale room."
"All that is necessary to answer the big one is Nako actually gay."
"The first thing that you have to do is find that little diamond that says 'You are here.' Because obviously if you want to go to this store it's over here but first I need to know where I am in this maze of a mall in order to get there."
"I got to come this way into Legion Square."
"You could decide if you wanted to put it that way or maybe that way."
"If anyone would know if people are changing their orientation, you would know."
"This is gonna be winter oriented because it is cold and it's winter time."
"In all that time, I do not recall a single conversation in which I talked to anyone about changing their sexual orientation."
"I am a straight woman and if there's anybody in this room who thinks that you can choose your sexuality talk to the nearest straight lady."
"There's more ways to get on this island than Big Bib and there's this side where you can't see Honey Springs," Chrissy explained.
"The whole house is sitting on the property sideways. I mean, it faces this nice park and we're really thrilled about that. How does anything get delivered or anything? That is, yeah, yeah. You walk away, it's a bit of a problem. Where is the front yard?"
"Both pouring rubber and pouring resin is a lot about what is the orientation, what is the position of the part in space. It really matters how it's filling."
"So this is where the food court is and obviously the shop they've got all sorts of merch."
"He's very adamant not to be labeled a homosexual. He goes, 'I'm not a homosexual, I'm bi. Don't [ __ ] say I'm a homosexual,' so he was very clear about how he wanted to be labeled."
"So pouring energy and effort into that first few weeks of experience with an onboarding process that really does a great job of getting them on."
"Technically the front would be the rounded part."
"One of the things I've always done at my house...I planted on the north side of a house."
"You know, I’m always like, gray on the left, gray on the left, you know, that I say to make sure that I don’t get it wrong because I am pretty angley challenged."
"Feeling somewhat disorientated, he took out his compass to get a bearing on his location. Whilst he was sure he was facing north, the needle was oddly pointing south."
"China lost its chance of becoming a world power by losing its outward orientation."
"If I take a look at the wholeness of a person, how beautiful is their home, how clean and pleasant is their land, how robust is their whole community, that's a primary evaluation of where you're going to orient."
"He gets east and west and all of a sudden it's north and south."
"Onboarding is the process of providing assets, guidance, and skills for a role or responsibility."
"You've got to know where you're at."
"With an answer to this question, we could orientate ourselves in reality and understand the reason behind it all."
"The best views are actually on the starboard side."
"You're either straight or you're gay. Yeah, like you can't have like I can't have a meaningful relationship with a dude that doesn't involve banging him."
"It's on the West Bank of the Nile."
"We're standing on the ceiling, looking down at the floor."
"Atoms with magnetic dipole moments enter a non-uniform field and they'll be pushed one way or the other according to their orientation."
"Thank you thank you thank you oh I wasn't sure if he was going to be back in the sequel or not now give me that's a pretty legit orientation right they really put effort in this performance."
"So, we're just gonna go ahead and put it on here. Glossy side is always down, matte side is always up."
"We can position these domains in specific orientations relative to each other to engage cell surface receptors to induce signaling."
"Backcountry safety orientation... is a way to make sure that everybody is up to speed on the appropriate techniques."
"Emily Dickinson was actually really, really gay."
"This is the start of the Canyon Overlook Trail."
"The construction of the Coquille version implicitly respects that orientation from high to low instead of from low to high."
"Terrain association is when you look at a map and identify peaks, valleys, draws, and other features."
"Declination is the angle between magnetic north and true north."
"Why do we care about declination? Well, it depends on how far we're gonna travel."
"...it's time to get to work... if you don't know what time it is, you're lost."
"And basically right over there, that's where the president's sitting, that's his house, right?"
"So when we talk about homosexuality, we're talking about the notion that someone can be oriented towards attraction sexual attraction to members of their same sex."
"Being gay is having a sexual attraction to people of your gender."
"We just need to shift our vision from a profit-oriented university to a people-oriented university."
"It's not quite the exact same tee pad but they share a teeing area and they're of course going in 100-degree 180 degree opposite directions."
"Don't miss your orientation events; these are really, really advisable."
"Forests can have different species composition depending on the aspect which way it's facing towards the Sun."
"The primary driver is an intuitive one, this kind of subconscious, intuitive aversion to the idea of male same-sex intercourse on the part of those who are not oriented in that direction."
"The unconditioned or the unborn, that's the orientation."
"So just two short and one long. Make sure the bottom is facing the right way."
"The phone's upside down at the moment but the USB port is very close to the back sort of thing."
"If somebody loves you they love you regardless of your orientation regardless of what you're hiding like and if that is an issue then that person didn't really love you."
"It's really important that you make sure that you put the wider end, the one end that receives the servo lead, on the outside."
"Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of wiring these on their side. When you're looking down, what you may think is the negative is the positive because of trigonometry."
"Another reason your quad might not be taking off is because of flight controller orientation."
"If you go up, the ground is down there, even if you're at the North Pole."
"...you're there for one basically by the green."
"I am gay because of one reason. I am married to a dude."
"Okay, so this next part is super important. Pay attention. So, you can see here, there's a thicker side of the clutch, we call that the fat side. You want the fat side facing outward."
"Where does the primacy lie? Can we orient our lives around something larger than ourselves and affirm the goodness of ordinary life?"
"You always know exactly which way you're supposed to be spinning it."
"The location of true worship is the crucified and risen Christ, so we face east, not because of a sacred place on earth, but because it signifies our focus on Christ."
"We're not turning towards some kind of sight or building but because of the one who is the temple in his body, Christ our Lord."
"Dead reckoning means you only know where you are by remembering where you've come from."
"Up is up and down is down, left is right and right is left."
"I'm not the map, so I don't really know where everything is."
"Wayfinding's kind of the opposite of being lost, so when you know where you're going, or you work out how you go somewhere, then you are actually using the process of wayfinding."
"Everyone's like facing outwards run run run into your information."