
Binge-watching Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"People binge watch entire series in a few days because they're escaping reality by immersing themselves totally in this fictional world."
"This is probably one of the most bingeable recreations of a crime that I've ever watched."
"Experts are now saying that binge watching online content makes climate change worse."
"My wife and I binge the whole thing in three days after hearing you guys talk about it so much."
"I've been binge watching all the Harry Potter movies on HBO Max. It's been my new favorite thing and I can't stop."
"It just came out and I may have accidentally watched the entire season in one evening."
"The show's always used a lot of the tactics of soap opera to make it bingeable."
"The era of binge-watching mobile shows is here."
"All I wanted to do was go back and start binge-watching The West Wing again. It's so good, I loved it."
"Why Stranger Things season 4 needs to be aired weekly."
"Netflix promotes a culture of binge-watching."
"It's fantastic horror realism, and I found myself just wanting to watch the next one, watch the next one, watch the next one."
"I avoided Game of Thrones until 2016, binged the first six seasons."
"I'm very invested and will probably like binge watch the last five another day."
"I had never seen Game of Thrones controversial, so I spent two, three weeks binge-watching Game of Thrones hardcore."
"How do you feel about Genshin Impact? I personally feel that the game has top tier anime boy designs."
"Infinity Train is such a good show, I binged the entirety of all three books in like one day."
"The ultimate goal of YouTube is to get people to binge-watch content."
"I decided to binge-watch the entire first season... I'm obsessed with it."
"Gilmore Girls is long enough that when you're done watching it, you could just start right back up."
"I watched all four seasons in a week and a half... I'm not even ashamed to say it."
"Binge viewing reveals the true artistry of storytelling."
"There's also a lot of merit to the discussion that the Netflix binge model is so much better for viewer retention as well."
"Binge-watching a TV series can be a great way to learn English, especially for advanced learners."
"Watching anime in larger chunks... is better than watching it weekly."
"How many more lies did I just experience in this all-night binge?"
"I watched it in eight days when I finished it I watched it in eight days yeah that is insane I didn't even leave my house"
"If you love Song of Horror, then you are going to binge it in a weekend."
"I started watching because of John Doyle king being a guest and have been binging or yeah binging the last several months of shows."
"To binge watch means that you watch a lot of movies or TV shows usually back to back without stopping."
"I'm really hooked on this, so I'm kinda just gonna run into the next episode because I need to know what happens."
"Anime fans should understand this: there's late nights of binging."
"I think people are just so used to this binge culture."
"Streaming platforms offer entire seasons of shows at once, allowing viewers to binge-watch at their own pace."
"Find content you love and just binge on it."
"I just keep binging them they're super fun."
"I've never wanted to binge this series more at the moment, man I really do ah."
"I'm a binge-watch these videos. Bye."
"This one was so entertaining like I couldn't stop watching it. I saw that being said a lot on social media that people watched this in one sitting. I don't know how you can do that but a lot of people like binged this show because it's so good."
"Congrats on 10 years! Joined during the pandemic and watched all videos from the past 10 years since."
"Netflix will someday get rid of their binge model."
"If you like Pokemon and our usual binge formats; make sure to go subscribe to our Pokemon channel; PokeBinge."
"I had just watched a six-part series called The Disappearance of Mora Murray in one night."
"This next one is a little lighter one. It's called... it looks like a romantic comedy maybe. It has many, many seasons. So if you start to watch this one, you can go forever."
"The fact that, you know, three years of work could get just seen in a day, as it's kind of like blown my mind. I know for sure I'm watching the whole thing in a day, that sounds like an intense binge-watch for good on you if you did it."
"I'm going to now be going through all of season 2 all the way up to where we're at now and then yeah we're going to be going for it man"
"Binge watching the entire series and experiencing every emotion from Elation to ugly weeping."
"I started watching Madoka Magica at 3:30 in the morning. I didn't stop until I finished the series."
"Anyway, we're gonna leave it here for now. Don't forget to have a little binge-watch of our videos."
"I hope you guys enjoyed binge-watching the show with me."
"I um binged watch Scandal have y'all seen Scandal"
"I've literally gone from watching absolutely nothing ever to watching so many things."
"I feel like so many fantasy series are just like long all unfinished and now this is a duology that's already finished so I can just kind of binge it if I feel like it which is just so nice"
"I'm definitely gonna watch the second and third back to back because I love this one so much."
"Do you know when you just think I just want to watch it? So I've got to finish it. I'm going to watch it with my wife, but yeah, I'm loving it."
"Since it's so short, watch it in one go, binge it, 7/8 hours. and it's done."
"I've been watching a lot of Netflix yep I watched a three-part series about GameStop."
"Let's watch them all back to back."
"Box sets come out and there's a documentary or something that is solely done for this."
"We were the early binge watchers back then."
"I actually just last night I binge watched all of The Hunger Games because the Hunger Games just went on Netflix."
"If you're a binging watcher, you're a hero."
"I am glad I watched these all in this chunk together. Like, if I was watching it week to week, I think that would have been a little disappointing. But yeah, regardless, great last season. Up next is the movie."
"Feel your binge listen and fill your soul with happiness."
"It's 100 films 7-eleven for 24 hours."
"I'm a series girl I could be here a while but I haven't been watching many recently so that's why I said he senters cuz that's always on."
"I was so captivated that I had to watch everything on the channel in just one sitting"
"I love a good binge on a good show. Not a waste of my time, not in my book."
"Dude, I finished the whole season in one day 'cause it was so good."
"It was October 26th of 2017. It was the night before season two of Stranger Things came out. As a huge fan, I was super excited and decided to stay up the whole night to watch all of it."
"I think people really love the idea of binging something."
"We watched two, you know how that goes, you get wrapped into this show, can't stop watching."
"I couldn't sleep any longer, so I decided to binge on my Story Animated videos on YouTube."
"I think we're gonna really ramp up the amount that we watch as well because if you do it the way I have been doing it where we've been doing like one Arc every kind of week or something it's going to take a long time to get through uh the content that we want to get through."
"I know that many of you love your binge watching but you have to admit that from a business perspective it's a mistake to drop this show as a binge."
"Been binging your channel all week, thanks for all you do."
"I binge-watched all seasons of The Boys last weekend, and season three is amazing."
"I decided to go ahead and marathon every single film that BuzzFeed Studios has ever made."
"This might be like a kind of complete series thing."
"Honestly, you get on there, you watch one video and you're in like 20 videos deep."
"I was just I was just binging the heck out of his videos and it got to a point where my phone would just like automatically put it on autoplay and just play all his videos."
"Binging season one was, um, it was a ride, it was a blast."
"Nothing has come close to Tamers on the tone."
"It's also the Digimon show that benefits the most from binge-watching."
"I just watched season two yesterday."
"Binge watch videos, arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can."
"You've got to binge-watch Dr. Laurie."
"I'm currently binge-watching 'Girls.'"
"I literally binge watched that for the next two days and I didn't do anything else either."
"...it's insane that so many people watch the show right away and binge it that first weekend."
"...people binge-watch shows for eight to twelve hours when the content is good."
"Outer Banks, a wonderful TV show I watched literally the second day that I was out and I watched the whole thing in under 24 hours."
"Put some time aside to actually watch all of it in one go."
"Once you actually dive in and it hooks you, you will just want to burn right through."
"He's a channel you can definitely end up binge-watching easily."
"The more you binge watch, the more connected you get to those characters."
"I binged it all in a day; it's phenomenal."
"If you're binge-watching us, that's even more fun."
"I've been on a Keanu binge lately."
"Once you get a few parts in, you kind of get hooked and you just want to watch it all."
"Hey squirrel friends, when one video ends, why don't you just watch another one? It's called binge viewing."
"Happiness Oshimi, this is seriously such a bingeable series."
"It's a fantastic classic anime but you can probably binge in a week or so."
"Netflix's content library is the only one that is big enough and diverse enough to provide a one-stop shop where you can binge for hours."
"For me, 2020 was the perfect year to marathon Pretty Cure."
"It's not a like it's one of those shows like there's certain shows that once you start watching you can't help but binge the whole thing."
"It was so gripping, like every single time that it ended, it was like, 'Oh my goodness, should we put another one on?'"
"Do not, by any means, begin to watch this anime if you liked Hunter X Hunter, you're gonna binge-watch this."
"I found Hunter x Hunter to be one of the easiest shows to sit through that I've watched, and most of the people I've talked to who watched the show said that they marathoned it in less than a week."
"This weekend, I'm going to binge watch this new television series."
"I started Euphoria, so I binge-watched a bunch of season one today."
"I just wanted to say I absolutely love you and am slowly binge watching all of your videos."
"If I binge this entire show in like a month, I don't think I would have the same emotions towards certain characters as I do now."
"I don't rewatch stuff, the wait was so long that I watched it, then I rewatched it again right away."
"I watched the whole show within over like I think like a whole day or two, and I was like, 'Oh right, oh this is a great show'."
"Thank you so much. I've been getting messages... telling me that a lot of y'all are actually really binge watching the other videos which is really great."
"I binge watched season one of My Little Monster; I was in the mood to re-watch it."
"I'm like zooming through this show, I'm already on season four."
"I can completely disregard everything and watch an entire series in one sitting."
"It's amazing, it's like so good, I binge-watched all of it."
"We're gonna watch Stranger Things or try and watch as much as we can."
"No life to Tokyo Revengers, and I finished it in a day, boy."
"I'm not gonna lie, this is turning into a show that I could easily binge."
"Oh, 100%, yeah, you just sit on the couch and binge-watch it the whole night."
"I love it so much, I watched seven hours of it today."
"We only planned to watch 2 today, but we could not stop."
"Sometimes these Netflix series are meant to be binged."
"I've watched the whole season in two days; amazing, this is that good."
"Definitely worth the binge all four seasons."
"I found your channel during quarantine and I binged all of your videos."
"I've also never watched a lot of the Marvel series until I can completely binge them."
"I don't always watch Netflix, but when I do, I find a show I like, watch all seven seasons in 2 days, then get depressed when it's over."
"She absolutely deserves a movie and more, like girl binge watch a whole damn show if you want to."
"I watched it in like a day; it was really entertaining, actually. It was a good comical relief from everything going on."
"I view the binge as a long version of a movie with better storytelling and better character development."
"I'm so excited to start it, but I definitely want to set some time aside to really like binge it and get into it."
"I binge watched it in like five hours, so good."
"This show is so good, it is definitely a bingeable show, isn't it?"
"I absolutely loved 'Atypical', I literally binge-watched it in like two days."
"I was so passionate about the show, I binge-watched all of it."
"It's the fact that I have a show that's binge-worthy, come on!"
"He is the most important reason for me personally to be able to watch through this drama without interruption binged in one day and not feeling any regret."
"I've just watched all of Game of Thrones in like a minute."
"Some people have a little bit of what we call a work ethic, and they'll put in the hard, the grueling labor of staring blank-faced at a show for a couple hours on 1.5x speed."
"It's so bingeable, that I don't even wanna say anything. It's pure happiness."
"I'm absorbing a season in a week as opposed to waiting an entire year."
"I binge-watched it in two days and I want another season right this second."
"I was totally taken in by it, and I actually watched the whole dang thing in two sittings."
"Squid Games is so good, I couldn't stop watching it."
"I love the comedy, I love this show so much, I just want to binge it."
"We are going to binge-watch the new season of Atypical."