
Phobia Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Social anxiety is basically like a social phobia, a fear of social situations, of socializing, of being in front of people."
"The number 13, believed to bring misfortune or bad luck, is even categorized as a legitimate phobia."
"Spiders are just an instinctual like nope [ __ ] thing for me dude no matter the size shape don't care spiders a spider dude eight legs no legs don't give a [ __ ] bro I hate them all."
"One man, who had stumbled upon the entity's full description, started developing acute thalassophobia."
"If you have lepidopterophobia, the fear of butterflies, then even looking at a monarch could be terrifying."
"My actual phobia is of huge waves, like talking like tsunamis."
"A phobia is an irrational fear against something that probably doesn't have the proclivity to harm you as much as you think it does."
"Water terrifies me. This giant liquid that covers 70% of the Earth's mass."
"They wouldn't go within 10 feet of the water, she wouldn't even put her foot in the water when we were up in Hillsborough."
"That phobia is so normalized and pervasive in our society that we might not even see all the ways it manifests."
"Aviophobia: afraid of flying or being in a plane that's flying in the sky."
"Claustrophobia: the fear of tiny spaces or cramped places."
"Faderaphobia: the fear of being forgotten, shared to a certain degree by all."
"Ever since then, I've been terrified of Barbie."
"George Washington was terrified of being buried alive."
"How else are you gonna make trip of phobia sexy other than to show some extra skin?"
"There is a strange thing, isn't it, what you're afraid of?"
"Why is Santa Claus scared of getting stuck in the chimney? Because he's claustrophobic."
"Do you guys have sort of like a phobia of indoor things now?"
"It's not bigotry, I think it legitimately is a phobia... you can't control it."
"Do you know where your phobia came from?" "Something happened or I remember something happening, though the doctors say it's not true, that it's just my mind coping with the trauma of losing three of my childhood friends."
"I have a fear of frogs and if frogs were there then I would bolt it and I would just go straight home."
"I will always be in fear of seeing another spider like that in this place."
"Astrophobia to me at least is not just a fear of space in celestial bodies but the fear of the unknown in the search for meaning in this universe."
"I'm scared to death of helicopters."
"Scared of clowns too, can't do the clowns, man. Say what you want about me, I can't do the clowns. Never taking my kids to the circus, my kids are 16, 14 years old, never been to the circus on my watch 'cause I can't, I can't deal with the clowns."
"I forgot to mention I'm terrified of crowds. I mean, it's bad..."
"I love the ocean, I have the anti of thalassophobia."
"The fear of Friday the 13th is called 'paraskevidekatriaphobia' or 'friggatriskaidekaphobia.'"
"Last thing you want is to be like, 'Oh, I'm terrified of beautiful woman's breasts' and then you wake up with 500 DMs like, 'Look at this, look at this,' which, by the way, is my phobia."
"I'm afraid of this damn clown. It isn't some person in one of my clown costumes."
"It tells you about haphephobia, the fear of being touched."
"I call this medical well I didn't call my my mentor and I guy Abraham coined it so I'm just using it but um you know there's a there's a disease that's taken part in you know most doctors holistic conventional doctors it's medical iotop phobia."
"I don't care about dying, but I fear that balloons - just balloons in general - or like balloons popping."
"Subnautica is ripe with so many aspects that make it so scary for anybody with thalassophobia or megalophobia."
"What am I scared of? Sharks. Sharks."
"It might be time to consider treatment for your phobia if avoiding the trigger affects your everyday life or causes you great distress."
"Vitko wants to help him yet his phobia keeps him frozen, and before he can think of something to do, a magic portal opens behind him and absorbs Vitko together with the megaphone."
"You'll be getting over a phobia or fear."
"Hydrophobic literally means afraid of water."
"If y'all ever think, 'Oh I wonder how I can scare this guy,' what's scary? The scariest thing to me in life is a rat."
"Chirophobia: the irrational fear of hands."
"Beneath the phobia that he had is a friendly universe he has never known."
"Anatidephobia is the fear that at any point, somewhere in the world, a duck or a goose may be watching you."
"It's amazing I never realized how much I didn't want a giant tarantula grim until just now so thanks."
"None of these sound good, but I would honestly rather jump down 1500 feet than get into an elevator full of spiders."
"Thalassophobia seems to be a universal fear, one that affects many people as such there are a lot of pieces of media mostly horror media that uses thalassophobia and the fear of the ocean in general in its scares."
"Submechanophobia: the fear of man-made things underwater."
"Thalassophobia: fear of the unknown."
"Death phobic in the extreme. Your dying is your life, and your refusal to know that is not life-affirming. It's life-betraying."
"Would you rather have Antiphobia, fear of being watched by a duck, or Cacophobia, fear of ugliness?"
"So many people are scared of this one. I don't know why."
"I have an irrational fear of someone grabbing my collarbone and ripping it out"
"I am absolutely terrified of getting stuck in football padding"
"I hate the dark, I'm afraid of it."
"...there was something there and now I can't use the subway or go down into cellars anymore..."
"Please remember this is both a preventative training plan and a corrective training plan if your dog already has a preexisting nail clipping phobia."
"Automatonophobia is the fear of ventriloquist dummies."
"I'm genuinely paralyzed by fear when I encounter a spider."
"It's the phobia of the anticipatory anxiety, if we're like getting very specific."
"Even as somebody without some mechanophobia, this game is scary. But I imagine it would be even more terrifying to someone with some mechanophobia, alone in this vast ocean of blood."
"I just discovered I had the thing called Thalassophobia, which is the fear of mechanical things underwater, no, it's not the fear of like fish and sharks."
"But my real big one that I'm terrified of is drowning"
"Now what phobia will will help you when you got your support alligator cuz now I have a phobia right if I'm sitting next to you in a plane and you got an alligator with you now I have a phobia your support animal is my phobia."
"I'm scared of statues, bro. I genuinely think that they might just come alive."
"Heights and big waves I'm really scared of big waves."
"This is why you never mock someone's phobias. Karen, I am a grocery store cashier for a very small chain in Southeastern Michigan... I have a serious spider phobia... I see a spider, one of my brothers has to come rescue me."
"I actually have a fear of people chasing me up the stairs no joke."
"One of the most common phobias takes its name from the Latin cloud strong meaning a closed place thus claustrophobia is an abnormal dread of being kept in a confined space."
"It's not a phobia, you're just an."
"My biggest fear of all time is Heights and my second biggest fear is roller coasters they kind of do mixed together because in roller coasters comes Heights I'm absolutely terrified right now."
"Dan's girlfriend is scared of beans, that's what I was saying."
"Overcoming my phobia and doing the free diving is gonna open me new horizons."
"One thing about me is one of my greatest fears in life is deep water."
"There are movies that make you realize that you have a phobia that you've never thought you've had."
"My biggest fear is getting buried alive."
"I'm claustrophobic okay, you're on very dangerous territory."
"I've always had a deathly fear of dead bodies."
"There are some very scary things in my own bedroom: the spider in the corner, that thing in my closet, the absolute mountain of used crusty tissues between the wall and my bed. I, uh, I have allergies."
"I think everyone's afraid of clowns."
"Forget being afraid, they are terrified of commitment."
"A fear of something is one thing, but when you have a phobia of something, that's on a whole different level, that's on a whole different platform."
"It takes a lot of pain to counteract that kind of phobia."
"I think I became afraid of heights because I almost fell off a building once."
"A lot of people are afraid of the dark."
"Some people are scared of flying or they are afraid of flying."
"Some people are afraid of sharks."
"Some people are afraid of being touched."
"Now I know that I'm not scared of bridges or heights, that the phobia has gone. I can do this."
"I'd always had a crippling fear of the dark."
"Oh Jesus, I have a total fear of heights."
"If these images make you nervous, you might have submechanophobia."
"All her life, Mrs. Foster had had an almost pathological fear of missing a train, a plane, a boat, or even a theater curtain."
"I hope this video resonates with at least a couple of you because I know this is a popular phobia and a very common anxiety to have."
"A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear, therefore it's a type of anxiety disorder."
"The Hydrophobia develops; it's not something that's innate or natural."
"The whole point of me documenting this experience is going to be hopefully to help somebody who has a fear of flying as well."
"Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic."
"I'm so afraid of thunderstorms, whenever I hear rumbles of thunder, I seek shelter immediately."
"All human phobias, except for two which are congenital, are acquired throughout a person's lifetime."
"By definition, if you suffer from acrophobia, of what are you afraid?"
"I've got a real bad fear of elevators, y'all, but it's okay. I've been taking steps to avoid it."
"Yeah, that's my fear, getting buried alive and dying that way because it's such a slow gruesome process."
"I think the weirdest like phobia that I have... that's orcas. I have always had this thing with orcas where they just genuinely terrify me."
"A phobia is an exaggerated and irrational anxiety response to something that you don't need to be anxious of."
"The best way you can describe true separation anxiety in a dog's perspective is that it would be like somebody that has a true phobia of spiders."
"People scare me more than ghosts."
"I just don't like flying that much, I get scared."
"Specific phobias are the easiest to treat and good results can be achieved with even one session."
"I don't think I'll ever be able to be alone in a dark room with a mirror ever again."
"That's one of my bigger fears, actually, speed."
"The irony of phobia is that the price of managing anxiety by investing a substitute out there to protect against something in here is that the world out there gets smaller and smaller."
"Adele Goodman is not afraid of anything, except spiders, of course."
"I have a kind of a fear of escalators anyway."
"In avoiding the trauma vortex, we constrict and become phobic, we do not allow ourselves to experience the fullness of what we are inside or what there is outside."
"I think spiders scare people more than any other creature on the planet."
"Phobias are very much a real thing and you can't help what scares you."
"It was really, really good. That one kind of plays on my fear of like those machines."
"That is so terrifying, I think that's like my biggest irrational fear."
"I'm terrified of elevators. I'm gonna start taking steps to avoid them."
"I still have nightmares about getting stuck in an elevator."
"I am now a 22-year-old man, absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and rainstorms."
"Post-traumatic stress disorder... is a phobia of a memory."
"Are you scared of space? I'm scared of the deep ocean."
"Many of us harbor at least one secret irrational fear, a phobia."
"Anatidaephobia is the fear that at any point, somewhere in the world, a duck or goose may be watching you."
"I'm scared of clowns and other things, but like, castles freaking out."
"Nyctophobia, the doctors always called it, fear of the dark."
"I hate needles, that's probably one of my biggest fears."
"What would you hate if you were xenophobic?" "Foreigners, anything foreign."
"I'm definitely afraid of airplanes."
"I'm a bit scared of like deep down the sea."
"Ever since I was younger, I've always had quite a blood phobia of being sick."
"People absolutely fear especially venomous snakes."
"I'm definitely afraid of spiders, bugs, ticks, and some children."
"My biggest fear is to die by drowning."
"If you believe that you have learnt to fear spiders, maybe you can unlearn it."
"The irrational fear of the number 13 has been given a scientific name: triskaidekaphobia."
"When people saw a real spider, they were significantly more anxious than when they saw a picture of a spider."
"The fear of hearing a balloon pop."
"That's a strange fear, balloon phobia."
"Some people fear clowns, and even some people still in their old age... that killer clown from outer space did it for me."
"Honey, I am not scared of anything except roaches."
"Specific phobia is characterized by a marked and persistent fear of a specific object."