
Untapped Potential Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I think there is a lot of untapped potential in these characters."
"I just feel like nobody has seen the best out of me. That's what's exciting, nobody has seen the best because I haven't had the need to use it."
"We have this amazing untapped potential within us."
"Unexplored potential if someone can do it, please do it, please record it..."
"The richest place in the world is the graveyard."
"You're sitting on something amazing, you're sitting on so much potential."
"There's something to be said about witnessing a genre of entertainment that still remains largely untapped."
"Neanderthal babies were weaned off milk and transitioned to solid food at around five or six months old."
"40k has a huge wealth of untouched material."
"I like the idea of there being an actual impact... if you lose against a boss."
"There's so much opportunity for these alt biome annex that aren't really being capitalized upon right now, and I think that's a shame."
"The unused resource of your nature that is crowding itself upon you."
"You've got greatness within you... talents and skills... you haven't even began to reach for yet."
"I knew I had more to give but it was on me because I had potential."
"You haven't achieved your highest potential. I don't even think that you've tapped into maybe even three or four percent of what you could do."
"No, I'm not at my peak at all, haven't even tried yet."
"MMOs as a genre have so much potential they have left untapped."
"There's so many talented people, it's like gold just sitting there."
"You're so much more than you realize... there's a huge potential that you're not tapping into."
"The universe is literally a genie that we don't know how to use; they didn't tell us how to use it, they kept that to themselves."
"It is possible to be creative in every area. Somebody ain't thought of something yet."
"Me seeks are an insanely powerful and underutilized asset in this world."
"Do I think Cardano still has a lot of untapped potential? Yes."
"She's got a lot of potential man she does she definitely does have a ton of potential."
"There's more to the story... more potential than you realize."
"The wealthiest place on the planet is the cemetery."
"Find something that is underserved, that's unmet, that for some reason hasn't been paid attention to before."
"Strength was everything; he felt that there was an incredibly powerful energy inside him but he didn't know how to use it nor how to release it."
"The more you get, the more you realize... there's a wealth that we have not tapped into right yet."
"When you have a dedicated newsletter that has an amazing reading experience, that's something that's still untapped."
"You've got power in your hands and you don't even know it."
"The power is really amazing, and I don't know that they've even begun to really leverage it."
"Genius without education is like silver in the mine."
"We haven't even scratched the surface yet."
"There's so much potential and there's so much that we know in social science that's not being applied at all."
"We have more power than we have been using."
"I feel like I have so much potential I will never get to see the light of day."
"It's a beautiful place, man. It's an untapped paradise."
"Prayer is the greatest source of untapped resources."
"The skill just lived within me; I wasn't utilizing it yet."
"Your true potential will never be matched. Comfort zones are dead zones."
"I've extended my career to a point where I'm really happy with where I'm at, but I know that I have so much more gas in the tank."
"Water is one of the Mysteries that I don't think we've really fully uncovered for the ability to solve a lot of our problems."
"Self-healing has not been tapped into at all as a resource, and we all have that ability in our bodies."
"Prayer is the greatest source of untapped resources in the world."
"She has more potential than some of the girls that are on the ground."
"You have a lot of talent and that's just being not used."
"A lot of people have hidden talents that they don't utilize."
"You have heights that you haven't even reached yet."
"It's something that nobody uses but has the most incredible power."
"Human beings, particularly the poor human beings, are unexplored creativity and ingenuity."
"It's like you're tapping into those resources that you've never used before."