
Arduino Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"LCD displays are a very effective way of adding a display to your Arduino project."
"You're going to learn everything you need to get started with Arduino."
"Arduino Uno is the best board for getting started."
"Well, I hope you are as pumped as I am about using Arduino libraries, like I said they open up so much opportunity for you as a new programmer."
"In order to use this with the Arduino Uno R4 and its 5 volt logic, we're going to have to do some level translation."
"The Arduino IoT Cloud: An ideal platform for makers and experimenters, simplifying IoT projects without worrying about backend and security."
"Cloud variables: Key concepts in Arduino IoT Cloud, facilitating communication between devices and the cloud."
"Triggers: A new feature in the Arduino IoT Cloud, enabling actions like push notifications in response to specific events."
"The Arduino IoT Cloud: Making IoT projects easier with a user-friendly interface and seamless integration."
"Add devices to the Arduino IoT Cloud with ease using the setup device wizard."
"With each action we take here with the program, we send data to the Arduino board through the serial port."
"For example, if we press the SAVE button, we store the current joint angles values in a separate array."
"...it's really time for me to remake those Arduino lessons."
"To check out our Nano ESP32 with the Arduino IoT Cloud, we're going to create a pretty simple temperature and humidity sensor device."
"Now let's go ahead and talk about the Arduino CNC Shield."
"...please check out the video description for a bunch of relevant links to our other Arduino tutorials and science projects."
"Remember that we connected our led to Arduino pin 12. the first thing we need to do in our setup function is tell the Arduino that we're going to use that pin as an output."
"Serial communication in MicroPython? Piece of cake compared to Arduino."
"I used an arduino to control this which read three analog pots."
"Using an Arduino to power the Pi ensures a really good response on the servos."
"I squared C is very easy to use and indeed the Arduino implementation of it is simplicity itself."
"The brain of this CNC machine is an Arduino Uno board in combination with a CNC shield."
"The Arduino does a pretty good job; I'm not even close to running out of RAM or program memory, and it's plenty fast enough."
"We're going to look at how to pass data from Python to Arduino."
"If you have some Arduino experience and you wanted to learn the basics of sprites, the second video we talked about drawing a gauge into a sprite and displaying the needle as a sprite composited on top of the other one."
"Once you know where stuff goes in an Arduino program, it's actually pretty simple."
"This is the brand new Arduino Nano RP 2040 Connect; it's the latest board from Arduino."
"Anyway, I hope this has been an interesting introduction and exploration of the Arduino Nano RP 2040 Connect."
"It wouldn't be me if I wasn't using an Arduino."
"With the Arduino, we can easily control the servo as well as the two brushless motors."
"This series is about pulling up the hood, looking under the hood, digging deeper, pulling back the onion, and understanding a lot more of the real magic that is happening with the Arduino."
"So there we go, that's the basic project, we use the Arduino Uno with Wi-Fi, we use an analog temperature sensor, and now we're able to see what the temperature is from anywhere in the world using a simple web browser."
"How do you create these timed events in Arduino? That's the objective of this series of lessons."
"By the end, you'll be able to program repetitive timed events using your Arduino."
"We want to create repetitive timed events, for example, every 30 seconds maybe we want to read the water temperature or every minute we want a servo motor to move left and then right again."
"Zod is a graphical programming environment that can be used to develop programs through the Arduino without writing any code."
"Putting the Arduino into an ultra-low power deep sleep state."
"It's a huge step up even from the Arduino IDE 2.0."
"In this tutorial, we will be communicating with the Arduino UNO from a Windows 7 or a Windows 10 PC."
"The Arduino UNO will connect to the PC using USB serial port or a virtual COM port."
"Arduino IDE is the official software used for designing and uploading code."
"I'm blown away by this, the fact that the Arduino can run any sort of operating system."
"Pour yourself a nice big cup of strong coffee, fire up your Arduino, and let's learn how to use functions."
"Arduino is a great tool for controlling electronic stuff like sensors and motors."
"Hey, a lot of people have been asking about powering their Arduinos and powering their motors."
"What we're gonna learn today is a new programming command that is very, very powerful in the Arduino called the for loop."
"Welcome to my series of short videos where we discuss how the Arduino interacts with various electronic components."
"Arduino projects natively are programmed from the Arduino IDE provided by Arduino, and the language most closely resembles C++."
"Why this is significant, why this is important, is because this is showing you can connect to the Arduino Uno Wi-Fi and not simply receive information through sensors or inputs but actually manually trigger events to happen."
"Now you know how to do Arduino to Arduino communication over your Wi-Fi network."
"If you know Arduino coding and a little bit of electronics, you would be able to mount your own business by doing an escape room."
"So make sure to check out using motors with Arduino because it is a lot of fun, and you can branch off fairly quickly to projects like this."
"This is what I love about Arduino, there's so many good examples already built in."
"Sign up for the course, it'll get you spun up on Arduino."
"Shazam! Look at that. Do you see that? Arduino Uno at 16 frames per second."
"Pour yourself a nice cup of strong coffee, fire up an Arduino IDE, and we're gonna start talking about variables."
"That is how you control a Kato turnout with an Arduino, and I'm really happy with the way this turned out."
"Hello everyone and welcome to this first session of the Arduino tutorial series."
"If you're a beginner and need a bit of help getting started, then that's why I think Arduino is a good place to start."
"Arduino was developed as an open-source platform."
"This is called the IDE, which stands for Interactive Development Environment."
"You've got the code to make an LED blink on your Arduino."
"What was basically created here is the ability to power a 16-pin LED matrix using just three pins on Arduino."
"Arduino libraries are written in C++, they can be easily incorporated in any application written in C or C++."
"Just think of MicroPython as almost like Arduino but using the Python programming language."
"Hello everyone, today I will be showing you how to control a four-digit 7-segment display with Arduino."
"The NRF 24 L01 is perfect for quickly getting two Arduinos to talk together wirelessly."
"You can change settings in the registers, but we don't have to worry about that because the Arduino library handles all that."
"If-else if-else statements... will be very valuable for you when you go build other Arduino projects."
"In less than 30 minutes, we'll talk about how we can move your Arduino to a state machine."
"If you use the Uno, it's straightforward."
"I love this kind of Arduino Nano here, it has the NRF 24L01 radio built-in which is awesome for creating wireless projects."
"When you think of the number of projects and all of the amazing things that people have done with Arduino over the years, it's just extraordinary."
"The servo library for Arduino has been around almost as long as Arduino has and it is really useful for controlling servos."
"If you need to communicate from one Arduino to another, it's pretty hard to beat the NRF24L01."
"For just straight Arduino to Arduino, they're great."
"Connecting the mouse sensor to an Arduino lets your project detect and measure movement in a 2D plane."
"Once you have a breadboard, an LED, and a microcontroller that's programmable in Arduino, then we can begin."
"We've selected pin 3 as our output pin, so one of the first things we'll need to do is to define that as an output pin rather than an input pin."
"It's really easy to take an output like an LED and control it in Arduino with just a couple modifications and a couple lines of code."
"Learning how to program an Arduino is an incredibly useful skill for any hacker."
"In the first 15 lessons, we learned the fundamentals of programming the Arduino."
"We're using the Arduino microcontroller."
"I strongly recommend getting the Arduino Uno R3. It is the standard board and works for almost any project you can imagine at this point, especially if you're a beginner."
"One of the projects I actually made was a clock that was controlled by an Arduino."
"Tell me, how is that not the most useful Arduino Shield of all time?"
"Welcome to my series of short videos in which we discuss how the Arduino interacts with various electronic components."
"That should allow you to use your mobile phone with an app running on it to communicate and control your Arduino projects."
"If you're playing around with Arduino and microprocessors, something like this is going to be great."
"This concludes our tutorial using RFID readers with the Arduino."
"A sketch always contains two functions: void setup and void loop."
"It accepts Arduino code, so we're going to be writing some Arduino code for this."
"We're using the Arduino to work with sensors and circuits and take data, streaming that data over to Python."
"It's harder to hack something like an Arduino since an Arduino doesn't have a full-fledged operating system."