
Internet Usage Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"YouTube is the second most visited website in the entire world, behind Google itself."
"We're probably going to see a huge rise in VPN traffic here in the near future because of net neutrality and now Article 13."
"Over 2020 and 2021, most of us have spent a lot more time on the internet than in previous years, not just because nearly everyone has a smartphone constantly connected to the net, but because of well, obvious real-world circumstances that have required us to be socially distant."
"A large majority of people using the Internet have a framework from indoctrination."
"It's important to be conscientious about the information that we're consuming on the internet."
"They don't own the internet... they've just used the existing establishment social media and news platforms more effectively."
"You don't automatically start using the internet and get all that good stuff. You have to start digging."
"Everybody's online, everybody's connected to the internet. That's how we got a lot of our initial customers."
"YouTube is the second most visited website in the world."
"We made a shift to like a new model of experience where instead of the internet being something we use it's now become a part of us."
"What deep work means is that you have that ability to not sit there messing around on the internet and not being pulled in all these different directions by various powers that be."
"We rely on trust for people every day when people come to Google."
"Live streaming has shown itself to be probably the best way to monetize traffic."
"If the product you're using is free, you are the product."
"Being someone who uses the internet for almost everything in life, it feels good to have that extra level of security that 2 Liam provides."
"The internet is so amazing if you tailor it to how you would like to see the world."
"It's stunning how much less I actually search on Google on my phone versus the way I did it on my desktop."
"I search it online because when I don't know how to do things I search it online."
"Streaming means you're taking that from the internet, not necessarily beaming it from your phone."
"Mobile is extremely important I think it's something like 60% of online browsing is done on mobile now so really important that you focus on this."
"Whether you use the internet to make yourself smarter and more interesting, or dumber and duller, is a choice."
"Everything that you put on the internet stays there forever."
"It's almost like plugging in your computer into the internet and then being able to surf on whatever protocol you want whenever you want."
"The internet has become a major form of interconnection organizing not just in the United States, everywhere."
"We know that kids are going to want to get on whatever they want to, so how do we ensure their safety?"
"I highly recommend you go out of your way to just add the extra notch in your utility belt that is the internet exploration."
"You really have to believe the Internet's going to be mainstream, a lot of people are going to get out there and use it, and that they're going to be willing to pay for some content."
"YouTube is the second largest social media network in the world, behind Facebook."
"YouTube is also the second most used search engine in the world."
"He is the first serial killer to transfer those skills onto the internet."
"The marketers behind the project knew very much that these chat rooms and forums were excellent places to stir up rumors and drama."
"Stay the fuck off the internet, whether you're crying or bragging."
"It's not too big of a surprise that millennials and the generation that is following it are closely connected to the Internet."
"Improving English helps with international communication, media, and the internet."
"Staying vigilant and internetting consciously and safely is more important these days than ever before."
"This is a fitting finale for get off the internet."
"Just having internet is really nice because I can just watch youtube or do research or whatever all the time."
"It's not fair or legal that you were stealing the Wi-Fi."
"My job, as I see it, is to help churches navigate the world of digital and the internet, helping you take the good news of Jesus and share it with the world, where the people are."
"We've been forced to innovate so we're much sharper on the Internet."
"Now right here, we'll just go to this URL. Click on download. And there it is."
"You can watch YouTube in forests just like Robin Hood used to."
"It's so cool to see someone genuinely use the internet to be a better person and creator."
"Netflix is responsible for a huge chunk of internet traffic."
"When i'm having a bad day i try not to dwell on it i also don't allow myself to google anymore that sounds really weird but i don't allow myself to google anything anymore because google will not have the answer for me."
"The internet is nothing but 'what can this do for me?'"
"How do you explain to your mom what links to click on? You just know, right? It's the intangibles."
"This time it was more than that, you know she went and she was posting over 130 TikToks you know within 24 hours."
"Finding and playing these flash games is a much healthier way to spend your time on the internet than doom scrolling social media."
"I would rather take my time like reading a book, swimming, exploring, doing something fun rather than going down that rabbit hole on the internet and spewing venom."
"You'll soon be surfing, sending and receiving email, participating in news groups, chatting with friends around the world, and even making phone calls over the internet."
"You can use the web to change your life instead of watching stupid stuff 24 hours a day."
"I remember a babysitter of mine, she's a beautiful Italian girl and she said, I finally went online and I go, show me how many dudes, no, and she went like, I thought her skin was gonna fall off her finger, she was scrolling so much."
"Anytime you find anything like that, the best thing you can do is step away from the computer for a minute to breathe."
"Time spent per visit: Mexico, 9 minutes 24 seconds."
"Digital footprint, dude. I always see."
"...in around two or 3% of consumer spending globally takes place on the internet today..."
"Leverage on technology. If you don't know how to use the internet, seek for help."
"I'm working to decrease my internet intake, which is helping me get back into reading."
"There are two types of people: those that use the internet for distracting themselves, and those that use the internet to build leverage and make an income."
"Digital marketing has evolved at a rapid pace; these days, a lot of people spend most of their time on the internet."
"What you're doing on the internet is no one's business but yours."
"The internet is a self-service environment; it's an environment where you are in control as customers."
"I think there's a direct correlation between how much people spend online and how unhappy they are."
"The most logical explanation is that somebody is going to that website."
"If we're conscious of our humanity when using the internet, we'll be able to reap all the benefits that it offers without realizing the pitfalls."
"It's not just what you're trying to do, but it's what you're trying to do along with the size of your household and who's going to be using what at the same time."
"This team had left quite a legacy; 3 billion people are active on the internet today."
"We have reached a new milestone where four billion people are now using the Internet."
"I am an officer in the Merchant Navy right now, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, using satellite internet worth $10 for 50 megabytes, just so that I can come here and rate you 1 star. Mission accomplished."
"Internet use has surged during lockdown with adults in the UK spending a record quarter of their day online."
"I don't like my kids staying up all night on the internet, so I have the Wi-Fi turn off for their devices."
"Public addresses have to be paid for and you can use them over the internet."
"I wanted to minimize my internet usage as much as possible for an entire month."
"Net Hogs is an application that indicates which processes are using the internet."
"We cannot take the internet for granted any longer. We must use the internet only when we need it."
"It's crucial to using the internet in today's day and age."
"Every 60 seconds millions and millions of people are searching Google."
"At peak time, Netflix is responsible for a little over 37% of the US Internet consumption."
"Using internet through social media platforms."
"Assistive technology is basically software or hardware that makes it easier for someone with a disability to use the internet."
"This has helped us get it to up to 70% of data savings for users."
"Teenage girls are more likely than boys to use the internet to research a musician or a band."
"Internet usage is falling and mobile internet usage is rising."