
Small Gestures Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's the small thing of literally just standing at the door and spending an extra 20 seconds waiting for her to drive off... that meant so much to her."
"Small moments of thoughtfulness are what I really gravitate towards."
"Each time a child receives one on their lunchbox, you're adding a little moment of joy into their lives."
"The smallest things can brighten a person's day. The smallest thing can encourage them to do more."
"There's going to be a small gesture perhaps that is also going to lead to the romance of a century."
"Taking that just moment, that few seconds to ask, I think that could really mean a lot to someone."
"The little things there's nothing bigger is there."
"It doesn't have to be huge. Sometimes you just need to go smile at somebody to make the day worthwhile for you and them."
"Appreciation, gratitude, thank you, little things to go out of your way."
"Why would you do that? It's such a small thing, but the fact that it means so much to some people out there, it's incredible."
"Just the little things like that can go a long way."
"Just having that moment of like a smile here or there, a bit of gratitude, a bit of kindness, it does mean a lot."
"You can also do small things like small gestures of acts of kindness."
"Little things go a long way in relationships. Thoughtfulness matters."
"Anything we can do to just lift their spirits, however little, is something."
"Sometimes it really is the small things and attention to detail that can make a world of difference."
"Little acts of kindness go so many miles towards fueling your soul."
"Those little things that add up and aren't so little."
"The small things go a long way, man. They go a real long way."
"It's the little things but they make a big difference day to day."
"Helping people is very, very important in any small way."
"It's cute to have a little something to give each other."
"That cup of tea could mean the world to somebody."
"That made that little boy's day to get that jar of marbles."
"Those little things makes your partner feel good."
"It's like the little things they do that just make you feel so good."
"It's such a nice, loving little touch."
"Little things make a big difference to people."
"Tell her she looks nice, it's those little things."
"Think the little things because they don't go unnoticed."
"The best thing you could do is not grand gestures, it's the small things that you can inject into your life."
"Little things that just go the extra mile when it comes to being grateful for something."
"It's the little things that make the biggest difference."
"Be kind to them, extend not in a big ovation but in small ways, extend a certain helpfulness."
"We really love all the little things that they do."
"Little things make such a big difference."
"Little things like that bring so much hope."
"It was just a tiny blue thank you from me."
"Magical moments aren't super big and super extravagant, but they do make a lasting impact."
"Small things go a long way, just say 'Hey, I'm thankful for you'."
"It's the little things that can make someone feel at ease."
"You really can make somebody's day with just really quite a small gesture."
"The little things you do always go unnoticed."
"It's just the little things that go a long way."
"We've got to start appreciating doing the little things; it's the small gestures that really are going to go a long way."
"It's just a little thing but hopefully you can feel our love."
"They want to come in with a small gesture of love."