
Fair Play Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"The trust of our communities is hard-earned and is based on principles of fair play."
"As long as the game doesn't go pay to win, I think I'm okay with that."
"Spurs should offer to replay the game out of fair play."
"It's fair. They don't abuse you with loot crates. They don't hide all the best cosmetics in the cash shop. And they don't even put the cash shop in the game."
"Anything that's used to gain an unfair advantage in-game will be picked up."
"Halo 5: the main focus of competitive multiplayer is fair starts."
"No more pay-to-win stuff in games, get all the pay-to-win stuff out of there."
"I won this fair and square and you gave it everything you could but you still lost."
"The most important thing is that we all enter into a good faith agreement to participate in a way that's fun for everyone."
"In-game power should only be achievable through in-game means and time dedicated to actually playing the game."
"But being a pro player, he really should have known better than to try and exploit it."
"So there's me asking for a little, 'Please stop elbowing players in the head.'"
"The lions woman assistant referee got it right. Absolutely fair play to her!"
"We do absolutely zero pay to win whatsoever and we'll never have pay to win in Ashes of Creation."
"WoW is one of the most fairly monetized MMOs."
"Blizzard is very vocal about this being cosmetic only so there's no pay to win here."
"If you deserve to play, you're going to play."
"Just fight like a human being, don't play like a scumbag."
"These throws to the end zones, the officiating crews have let them battle it out."
"The decision is a significant win for fair play and clean sport."
"The game rewards you not by abusing busted bs but by playing the real game what a beautiful place to be."
"I hope that Wargaming takes a harsh stance on players that use these kind of modifications and develop their detection systems to track down cheaters."
"Never a penalty, gets the ball brilliant tackle, never a penalty, perfect tackle."
"We've kind of put our foot down and said there's going to be no way for a player to spend money to gain an advantage."
"Sometimes you just hope the VAR and the referee as a team come together and say we made a mistake. That's what you want to hear."
"It's not their fault, you play to the whistle."
"Star Wars Squadrons: Difficult but no crazy microtransactions."
"The answer from what we got from this conference is no it will not be pay to win and that's a pretty awesome thing."
"I don't play fair decks guys. What do you mean fair? Fair decks is the fair deck."
"You can actually keep backing out and trying to farm for a lower KD lobby, and I would really encourage you not to do that."
"Play the game, get better at the game, and for the love of god, don't stream snipe."
"I think most people when you look at the clip, when you look at the context, it is pretty clear that there was no shady play, they were just trying to have some fun."
"Just give everyone an open chance to play the game."
"Competition is fine, cheating is not." - Elon Musk
"I just want people to be able to play normally without resorting to cheating or hacking."
"Fair play to Van Dijk. It could have been easy to just give up."
"This is one of those matches that nobody really loses."
"The CrossFit Games has never been about who is the best at finding loopholes in the standards."
"There's nothing wrong with VAR. It's the rules that need to change around some of these things."
"We've become the ambassadors for sportsmanship and fair play."
"At the end of the day, I think the referee handled it right."
"I'm glad Harry Kane's not been sent off for the good of the game. But I do think it probably was a red."
"No mining, no refueling, no trickery or glitches. This is all going to be legit."
"We need to establish a level playing field where the best solutions can win."
"This game is actually not even like pay to win like that, like they actually let players playing the game without having to pay anything."
"I think it's more respectful for the club to come in and just pay the money."
"I realized that no matter what the game is or how seriously you may take the game personally cheating ruins other player's experiences and deceives the community."
"We need housing supply in Central London, Airbnb is undermining that and they're not playing fair, they're not playing by the rules while they do it."
"Play your role, don't go at people and hit them low."
"Just got to max rank on Pet Simulator 2, pretty fun game and no pay to win, other Roblox devs take notice."
"If more people tried to live by the simple rules of fair play, my people, all people, would get a fair shake."
"No hair pulling, no outside interference."
"I just wanted the game to be fun for everyone."
"Strength fostered through fair play."
"...it's all about playing the game right."
"Fair Play got better and better all the way to that jaw-dropping final scene that sticks the landing in the best way."
"It was a well thought out finish. Fair play to Brian for doing the job."
"Fair play at sticking together, embracing their flaws. Resilience."
"It's not the way that you want to win."
"Let's keep this above board, let's play this with integrity, with honesty."
"Congratulations, you won fair and square. Just make sure you take care of that thing, okay?"
"He's going to play the game the right way."
"It's what Ring of Honor was built on. Shake hands before and after the match, respect the officials, don't attack them, and also keep the playing field fair level, no use of foreign objects, no interference."
"If you're the more aggressive team, you should get the whistle."
"The current system is enabling clean athletes to compete and even win sometimes."
"I have never disrespected or cheated fellow athletes and supporters of any of the teams I have played for or against."
"What Magic the Gathering has taught me is that calling a judge... is not a bad thing."
"Recognize this season's greatest moments of sportsmanship with the Super League Fair Play Awards."
"The AI should not do things the player cannot do, or know things the player cannot know."
"Games should be won on the playing field, not by executive decree."
"That is the level of sportsmanship that you want to see in the game's most important moments."
"He arguably took it from him, he got him a good position and earned that lead fair and square."
"The match played in a very good spirit."
"We don't fight, we don't yank the ball away from people. If someone trips, we stop and help them up, even if it means we lose the ball or that the other team scores."
"You better play clean baseball because you know they will."
"The march of progress... will gradually move towards a more accurate and ultimately fairer game."
"Losers consent is a vital part of any democracy."
"You have to use your Elemental abilities, bro, no cheating."
"He just crushes this ball; it's just a matter of if it stays fair."
"It will be a beautiful competition, a fair and square and honest competitive competition between two amazing competitors."
"When I win, I want to know I kicked your ass. I don't want to win because the guy I'm playing against screwed up."
"It really should be decided on the field."
"Play the game in this good spirit, come on."
"Ultimate traditionally relying upon the spirit of sportsmanship which places the responsibility for fair play on the player."
"The spirit of sportsmanship, placing the responsibility for fair play completely on the player."
"China is a competitor, and that can be good for us, but we have to make sure that there is a level playing field."
"Every game has the potential for cheating; the question really though is whether or not you allow the potential for someone to be getting an unfair advantage stop you from enjoying the experience to begin with."
"The principles of fair iterated play... even govern the behavior of rats."
"Let's be true sportsmen and sportswomen and shake hands after the game."
"Sportsmanship is playing by the unwritten rules as well respecting officials and opponents."
"Not over celebrating... why? Because of fair play, respect for officials, teammates, opponents, respect the sport."
"It's great to see the match played in this spirit."
"Surely it's time to stamp out players faking interference, faking dives, and sometimes faking injury."