
Sustainable Development Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"The global UN sustainable development goals agenda... it's about poverty, eradicating poverty. This is the focus."
"We live in such a video game at this point that they literally went out of their way to crown him with the United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals."
"The way we do that is by betting on a green economy, investing in a green economy. It'll bring down bills, it'll give us energy security, it will create half a million jobs."
"What Masdar has to be is a laboratory that develops things that then can be applied in existing cities all around the world."
"We want to build a sustainable city in Africa."
"every job we need to do to do this build out a grid build solar power wind power do hydrogen every every list building batteries switching to electronic vehicles electric vehicles all require jobs every one of those are people working"
"Equality for women and girls can play the winning role in all aspects of sustainable development."
"It's so exciting that since we started six years ago many companies have joined the race to invent and build technologies that can produce energy sustainably."
"There's a path to a fully sustainable future for humanity."
"It's a huge missing link between their intentions and sustainable development goals."
"If we could build solar power, water condensation on housing... like we did in Afghanistan."
"MP materials crushed it, absolutely destroyed it."
"We want to make sure that whatever we're building or using to address this pandemic, that when we come out the other side, it's a world we still want to live in."
"Let's focus on policies that uplift people out of poverty and promote sustainable development."
"Green growth will be most viable in this continent."
"We can build forward to a world that is more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive."
"We can only eliminate extreme poverty if the sustainable development goals that we have set are more than words on paper."
"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."
"Think critically and act urgently if we are to achieve the sustainable development goals."
"How do we stop them? Just don't do it. If higher education institutions don't embrace the 2030 agenda in lockstep, it will be difficult if not impossible to achieve the sustainable development goals."
"When you truly empower somebody to become a partner as opposed to someone that you must sponsor, a partner is someone where you're not giving charity anymore, you're making an investment."
"This is an example of sustainable rural growth in a very impoverished country without damaging the environment."
"We're in a new age, the age of sustainable development."
"Meeting 100% of the power demand in the United States with clean, renewable, and zero emission energy sources."
"On an average, all Indian rivers are depleting by 8 percent per year. If we take appropriate action now, in the next 10-15 years we can bring up the river at least 10 to 20 percent from what it is now."
"Blockchain and the UN's SDGs: the role of blockchain in the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"Transformative change is possible - envisioning cities with ecology as a priority, where citizens thrive."
"We believe in making communities more resilient to disasters."
"Balancing human development and protecting our natural environment."
"The new earth is sitting right in front of us. It's here, it always has been here."
"I want to make sure that we are on the path of inclusive and sustainable growth."
"For now, Jose and his uncle are focused on teaching rural communities how to harvest sustainably."
"We can start talking about ending fossil fuel expansion."
"I'm going to officiate the marriage of ecology and economy."
"If you gave everybody in Kenya a point of electricity with a stove and one bulb you reduced forest depletion by an incredibly large factor."
"Clear investment strategies which help alleviate poverty, promote job creation, build sustainable infrastructure, and of course, bridge the digital divide."
"We have to keep our focus, keep our balance, and reach for a global sustainable permaculture utopian civilization."
"Here's what China has achieved in the last five years: alleviated extreme poverty, built a huge high-speed rail network, renewable energy in every home, and much more."
"Investing in establishing a local rubber processing industry is a sustainable solution to the problem."
"This is a historic agreement, it creates rules for the sustainable use of resources in the high seas."
"Building sustainable transportation and then building cities around that transportation is the way we're going to save ourselves."
"Finding the right incentives for hydropower and pumped storage development, and ensuring that it's done in a sustainable manner, is going to be critical to weaning the world off of fossil fuels."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: 'The relief package is the most important thing we could do to get on a sustainable path.'"
"The laws of Economics will drive civilization towards sustainable energy inevitably."
"We owe it to Future Generations to build back better and base our recovery on solid foundations."
"For your thoughts, the future of energy production: sustainable energy, fossil fuels, efficient, and fusion."
"If we take this opportunity collectively, we can create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world."
"X-Links plans a 10.5 gigawatt solar and wind farm in Morocco for UK power."
"Gigatexas in Austin is happening... It's going to basically be an ecological paradise."
"The circular economy can help address climate change by reducing emissions."
"I think the system that is actually able to create livelihoods without destroying the planet and without creating social strife is the one that eventually hopefully has to win out, because otherwise we're all doomed anyway."
"Solar Punk has the potential, already partially realized, to motivate action to build the future today."
"The European Union plans to open an office in Greenland and use EU funding to promote sustainable development in the Arctic."
"The sharing economy actually has a lot of transformative potential."
"Energy efficiency across the global economy continued to improve."
"A strong growing economy and a healthy environment because I believe that we can pursue both at the same time."
"By investing in things that break this cycle, like access to healthcare, clean water, and economic opportunities, we can end some of these diseases for good and help improve life for hundreds of millions of people."
"For civilization, we must have a clear path to a sustainable energy future."
"From what's been revealed about the development, The Line will be designed with 100% renewable energy and supported with AI services and goods."
"Blanket the country with affordable homes, clean energy, and mass transit."
"Microgrids would be completely transforming the way America and other countries around the world produce, distribute, and consume their energy."
"We've managed to create a source of minerals and water without affecting the environment."
"China is steadfast in following the new development philosophy and building an ecological civilization."
"Leaders empower and coach. Potential leaders must be empowered through exposure to the needs of sustainable development."
"You can do this and protect the environment and also provide for people."
"We need to be careful about how it's done to avoid perverse outcomes, which will be so easy to achieve if we just rush headfirst into hydrogen everywhere without thinking about why."
"The five foundational sectors of the economy are going to be based on super abundant, really low-cost localized distributed production."
"Tourism and tracing Nepal can be a catalyst for sustainable development."
"We've shown the NGOs and commodity buyers that this is a really viable way to change the lives of people in developing markets."
"Degrowth is maybe what we should do, and post-growth is what we're going to have to do."
"It's now been reported that it is cheaper to build and operate new large-scale wind farms or solar farms than it is to just run an existing coal or gas-fired power plant."
"Universal access to energy by 2030 is possible with the necessary political will supported by technological as well as funding."
"Resilient development is enabled when governments, civil society, and the private sector prioritize equity and justice."
"Instead of demolishing and building new structures just using what we have and hopefully making better places."
"We're going to build 1.5 million new energy efficient homes and public housing units that will benefit our communities three times over."
"One big mistake is fighting against the economy; ecology and economy must marry."
"The Pursuit Of Peace is inexorably linked to the pursuit of sustainable development and both require urgent action if we ever want to attain the vision of living in a world of dignity and equality on a healthy planet."
"Tesla has already changed the world because they've created a global movement of more companies wanting to get into the space and Tesla will continue to change the world."
"Embrace a bold and strategic approach taking decisive steps towards the structural shift necessary to fulfill the 2030 agenda for sustainable development."
"There's a right way to do something that can lead to beneficial socioeconomic outcomes at the same time are assistive and regenerative to the environment and also us who are part of it."
"Searching for asteroids and mitigating the risk of impacts while at the same time collaborating with International Partners, that's how I see how ESA can contribute to fulfilling UN sustainable development goals."
"Capitalism can coexist with sustainable development. Denmark's always at the top—they're not only clean, green, productive, prosperous, but they're happy too."
"Agile processes promote sustainable development so everyone should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely."
"Our Collective pursuit of sustainable development confronts the triple planetary crisis."
"The word sustainable development makes no sense at all because there are limits to development and we've passed them a long time ago."
"Billions into trillions: achieving sustainable development goals."
"...trying to figure out a way to do this development to industrialization to make our money without wrecking the environment at the exact same time."
"Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations."
"Sustainable development required both market forces definitely but also public policies to enable and ensure social inclusion."
"We need to work together. We need to understand that sustainable development can be a shared framework of action for our country."
"If we really want to redirect growth in ways that make it more sustainable, greener, and more inclusive."
"That's like one of the dreams in making environmentally friendly plastic."
"To build a lasting movement of citizens to take action to help end extreme poverty, tackle climate change, and achieve the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"What we need is a lasting movement of citizens who call on world leaders to make multi-million dollar investments to achieve the global goals."
"Sustainable development aims to use resources to meet human needs while preserving the environment for future generations."
"We should, however, move forward in solidarity, united in efforts to address our common global challenges to ensure sustainable peace and development."
"We're proving that bio-based manufacturing can not only create sustainable products but also help improve livelihoods in rural communities."
"Sustainable development means we get to keep what we've got, and the poor can come up to our level."
"Human beings are the center of concerns for sustainable development."
"You cannot embark on sustainable development without an educated community or country."
"The global disposition for climate action... should translate into real impetus for implementation of Paris Agreement in the broader context of 2030 Agenda."
"The decision by several African countries to ban or restrict the export of their natural resources has been a bold move towards sustainable development."
"It's sustainable growth that humanity can continue to maintain."
"It must also ensure that future growth and exploitation of natural resources is results-oriented, climate resilient, and sustainable."
"Developing the notion of sustainable development which is environmental stewardship with economic advancement in harmony."
"Peace is inextricably linked to sustainable development."
"Let us be determined to heal divisions and forge peace, determined to uphold the dignity and worth of every person, determined to realize the sustainable development goals and effectively leave no one behind."
"Through strategic infrastructure investment, Barbados is laying the groundwork for sustainable economic development that will reverberate for generations to come."
"The solid overall growth experienced by the Caribbean will make it much easier for the region to realize its goals of sustainable development and prosperity for its citizens."
"Implementation of the SDGs must be people-centered; embargoes and other financial and economic barriers must not become tools to prevent people from attaining their rightful development goals."
"Malaysia is committed to sustainable development."
"It is humanity and goodwill that would take us forward on the pathway to sustainable development."
"Covid-19 is not the only threat in nature's repertoire, but we cannot meaningfully prepare for the next pandemic unless we have achieved the SDGs."
"It's a new development pathway, this also the science panel for the Amazon, we have 13 chapters dealing with this new sustainable future for the Amazon."
"The contribution of the squid export industry not only enriches the national income source but also promotes sustainable development."
"Sustainable development is a form of development where we manage both on the level of the individual technologies and organizations but also on the level of the system as a whole."
"Optimizing resources is the real breakthrough for how we can apply these technologies, AI, to build more sustainable businesses in space."
"The vision for Gotland is to have a hybrid energy system which produces and stores vast quantities of renewable energy all on-site."
"More interconnectors also means that South Australia will be able to build even more wind and solar."
"Building coalitions... how you can link groups into institutions, how you can create spaces for collaborative working around the SDG is fundamentally important."
"...health and development are inextricably linked and so it's just one more example of how an organization that's looking at the entire planet can set goals that can then help guide the work of Nations..."
"In order to promote sustainable development, governments need to figure out how to balance economic growth with environmental preservation."
"We need to act together to strengthen multilateralism as well as to honor and implement commitments made by the General Assembly and global partnerships for sustainable development."
"Our national development agenda places people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership at the heart of sustainable development."
"Digital infrastructure forms a core part of the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"This is a project that is fundamentally both growth and degrowth at the same time; it can produce more energy, it can produce more prosperity, but it's doing so without the environmental impact."
"Gross National Happiness or GNH is an idea that steers the government away from chasing unrestrained material growth towards sustainable economic development."
"You cannot grow sustainably if you don't deliver value."
"This really is about building a more inclusive and sustainable type of growth, type of economy, type of capitalism."
"That can make consumption and growth sustainable."
"Our commitment to achieving sustainable development goal number two, that of ending hunger, ensuring food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture, must be unwavering."
"The voluntary carbon market has a major role to play not just in reducing carbon but saving biodiversity, promoting sustainable development."
"For meaningful and sustainable growth and prosperity, our use of power has to be about the interests of all."
"We can solve the human rights problems of our days and we can develop and grow sustainably."
"Environmental impact assessments... they're not just anti-development to try and stop things from happening, they're a way to make sure that when developments do go forward, they go forward in a way that has long-term benefits and minimal impacts on the environment."
"Guyana prides itself on its sustainable development and protection of natural landscapes."
"Equal participation and leadership in political and public life is essential to fulfilling the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development."
"Cabo Pulmo or the people from Cabo Pulmo are showing that their model of coastal development is a better way to do these things."
"Sustainable recovery from the epidemic must be based on the principle of inclusiveness and solidarity, and within the context of leaving no one behind."
"Sustainable fashion started to appear in the management literature around 2008."
"For any development to be sustainable, it must start with the people and from the people at the grassroots."
"Can we also have the development without harming the environment in a big way?"
"Sustainable development is where a country develops economically without the depletion of natural resources."
"Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
"We have to promote grassroots democracy, we have to promote sustainable development."
"We're using existing forests and introducing pasture into that."
"Respect of habitats and biodiversity should be required of palm oil producing countries before they are granted the right to exploit their forests."