
Environmental Education Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Teaching our children about the importance of taking care of the earth and reducing waste is crucial for their understanding of personal and global responsibility."
"Taking the class to see firsthand where their garbage goes will demonstrate real world relevance."
"Apprenticeships in green technologies are absolutely vital."
"Our oceans cover More than 70% of the Earth's surface but did you know that over 80% of them remain unexplored being too deep too cold or too dangerous these places are home to Secrets most people have never seen until now"
"Education in responsible simplicity of life is crucial."
"But I don't think it was a responsible way to teach people how to take care of their environment, and that's an important thing in this day and age."
"For the rainforest and the river are interdependent."
"To save the rainforest we have to understand the rainforest."
"I would love to be people's personal climate scientists."
"Venomous snakes as a whole are really important to the ecosystem."
"Wolves are essential to the ecosystem. They help keep populations healthy, fact." - Pitchforks Dragon
"Part of the pleasure, part of the joy of the subject was the opportunity to be out in nature."
"We should be teaching children about nature... how to care for the soil, how to maintain its fertility."
"Learn everything you can about climate change."
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"We need to put conservation at the heart of the curriculum... looking after what we have around us, not littering, looking after our trees, looking after our wildlife."
"If you educate four-wheel drives and people how to treat the Australian bush, well, guess what? You're not causing any environmental impact."
"Plants help convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, just like trees."
"Did you know without oxygen you wouldn't survive in this world? And did you know that all of the trees produce oxygen?"
"We train farmers, we train ranchers, you know, we help them be better stewards of the land."
"I really love the small fish... it's about educating people about biotopes..."
"Taking care of the planet we live on is extremely important, and it’s definitely necessary to teach children this from an early age."
"As a climate activist, I found it necessary to empower young children women and traditional the knowledge to inspire action independence of environmental protection."
"Learning how this environment works, learning our place in the ecosystem, and the place of everything else within it."
"Jersey's got a nice Zoo, it's like a wildlife conservation trust set up by this guy called Gerald Durrell."
"We do need the bees, we found that out recently."
"Evironmental problems are a hugely important concern for all people, even to children, be it at school or at home with their families."
"An interest in birds and a desire to know more about their habitats and lifestyles will do much to ensure the survival of every bird species that you've seen in this program."
"Pollution is very serious, so I am here to teach you all how you can make a difference."
"When Bear Country's cubs learn pollution's a fact, they help grown-ups learn to clean up their act."
"We really want you to understand and use this information because we all have to work together to prevent us from destroying the habitat on this planet that supports human beings."
"These kids walked away thinking, 'Okay, I've learned that by turning off the light or turning off air conditioning when I don't need it or eating leftovers, what those implications mean for the environment.'"
"I'm going to talk about native bees, my topic is the management of native bees."
"By helping educate people on what materials are better for the planet... it will encourage people to pay more attention and be more thoughtful when purchasing clothing."
"We're trying to think about how do we infuse nature into kids' lives."
"We hope today you'll be able to join us on our mission to engage kids in the power of reuse and hopefully bring a bit of joy to them when they open those boxes."
"We're learning about all the things trees can do, like turning carbon dioxide into oxygen."
"Education... teaches people their sense of place in their environment."
"We are inside the university butterfly garden and this is a place for people to come and recreate and also for people to come and learn about environmental education, which is the most important thing here, incredible."
"Weather is short-term, like over minutes or hours, while climate is long-term, like patterns that occur over years."
"It's my day to give the hour-long tour on conservation and helping the ocean to thrive."
"This is a great conversation starter about recycling, ecology, what's going on with our oceans."
"Geology once again dictates plant life; it's why it's good to know your geology."
"Explain how carbon dioxide causes global warming."
"Thank you everybody for listening in and being interested in native plants."
"It's really important that we get the information out to these younger kids and educate them about the reptiles."
"Just plant a seed and youʻll understand."
"We work to protect, preserve, restore, and enhance natural resources through education and technical assistance."
"It's important somehow that we get that message across to the future leaders of our planet."
"David Attenborough certainly the Beatles of conservation."
"We need your contributions to our Earth guide."
"We're trying to connect you all to nature."
"Our mission is simple: education and action conservation."
"Teach your children to care for the Earth."