
Safeguarding Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"It's all about safeguarding your family and preserving your future because everyone here has a bright future ahead."
"I am holding onto it, just for safekeeping. Scout's honor."
"We will unleash every authority, resource, and tool to safeguard our people."
"The impact of his work in safeguarding across the sport is immeasurable."
"NEPA is mostly about process today's changes will have no impact on the important safeguards of our nation's environmental statutes."
"So step one for Dumbledore to protect Harry is to take full advantage of the protection offered at Number Four Privet Drive."
"It's just truly so stupid that it has to build in safeguards to prevent anybody from questioning it."
"They didn't just open the gates, they opened the gates and then used combination locks and chains to make sure they were open."
"I hope you never have someone [__] with everything you've worked to build."
"What failsafe is in place to protect our democracy and its institutions? Oh, that's easy. You're the failsafe."
"Safeguarding refers to creating a safe environment free from harm, abuse, or neglect."
"If you're optimistic about the future, you really want to get there and you want to safeguard it."
"Privacy entails safeguarding an individual's authority over the collection, usage, and disclosure of their personal information."
"Always Safeguard and fight for freedom, never infringe upon it."
"Gold signifies value for what is esteemed and safeguarded."
"The packaging of this printer is similar to other machines as it uses laser cut foam to safeguard all the components."
"Safeguard the people around you. Safeguard yourself and always always be a Craftsman and a student."
"Safeguard organizations' data and systems."
"And that you let others know if there's a safeguarding concern and you see something that you're worried about, that you go and escalate it and tell somebody."
"To stop abuse, you have to implement safeguards and instill a culture that refuses to make excuses for bad behavior and always is aboveboard and transparent in keeping people safe."
"You must strive to safeguard that which is beautiful."
"Protect your young ones right now. Protect the eggs, man."
"Love always hopes and it always preserves. It always protects."
"Hello and welcome to Cheshbay, and as you can see, our eye is installed, all ready to protect us for when we go sailing."
"It does mean that we have restored and safeguarded sovereignty for the people of Northern Ireland."
"I am the writer and founder of Surviving Safeguarding, which is a parent's guide to the child protection process."
"He wanted to make sure that the cosmic cube was leaving here in good hands."
"It's my responsibility to protect every single one of you from these types of dark forces."
"Oh Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge."
"I am entrusted with my home's protection."
"The vault was created to safeguard one of the planet's most vulnerable and valuable resources: plants."
"It's important to protect that investment."
"It's why most people try to shield children from seeing, hearing, and engaging in things that might be mentally, emotionally, or physically scarring for them."
"Take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests of clients who lack decision-making capacity."
"Now unto Him that is able to guard you from stumbling."
"Making safeguarding personal isn't about walking away; it's about working with people through the complexities and challenges in their lives."
"Making safeguarding personal is about placing the person at the center and ensuring their wishes are discussed and agreed."
"At the end of the day, we can deal with risk, but we have to think about it in the context of safeguarding critical function."
"Custodian is coming out of the word custody, which means taking care or safeguarding."
"That image is her net worth, so you got to protect that."
"Safeguarding is about identifying potential risks, looking at whether people are experiencing harm, abuse, neglect, and having a safeguarding policy in place."
"Guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the godless chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge."
"Once the DP and the director agree on the visual approach, the DP sort of safeguards that approach."
"The Divine is protecting you against these people."
"We have to offer a different narrative and one that centers women and children and safeguarding."
"We're supposed to be the people who are safeguarding everyone's future."
"Protection is here for your money, your life, your whole entire everything."
"Determination, honor, and protection."
"God and your angels were definitely protecting you guys from people that may have tried to take you out in the game or compete with you early on."
"This is your destiny, protect it."
"Protect your blessings, protect your abundance."