
Fairies Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Fairies are thought to be magical spirit beings far more ancient than humans who possess the ability to manifest themselves in our physical realm and interact with everything here."
"Not every Newfoundlander to have a brush with the fairies is as fortunate as the subjects of the aforementioned stories; many disappear forever, never to be seen again."
"Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream marked a turning point in the representation of fairies."
"I came across more fairies and I avoided them."
"The little people are much like fairies as they are very elusive and secretive."
"The fairies in my books are mischievous but much nicer than the ones in my grandmother's stories."
"The entities existing in the forest are the fairies that the O-5 mentioned."
"Say it, Peter. Say it and mean it. I believe in fairies."
"Dear fairies, this is my wish, please help it to be; I am open for you to inspire me."
"Fairies returning a kindness offered or punishing unkind action."
"See what the fairies will send you."
"Are fairies real? You have to look for fairies with your heart."
"You made fun of me for believing in fairies, and now I think they're trolling you."
"I think fairies are natural beings that are made up of energy or maybe the echoes of previous generations of the land."
"I think fairies are beings from another plane of existence that interact with our own."
"I think fairies are like humans, some good, some bad, and some indifferent."
"I just loved the moments where we were on the field with Emily and she's researching the fairies she's interacting with the fairies she's luring them out like those were the parts that just made this book stand out to me."
"Honestly, I think if that's what this book remained to be where it's just like Emily out there interacting with fairies this would have been a five out of five star read."
"There aren't many fairies as sweet and simple as her in the world."
"If you love fairies, mysteries, and magic, you will really have fun reading or listening to this book."
"Exactly 2 years later, I awoke this Christmas morning to the exact same fairies flying around my room."
"Then you must be fairies if you've lived always," remarked Trot.
"Every fairy has a specific job or talent that's chosen for them when they first arrive or are born."
"Fairies and every time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead."
"There was a commercialization of fairies in the 17th century."
"In all of the representations, all of the accounts of the fairies we have before, there are hardly any images of what fairies look like."
"Wow, I never knew fairies were so resourceful."
"The first written human stories were about fairies, suggesting that their civilization predated man's own."
"Your fairies don't want you to have grandiose expectations, but to just go after what your heart wants."
"The belief in fairies started a long time ago and was very different from what it is today; fairies were not winged beings with magic wands but rather the spirits of the unknown dead."
"You see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
"She can't put it out, that is the only thing fairies can't do," said Peter. "It just goes out of itself when she falls asleep, same as the stars."
"Fairies, you know, they don't age. They are immortal."
"Fairies can't lie, so they tend to concentrate on words and ignore tone."
"This will be such a cozy home for the fairies, I hope they like it."
"All the sunbeams are in reality tiny Sun fairies who run down to earth on golden ladders."
"As the youngest fairies ever to reach the Enchantix level, you can provide great inspiration."
"The fairies are descended from the ones trapped in the middle, and they fall everywhere: fairies of the air, fairies of the earth, and fairies of the sea."
"The fairies are in charge of the underworld."
"The fairies of the spirits of the Dead."
"If you have many friends deceased, you have many friendly fairies."
"Evidence for the existence of fairies was good enough for courts of law."
"I've always believed in fairies and I remember going into the woods as a kid and talking to them for hours."
"I kept seeing tiny flashes of light out of the corner of my eye, darting around the garden, and I'm pretty sure it was fairies."
"I've always known that fairies were real, never doubted it, and even into adulthood, I can feel when they are near."
"I believe it's best never to feed the fairies to begin with."
"I knew deep in my bones, without ever being told, that we were only guests in their gnome, and it truly belonged to the fairies."
"It really brings your focus into the fairies."
"For thousands of years, some people in the Irish countryside believed in fairies."
"Do I believe in fairies? Perhaps I do."
"In this forest, we find many fairies, some are flying, some are sitting down."
"People have started believing in fairies again and there's a positive energy flowing."
"I finished Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of fairies, this was so cute, so whimsical, so magical."
"I loved this, this is the sequel to Emily Wild's encyclopedia fairies."
"Please send me your true fairy encounters stories or even your fictional ones. I'd love to read them."
"They are called fairies or Fair folk or the Fay, and they can be small or not small, some are said to have wings, some not."
"Most people are baffled at any suggestion that fairies might exist in our modern Western Society."
"The fairies like to be acknowledged because people so often overlook their relevance and their power."
"When those children come back and say they believe in fairies, you cry yourself."
"You have a strong bond with the fairies, and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature."
"Fairies live in a parallel reality as a secret Commonwealth with their own morals and own civilization."
"Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairy magic?"
"Your grandma used to believe in things called fairies."
"They have a strange orangish glow to them when they fly."
"Do the fairies want to hurt us, Daddy?"
"I'm just going to play it safe and keep leaving their gifts."
"I actually kind of believe in fairies; I definitely respect the little people with wings."
"We've turned them into fairies; they're invisible insect wings."
"Sky Dancers were the whimsical ballerina fairies with wings under their arms."
"O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She is the fairies' midwife."
"Oh my goodness, you know me and fairies, fairies and moons, and we've even got a butterfly."
"I've been obsessed with fairies since I was little teeny tiny and it hasn't stopped just because I've grown up a little bit and have kids."
"The main character visited the world of the fairies."
"I love fairies; they're playful, imaginative, a little naughty sometimes, and they're magical just like you."