
Weightlessness Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The human is an incredibly adaptable machine and weightlessness is really, really well suited for us."
"There's something really magical about feeling weightless and having this space around you be fully inhabitable."
"At what speed must I rotate Earth so that you don't weigh anything? You'll just float there on the equator."
"It's lovely being weightless." - Chris Hadfield
"All about momentum... weightlessness and zero-g."
"You're gonna feel lighter than air."
"Maybe we can travel at the speed of light if you can find something that weighs less than light."
"It literally gives you a feeling of floating on air."
"Just as soon as you are getting used to that sensation of weightlessness, you are instructed to buckle back up because you are already falling back to Earth."
"Even though you're still traveling upwards and you're only about halfway to space, you'll actually experience weightlessness."
"Knowledge is power and it weighs very little."
"A mystical experience is when the thoughts you have that have weight are removed from you and you become weightless."
"I was free. I didn't feel the weight of a body. I just felt so light."
"You can feel the volume but without the heaviness."
"It's one of those rare opportunities where you truly don't realize that you've got the firearm because it just doesn't have a whole lot of weight to it. You know, fully loaded, it doesn't feel any different than having a wallet in my pocket."
"You are weightless, your body relaxing into the cool night air."
"For several seconds, Tom felt completely weightless and couldn't tell if he was falling, flying, or simply suspended in the dark."
"It feels incredibly light, it feels like there's basically nothing here."
"Reverse the effects of gravity on the body. The more spacious you become, the less heavy, dense you are. The more light, the more free you are."
"The pursuit of lightness has always been one of her main concerns."
"Freedom and weightlessness, the two best feelings in the world."
"It does feel very weightless on my skin."
"Find that balance point where your legs just feel weightless."
"Weightlessness can be lots of fun too."
"When I dance with you, I feel like my feet never touch the floor."
"In space, nothing has weight, you know."
"You're practically weightless. Sure, being 10 can have its advantages."
"Being weightless is like being underwater except I can breathe."
"I feel like a huge weight's been lifted."
"Once you're weightless man, that was super fun."
"Software has no mass but it does have weight. In a sense, software is also perhaps the most creative of mediums."
"...the first weightless smile he had in all of his life..."
"Riders on Behemoth speed faster than 70 miles per hour and experience many camelback hills that provide a great feeling of weightlessness or airtime."
"It's probably one of the most peaceful things you could do, you're totally weightless, it's almost a form of meditation."
"The weightless expression of the spirit."
"The weightlessness is much like being in space."
"Gravity, it seems, hinders mental powers; weightlessness enhances."
"It's not necessarily only the fish, it's also just the fact that underwater you're just floating, feels like you're in space."
"I felt weightless and it was really an amazing feeling."
"Can you imagine floating weightless like a satellite in the black sky?"
"The now apparently successful test on the third fully integrated Starship flight was the largest cryogenic fuel transfer in weightlessness that has ever been carried out."
"Once you jump and start free falling, there's no control. You're just weightless."
"It really is lovely, it is completely weightless."
"Can you imagine being weightless, not feeling the pressure of that chair under you?"
"Astronauts on board the International Space Station don't use their feet to walk; they float around."
"Being in the water is like being on the moon; there's almost no gravity."
"It almost makes you feel like you're weightless."
"It's almost like being free, carelessness... I like the feeling of feeling weightless."
"They wanted to get all that biological data because this was supposed to be studying the effects of long-term weightlessness on the human body."
"It literally feels like you're just floating in space."
"Weightlessness in space is due to free fall, not lack of gravity."
"Ideas are so easy because they have no mass and they're not affected by gravity."
"I'm relieved in a way, I feel like a whole weight is off my shoulders because I have a plan."
"Living in weightlessness is like magic; it's like you have a superpower where you can just fly and jump and soar and zip all over the place."
"Flying in space was so much fun, we don't have any gravity up there."
"Did somebody say zero G dance party?"
"Allow the entire back side of your body to ground down into the floor as if you're melting into the floor completely weightless."
"You feel the weightlessness of space as you drift out of its gravitational pull."
"You should experience weightlessness for at least several minutes."
"When we swim and dive, we can pretend that we fly; our movements are slower, but there is no weight, we just float."
"Like the weight of the world is lifted off my shoulders and I can suddenly fly."
"Being weightless, it's like being in real space, this is fun."
"It's very easy to move in weightlessness, much better than it is on the ground."
"Everything we do, we're weightless, and all the things we're doing it with are weightless as well."
"The backpack and the suit weigh about 300 pounds. Luckily in space, nothing really weighs anything."
"Everything in that elevator is weightless, because you're in free fall towards Earth."
"It's like, you're weightless, you're almost flying. You're an astro bird."
"Something weightless is pretty hard to beat."
"If you accelerate at the same rate as your reference frame, then you are weightless."
"When I think about you I don’t feel the gravity."
"You wouldn't believe how used I am to being weightless. It is a great fun thing to be weightless."
"It is also interesting to see if the pain threshold changes in weightlessness."
"It feels so light without the weights, almost like I'm flying right now."
"God is an astronaut, 'All is Violent, All is Bright' was another easy choice for me."
"Being weightless is just so much fun; there's no up or down, it's completely arbitrary."
"I'm telling you, swimming, it's like you're working out on the moon."
"You don't feel any kind of inertia, you can look around and you don't feel the weight."
"I always wanted to be weightless, floating in space."
"The first time we went up in the parabola, and we're up there, and everybody looks at each other, and we're all floating—that was amazing."
"Freed from the shackles of gravity."
"It feels like oh my gosh this person has just been relieved of this weight that they had on them."
"In space, our bodies float and there's no air to breathe outside of spacecraft."
"You feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulder."
"I got to experience weightlessness, which only a handful of people can say they've experienced."
"And I'm floating in a most peculiar way."
"Flotation weightlessness, an unburdening I think is really what happens physically and mentally, emotionally."
"Heaviness lifts, burdens are cast away, weightlessness, it's only a matter of time."